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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

SUIT, v., n.1 Also Sc. forms †sute; seut (Ork. 1880 Dennison Sketch-Bk. 22); seet (ne.Sc. 1884 D. Grant Lays 27). For other forms see Shoot. [I., m. and s.Sc. søt, sɪt; ne.Sc. ‡sit. See P.L.D. §§ 37, 128.]

I. v. 1. Sc. Law: to ask for, claim or crave in a court of law.Sc. 1710 Nairne Peerage Evidence (1874) 45:
Sufficient to suite execution hereupon at the said term of payment.
Ags. 1721 Private MS.:
Which they may any wayes ask suit or claim of the law.

2. To please, satisfy, freq. in pa.p. suitit, pleased. Gen. (exc. I.) Sc. Also in Eng. dial.Dmf. 1917:
She's no suitit, i.e. is displeased.
Ork. 1952 R. T. Johnston Stenwick Days (1984) 37:
"I dinno see whit wey I shid sterve mesel cheust tae seut Tam," she said sullenly. "If he disno want me thir's plenty whar dis."
Abd. 1969:
He wisna owre sair suitit aboot it. That didna suit him and he gaed aff in a bung.

3. With pers. subject: to look becoming in a dress, colour, etc. Gen.Sc. In Eng. the person is the object of the v.Sc. 1929 R. Masson Use of Eng. 46:
Scottish inversion, very common — “She suits pink” for “pink suits her,” etc.
Sc. 1956 Scotsman (23 Jan.) 6:
Of a hat — always in Scotland, “You suit it,” never the correct “It suits you.”

4. In comb. suit-stock, seed- (for ne.Sc. seet), a joiner's bevel. See also Shoot, v., 2.Abd. 1769 Broadland Roup MS. (Record Office):
The said Squares, Gage and seed Stock. . . 2d.

II. n. As in Eng.: (the obligation of a tenant to give) attendance at the court of his baron or lord or of the King or his sheriff. Comb. suit-roll, a list of persons so bound to any court; phr. to call the suits, to call the names or designations of such persons at a session of such a court. Hist.Sc. 1706 Arch. and Hist. Coll. Ayr. & Wgt. IV. 219:
Court fenced. Sutes lawfully called.
Sc. 1710 Descr. Sheriffdom Lnk. (M.C.) 6:
The methode followed in the sute roll of the shyre.
Abd. 1715 Burgh Rec. Abd. (B.R.S.) 352:
The sute roll of the haill burgers of gild and free craftsmen wes called.
Sc. 1924 Sc. Hist. Review XXI. 107:
The Suit-rolls of 1617–20, the earliest Orkney suit-rolls extant. These rolls give a list, parish by parish, of all the landowners who at that time had to render suit and presence for their lands at the three head courts.
Sc. 1928 Sheriff Ct. Bk. Fife (S.H.S.) lxxiv., lxxvi.:
Each suit was paid for a definite piece of land. All suits were called by the lands. . . . The suits were clearly called from the ordinary suit-roll.

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"Suit v., n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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