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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

STAR, n.1 Also staur (Lnk. 1929 Hamilton Advert. (23 March)); ster (Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.); stor (Sh. 1906 T. P. Ollason Spindrift 114–5); staar. For other Sc. usages see Starn, n1. [stɑr; s.Sc. stær]

Sc. forms of Eng. star.Sc. 1979 T. S. Law in Joy Hendry Chapman 23-4 (1985) 81:
... or the staurs can skinkle in time wi the singin o the wuins ...
Sh. 1991 William J. Tait in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 45:
Whaar my niest stramp mycht faa, what rod
My wilt stravaigin fit mycht tak,
A feddir in a mirkabrod;
Whin every waa at croes me in
Rins tae hits aishins i da staars
Lnk. 1997 Duncan Glen Seventeen Poems 9:
The staurs are bricht in a daurk black sky
and the mune castin lang hidin shadows.

Sc. usages in combs. and phr.: ¶(1) star-glint, a shooting-star, meteor; (2) star-sheen, star light. Cf. obs. or liter. Eng. star shine, id.; (3) star-shot, = (1). See also Starn, n.1; (4) the star (ster) o' the ee, the pupil of the eye (Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.; Sh., Ags., Wgt., Rxb. 1971).(1) Per. a.1825 Donald and Flora (Jam.) 188:
The star-glint shoots.
(2) Dmf. 1878 R. W. Thom Jock o' the Knowe 52:
Now star-sheen, an' now blaze o' day.
(3) Ork. 1773 P. Ork. A.S. (1924) II. 50:
Those the Country people call starshots, which every night (according to the weather) are seen sparkling thro' the sky.

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"Star n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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