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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

STORE, n., v. Sc. usages:

I. n. 1. As in †Eng., farm-stock reared or bought in for breeding or fattening. Sc. combs.: (1) store-ferm, -farm, a farm, gen. in the hills, on which sheep are reared and grazed (Sc. 1808 Jam.; Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.; sm., s.Sc. 1971). Hence store-farmer, one who runs such a farm; (2) store-master, = store-farmer above (Sc. 1825 Jam.); (3) store-room, a sheep-farm. See Room, n.1, 7.(1) Arg. 1771 Caled. Mercury (18 March):
The lands [of Ardnamurchan] are also very proper for sheep store farms.
Sc. 1808 R. Forsyth Beauties Scot. V. 271:
The store-farmer, who rears the sheep.
Sc. 1848 J. Logan Gael. Gatherings 76:
The Store farmer now occupies the place of the very superior order of tenants called Tacksmen.
Sc. 1855 H. Stephens Bk. of Farm I. 241:
Much difference of opinion exists among store-farmers and shepherds on this point.
(2) Sc. 1732 T. Boston Crook in the Lot (1773) III. 138:
The store-master [waits] for what he calls year-time, when he draws in the produce of his flocks.
sm.Sc. 1766 Caled. Mercury (12 Feb.):
The Store-masters or Farmers and possessors of sheep grounds.
Dmf. 1797 R. Heron Scot. Described 47:
On the mountains the farmers are generally shepherds — or, as they call themselves, storemasters.
(3) Lnk. 1758 Session Papers, Porteous v. Maccaul (24 July) 1:
Allowing the Sheep to pasture on each other's Ground, which must frequently happen in contiguous Store-rooms of this kind.
Ayr. 1761 Edb. Mag. (Feb.) 62:
The parish is mostly mountainous, and consists of the following store-rooms.

2. The basis of old yeast from which a new supply is grown.Sc. 1700–3 Foulis Acct. Bk. (S.H.S.) 273, 335:
For store for the eall . . . 7s 0d. To bring store to the eall . . . 6s 0d.
Gsw. 1886 Sc. Bakers' Year Book (1948) 73:
The store was the quantity of mature barm that was planted in the fresh medium which had been prepared for growing new barm or yeast.

3. the Store, the local cooperative society shop. Also store book, a cooperative society shop book. Comb. store-hoarse, a horse used by a cooperative society, often a clumsy old animal. Hence Phrs. (1) pech like an auld store hoarse, to pant heavily; (2) Ah'd raither wait for the store-hoarse, I'd rather kiss anyone but you.Edb. 1938 Fred Urquhart Time Will Knit (1988) 57:
If you needed any messages from the Store you had to wait till Meg came walking in sedately and placed her bag in the corner by the fire.
Gsw. 1972 Molly Weir Best Foot Forward (1974) 161:
I wondered if our tenement wives would like that, though, for they seemed to enjoy handling money, and wouldn't have trusted their husbands not to spend the rent money or the money for the store book on drink.
m.Sc. 1989 Martin Bowman and Bill Findlay The Guid Sisters 42:
Aw, who d'ye think yir kiddin! Ye wur pechin an blawin like an auld store-hoarse.
Fif. 1991 William Hershaw in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 169:
It blaws aff the Forth and ower the Links,
Past the butcher's, the bookies, the pub and the Store,
Rnf. 1993 History on your Doorstep, The Reminiscences of the Ferguslie Elderly Forum 30:
Sometimes you were that poor you had to get a loan of somebody's store book, on a Thursday, it was what you called the turn of a leaf.
Edb. 1994:
'Gie's a kiss!' 'Naw, Ah'd raither wait fur the store hoarse.'
Sc. 2000 Herald 27 Mar 24:
The next floor takes you into the twentieth century, and all Edinburgh life seems preserved here, with every conceivable artefact highlighting the daily working experience of the docks, breweries, hotels and shops. The reconstructed wartime kitchen comes complete with Acme wringer and clothing coupons, while the steamie, the store and a tearoom all evoke the past.
Edb. 2004:
Ma mither still gets aw her messages fae the store.
Edb. 2004:
Ah'd wait fur the store hoarse afore Ah'd kiss him.
Edb. 2005:
Naebody wid have dared tae touch ma mither's store book.
w.Lth. 2005:
She has an arse like a store horse.

II. v. †1. To cover (land) with grazing animals, to stock with sheep.Abd. 1725 W. Macfarlane Geog. Coll. (S.H.S.) I. 103:
The Hill of Fair, stored with a great many weathers that stay in it summer and winter.

2. To keep (a breed or lineage) going, to reproduce (a stock of animals). Now obs. exc. in phr. to store the kin (and erron. kiln), to keep the human race in existence sc. by living on, fig. to survive, to keep going, to last out in gen., usually in neg. expressions (Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 183; ne.Sc., Ags. 1971). See also Kin, Kill, n.Abd. 1880 G. Webster Crim. Officer 80:
The beggar wan on to the coonty police aifterhin, but of coorse didna store the kin' lang there either.
Abd. 1909 C. Murray Hamewith 90:
Content gin mony towmonds still we're left to store the kin.
Kcd. 1932 L. G. Gibbon Sunset Song (1937) 185:
She'd soon see the end of old Guthrie's silver. . . . It was plain that the quean wouldn't store the kiln long.

3. To win all the marbles in a game from (an opponent), to rook.Kcb. 1921 T.S.D.C.:
I stored him, I'm stored.

[O.Sc. stoir-master, stock-master, 1556, stoir-rowme, 1627.]

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"Store n., v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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