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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

TEIND, n.1, v.1 Also teend, teynd, tiend, tind; tein (Arg. 1725 F. F. Mackay Carskey Jnl. (1955) 69), teen (Ayr. 1889 H. Johnston Glenbuckie 100), †tean. [tin(d). See D, letter, 2.]

I. n. 1. A tenth part of anything. Liter. or arch.Ags. 1881 Arbroath Guide (30 July) 4:
A teind o' what's spread out belive.

2. Now gen. in pl. in Sc. Church Law: the tenth part of the produce of land or industry set apart by the state for the support of religion according to the Mosaic Law (Leviticus xxvii. 30), a tithe; now, in Scot., a tax or levy on land, gen. with respect to individual parishes, standardized by the Act of 1925, payable by the owner to the Church of Scotland, as the established Church, and transferred to the parish minister as part of his stipend. After the Reformation, the teinds were annexed to the Crown by James VI and granted to various secular owners, called Titulars or Lords of Erection, subject only to a competent provision for the clergy. By various subsequent enactments the claims were restricted to grain crops, regularised in amount by valuation with provision for augmentation and commutation, and, from 1808, made payable in cash only (see also combs. below). The teind duty was freq. transferred from the landowner to his tenant as an extra charge to his rent. Hence adj. teindable, of land; liable for payment of teinds. Gen.Sc.Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Treatise on Churchlands 289:
All other Teindable Subjects in Scotland.
Sc. 1710 Sheriffdom Lnk. & Rnf. (M.C.) 29:
The teinds of the parish belongs to the Colledge of Glasgow, attour the minister's stipend.
Arg. 1725 F. F. Mackay Carskey Jnl. (1955) 69:
The Soume of Twenty and four pounds Scots in full of the Silver Rent tein & brocks payable be him for Crop.
Sc. 1745 Earls Crm. (Fraser 1876) II. 310:
Recastle, who is very much burden'd yearly in the teind, should not be burden'd in building the kirk for them.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 5:
By the practice of Scotland, the teinds of animals, or of things produced from animals, as lambs, wool, calves, are due, tho' not accustomed to be paid.
Inv. 1774 I. F. Grant Old Highl. Farm (1924) 240:
One Drumstank ower and above the teen . . £20.
Mry. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 IV. 84:
In some parts of this parish the teinds are drawn in kind, that is, the tenth shock or sheaf is carried off the field before the corns are stacked.
Fif. 1807 J. Grierson Delineations St Andrews (1838) 112:
The lnd called the Prior Acres is now in the hands of various proprietors and tenants, but the Exchequer uplifts the teinds of it.
Sc. 1818 Scott Bride of Lamm. xii.:
He had got his presentation from the late lord, but they had quarrelled about tiends.
Fif. 1832 Fife Herald (14 June):
The planted park is valued at £2 10s. sterling, but is found not to be Teindable.
m.Sc. 1842 A. Rodger Stray Leaves 6:
When they cry out, ‘The Kirk! , 'tis the teinds they've in view, For they watch o'er their flocks just for sake o' the woo'.
Sc. 1889 Scots Mag. (Feb.) 207:
A fifth of valued teindable rental was long ago fixed in practice as a fair equivalent for the teinds.
Ayr. 1889 H. Johnston Glenbuckie ix.:
Listening to lang sermons, payin' teens, and a' the rest.
Lth. 1894 P. H. Hunter J. Inwick 114:
To gaither a congregation an' keep things gaun' wantin the teinds.
Rxb. 1924 Kelso Chronicle (25 July) 4:
The teinds of the lands being still unvalued he was desirous of having them truly and lawfully valued. . . . The mansion house, cottages, joiner's shop, smithy and yard, which were not teindable.
Sc. 1928 A. Birnie Hist. Teinds 39:
The teinds were recognised as the property of the Church, held in trust for them by the titulars, but liable to be drawn upon at any time, if the necessities of the Church demanded it.
Sc. 1952 Scotsman (10 May):
In 1925 by the Church of Scotland (Property and Endowment) Act, the ministers agreed to have their stipends from teinds fixed or standardised at the average grain fiars prices of the county for the fifty years 1872–1922.
Rnf. 1962 Stat. Acc.3 260:
The present stipend of Lochwinnoch church is £600, plus glebe rent of £16. Teind produces £548 of this.

Combs. and phrs.: †(1) boat(s) teind, a tithe levied on fishing-boats; (2) boo teind, see Boo, 2.; †(3) calf-teind, a tithe payable in money, due on every calf (Sh. 1743 A. C. O'Dell Hist. Geog. Sh. (1939) 304); (4) Clerk of Teinds, the Clerk to the Court of Teinds, now gen. called Teind Clerk, See (7); (5) Commission of Teinds, one of several Commissions of the Scottish Parliament in the 17th c. set up to regulate the valuation and administration of teinds, replaced in 1707 by the Court of Session, though the old name survived for some considerable time. See (7). Hence Commissioner of Teinds; †(6) corn teind, a tithe levied on the corn crop, orig. consisting of every tenth sheaf, but later commuted to payment in butter, oil or money (Sh. 1934 W. Moffat Shetland 125); (7) Court of Teinds, the Court of Session, acting in its capacity as the successor of the Commissions of Teinds (see (5)). Also called Teind Court; †(8) cow teind, a tithe levied on cows, which was paid in butter (Sh. 1934 W. Moffat Shetland 126); (9) drawn teind, every tenth sheaf of corn drawn or carried off as a tithe from the cut corn on the harvest-field, a practice continuing in some parishes where the teinds had not been valued, till the 19th c. Cf. (6). Hist.; (10) erected teinds, teinds granted by the Crown to secular proprietors after the Reformation. See Erection; (11) exhausted teinds, valued teind (see (50)) already fully appropriated to the payment of a parish minister's stipend and so leaving no surplus from which the stipend might be augmented (see (13)). Teind not wholly appropriated is said to be unexhausted; (12) fish teinds, teind payable in kind or cash by boats fishing from a harbour in certain parishes. Cf. (28); (13) free teind, such part of the teind in any parish as has not been allocated to the minister's stipend and is therefore still available to be drawn from to increase the stipend. “It consists of the difference between the amount of the old stipend presently payable and the valued teind, if valued, or one-fifth of the fair agricultural value of the lands at the time, if unvalued” (Sc. 1896 W. K. Morton Manual 163); (14) great teinds, the teind of grain, = (16). Cf. (19). Hist.; (15) lamb teind, the payment of every tenth lamb as a tithe (Sh. 1743 A. C. O'Dell Hist. Geog. Sh. (1939) 304); (16) parsonage teind, that part of the teind under plurality of benefices in pre-Reformation times appropriated to the stipend of the parson of a parish as opposed to the vicar (see (51)), by the usage of Scotland comprising the tithe of grain only. Hist. See also Parsonage; (17) predial teinds, teinds payable on land, as opposed to personal teinds, payable on the income from one's own industry or employment, which are not exigible in Sc. Law. See Predial; (18) sheep teind, a tithe on sheep payable in wool or money (Sh. 1934 W. Moffat Shetland 125); (19) small teinds, tithes taken from produce other than grain, vicarage teinds. Cf. (14) and (51); (20) surrendered teind, see quot.; (21) teinder and thirder, see (48); (22) teind barn, a barn for holding grain paid as teind, a tithe-barn. Hist.; (23) teind-boll, a boll of threshed corn paid in lieu of the teind-sheaves or drawn teind. See (9), (40) and rental-boll s.v. Rental, n., 2.; (24) teind clerk, see (4); (25) teind court, see (7); (26) teind-day, the day on which the Teind Court meets. See (44); (27) teind duty, the amount payable in cash as teind; (28) teind-fish, a proportion of the fishermen's catch or a commutation in cash paid as teind. Cf. (12); (29) teind-free, of lands: exempt from payment of teind (Sc. 1825 Jam.); (30) teind-geese, geese paid as tithe; (31) teind-holder, one who has the right to levy teinds, as by gift from the Crown, purchase, lease, etc.; (32) teind lamb, a lamb paid as part of tithes; ¶(33) teind-lifter, a collector of teinds, used in a satirical sense; (34) teind lint, flax payed as teind; (35) teind-master, = (31) (Sc. 1825 Jam.); (36) teind-meal, meal payed as teind; (37) teind-office, the office of the Clerk of Teinds, where teinds are registered in the teind-roll. See (4) and (39); (38) teind pig, a pig paid as teind. See quot. under (32); (39) teind roll, (i) the roll or list of cases concerning teinds to be heard before the Teind Court; (ii) the roll or register instituted by the Act of 1925 to be kept by the Clerk of Teinds showing the teinds of each parish and the liability of the several landowners for teind as stipend; (40) teind sheaf, every tenth sheaf at harvest taken as part of the corn-teind (Sc. 1825 Jam.). See (6). Hist.; (41) teind silver, the money paid as teind in lieu of payment in kind; ¶(42) teind skate, a skate paid as tithe. Cf. (28); (43) teind tack-duty, a sum paid by a tenant of land to one who has taken a lease of their teinds. See (27) and Tack; †(44) teind Wednesday, every second Wednesday set aside for meetings of the Court of Teinds, now changed to Friday; (45) teind wool, -oo, wool paid by way of teind on sheep (Sh. 1743 A. C. O'Dell Hist. Geog. Shet. (1934) 304, Sh. 1972). See (18); (46) teind-yard, a stack-yard used for the storage of tiend-sheaves. See (40); (47) teind yarn, a payment of yarn exacted as vicarage teind. See (51); (48) third or thrid and teind, a method of renting land, esp. in South-East Scotland, where the landlord or his tacksman provided some part of the stock and equipment, and, after deducting one tenth of the crop as teind, took a third part of the remainder as rent, making two-fifths in all (s.Sc. 1802 J. Sibbald Chron. Sc. Poetry Gl.). Hence teinder and thirder, a tenant holding a lease on such terms. Hist.; (49) titular of (the) teinds, see Titular; (50) valued teind, teind valued and assessed on application by the teind-holder for all time coming in terms of the Acts of 1633, replacing the older method of drawing teinds (see (9)), and so no longer subject to the fluctuations of the season (Sc. 1896 W. K. Morton Manual 163). In practice the valued teind was usually one-fifth of the rent assessed in bolls of corn or in money; (51) vicarage teinds, tithes taken from produce other than grain, e.g. of hay, the young of stock animals, dairy or vegetable produce, fish, etc., which in pre-Reformation times were paid to the vicar appointed to do the actual work of the parish in place of the parson or rector, and which varied according to use and wont between parishes, in later times being payable only according to prescriptive usage, small teinds. See (14) and (19) and Vicarage: (52) victual teind, = (6). See Victual.(1) Sh. 1743 A. C. O'Dell Hist. Geog. Sh. (1939) 304:
An other is the Boats Teind. Every Boat in Dunrossness, Sandwick and Cunningsburgh that goes to Sea to fish pays 2 £5 Scots of teind and every boat in the Fair isle pays 3 £12 of Teind.
(4) Sc. 1832 Session Cases (1831–2) 361:
The Court, after ordering a report from the teind clerk.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 378:
Clerk of Teinds. This designation is assigned to the principal clerk of the Court of Teinds under the Act of 1838, but the name in more general use is Teind Clerk.
(5) Sc. 1752 Records Conv. Burghs VI. 397:
Convenient offices for the principal clerks of session and clerk to the commission of teinds.
Sc. 1901 W. G. Black Parochial Eccles. Law 342:
All teinds may be valued by the Commissioners of Teinds.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 372:
The Teinds Commission, which began in the reign of King Charles I., or by the Teind Court subsequent to 1707.
(6) Sh. 1809 A. Edmonston Zetland I. 163:
The corn teind is divided between the minister and the proprietor of the crown rents.
(7) Sc. 1808 Morison Decisions App. 7:
Stipends of Ministers may be augmented by the present Court of Teinds, though augmented by it before.
Sc. 1816 Scott Antiquary xix.:
The interpretation given by the Teind Court in the consideration of such a clause.
Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 975:
The Judges of the Court of Session, who, since [1707], have continued to exercise the powers as a parliamentary commission, under the name of the Teind Court, or “The Commission for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds.”
Sc. 1888 J. Rankin Handbk. Ch. Scot. 354:
The judges of the Inner House of the Court of Session, and the second junior Lord Ordinary, comprise the Court of Teinds.
Rxb. 1916 Jedburgh Gazette (7 July) 3:
The Court of Teinds is the supreme authority in dealing with matters relating to questions affecting stipends.
(9) Sc. 1701 Morison Decisions 15736:
Drawn teind is more or less valuable, according to the nature of the ground.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 6:
The parson made his right effectual by drawing or separating upon the field his own tenth part of the corns, after they were reaped, which is called drawn teind.
Sc. 1928 A. Birnie Hist. Teinds 43:
If we assume that a piece of land yield 100 bolls of grain; then the drawn teind would be 10 bolls, leaving 90 bolls (which was termed the stock) to be divided between the landlord and the tenant.
(10) Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 9:
That a small interest should be reserved to the crown, out of all the erected teinds.
(11) Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 946:
The Commission of Teinds cannot decern for a stipend where there are no teinds, as in burghs, or exhausted teinds.
Sc. 1888 J. Rankin Handbk. Ch. Scot. 358:
The total value of exhausted teinds is £235,906 and of unexhausted £134,143.
Sc. 1928 A. Birnie Hist. Teinds 56:
If there are unexhausted teinds in any parish, the minister may apply for a final augmentation of stipend on the expiry of twenty years from his last application, or of ten years from the passing of the Act [of 1925].
(12) Sc. 1851 Session Cases (1850–1) 991:
Robert Scott, tacksman of the fish-teinds of the parish of North Leith.
(13) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 385:
If there be more free Teind in the Parish as will amount to eight Chalders of Victual.
Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 946:
Stipend consists of payments in money or grain, or both, varying in amount according to the extent of the parish and the state of the free teinds.
Sc. 1928 A. Birnie Hist. Teinds 51:
The periodic augmentations sanctioned by the Act of 1808 seriously diminished the amount of free or unexhausted teind in the hands of the heritors.
(14) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 289:
Under Parsonage Tithes, or Teind Sheaves, or the great Teind, I comprehend only the Tithe of Corn.
Cai. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 VII. 525:
The parsonage, or great teind, being the tenth sheaf of the tenant's produce, was also till lately drawn in harvest by the proprietor in some few places.
Sc. 1811 G. Keith Agric. Abd. 175:
The first was called the great tiends, and consisted of the tenth part of the produce of corn which was taken in kind.
(16) Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 360:
The designation parsonage teinds is still applied to the great teinds in every teind-producing parish in Scotland.
(17) Sc. 1707 Fountainhall Decisions (1761) II. 397:
There being little arable ground, and so few or no predial teinds in the parish.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 5:
Predial teinds are by the usage of Scotland, either parsonage or vicarage.
(18) Sh. 1884 Crofters' Comm. Report App. A. LII. 234:
The charge for sheep was originally 1½d. per head (called sheep teind, not rent).
(19) Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 5:
The small tiends of calves, lint, hemp, eggs, etc.
Cai. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 VII. 524:
The tenants paid vicarage, or small teind.
Sc. 1811 G. Keith Agric. Abd. 175:
The small tiends, which comprehended certain payments for cows or calves, the tenth fleece of the sheep, and one-tenth of the lambs.
(20) Sc. 1896 W. K. Morton Manual 164:
Surrendered Teind. — This means that the whole valued teind of lands has been surrendered or given up to the minister in a process of augmentation, although the augmentation granted does not exhaust the free teind. Its effect is that the proprietor, having fulfilled the utmost of his liability, has no concern with further actions for augmentation. He is not a party to such actions, and escapes liability for the expense of them. The minister himself becomes titular as regards the surplus received by him under the surrender.
(22) Sc. 1723 W. Macfarlane Geog. Coll. (S.H.S.) I. 311:
It hath a large Teindbarn belonging to the Estate of Crombie.
Fif. 1807 J. Grierson St Andrews (1838) 111:
The Teind-Barn is still in use, and stands a few yards to the south of this ruin.
Fif. 1885 W. Ross Aberdour 145:
Conveying the teind-sheaves to the teind-barns at Aberdour.
(23) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 362:
Whatever Favour in this Matter may be indulg'd to Ministers as to their Teind-bolls.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 5:
The parson, who was intitled to the teind of corns, made his right effectual, by accepting of a certain number of teind-bolls yearly from the proprietor.
(26) Sc. 1825 Scott Journal (7 Dec.):
Teind day; — at home of course.
(27) Sc. 1708 Morison Decisions 15653:
The whole teind-duties of the suspender's lands.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 11:
Where the proprietor insisted also for a sale of his teinds, the titular was obliged to sell them, at nine years purchase of the valued teind-duty.
(28) Sc. 1707 Fountainhall Decisions (1761) II. 397:
The teind fish of Leith and Newhaven belonging originally to the Abbacy of Holyroodhouse.
Ags. 1741 Arbroath T. C. Minutes MS. (14 April):
The Touns Common Good with the Teind Fishes due to the Minister were exposed to set by public Roupe.
Abd. 1773 Cal. Mercury (28 July):
The Lands and Estate of Peterhead with the Feu-Duties of the Town of Peterhead, and Teind Fish payable by the Fishers.
Cai. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 VII. 525:
Tenants on the sea coast paid teind and quatel fish.
(29) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 351:
Ministers Glebes are Teind-free.
(30) Cai. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 VII. 524–5:
Meat and teind geese, meat swine, and mill gault.
(31) Sc. 1808 Morison Decisions App. 14:
There is not a hint in the statute about giving any new right to the church at the expense of the teind-holders.
Sc. 1930 A. A. Cormack Teinds 129:
In leases, the heritors regularly transferred to tenants certain of their duties as teind-holders.
(32) Sc. 1761 Magopico 20:
His head mouldy, his tiend lamb and pig all scouthered.
(33) Rxb. 1922 Kelso Chronicle (19 May) 4:
Oh, wae's me for Queen Mary's Clerk, Teind-lifter in Smailholm.
(34) Per. 1785 Session Papers, Mercer v. Williamson Proof 11:
The peat-pits cast in the moss were used by the minister for watering his teind-lint.
Per. 1787 Session Papers, Lunan v. Williamson (5 July) 6:
The ministers of the said parish were in use of drawing teind-lint out of the whole rooms of the parish.
(35) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 404:
The Teind-master after Valuation is not bound to pass from his former Right or Possession in favours of the Heretor till he get real Security.
(36) Lnk. 1720 W. Hunter Biggar (1862) 55:
The haill tennents, feuars, and others, lyable to the Earl of Wigtoun, to pay moulter and teind meall into the girnall.
Arg. 1777 Session Papers, Ochiltree v. Lamont (26 April) 1:
The delivery of teind-meal is regulated by certain customary weights and measures, which vary in different places, and generally exceed the legal standard.
(37) Sc. 1893 N. Elliot Teinds 200:
A fire which occurred in 1700 in the Parliament Close, Edinburgh, in which the Teind Office was then situated.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 374:
The amount of the valued teind, which is recorded in the Teind Office.
(39) (i) Sc. 1825 Abridgement Acts of Sederunt (1838) 543:
Taking up, printing, and calling of Teind Roll.
(ii) Sc. 1925 Acts 15 & 16 Geo. V. c. 33 s. 11:
There shall be prepared by the Clerk of Teinds for every parish in Scotland a teind roll specifying in sterling money — the total teind of that parish.
Sc. 1933 Session Cases 613:
The preparation of a teind roll for the parish of Colmonell.
(40) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 289:
Parsonage Tithes, called Decimae Garbales, or Teind Sheaves.
Dmf. 1743 Trans. Dmf. and Gall. Antiq. Soc. (1898–9) 83:
The Minister draws the teynd sheaf yearly out of all aforesaid other lands.
Fif. 1807 J. Grierson Delineations St Andrews (1838) 107:
Conveying in the teind-sheaves from the prior-acres.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 359:
If the titular failed to do so, the owner himself, in presence of witnesses, teinded the corn and stacked the teind sheaves on the ground.
(41) Abd. 1714 Monymusk Papers (S.H.S.) 19:
Five pound, thritteen shillings, four pennies of feu and tind silver.
Sc. 1800 Edb. Advertiser (16 May) 312:
The following Feu Duties payable out of the said Lands, viz. . . . 2 bolls of horse corn, 40s. Scots money of teind silver.
(42) Fif. 1827 W. Tennant Papistry 13:
He'd sooner fling them back i' the sea Than gi'e ae teind-skate to the bishop.
(43) Sc. 1701–6 Burgh Rec. Gsw. (1908) 341, 397:
Teind tuck [sic] deuty upon the touns accompt. . . . Three thousand four hundered and fifty pound of teynd tack duty payable to this burgh.
(44) Sc. 1827 Scott Journal (1950) 352:
Being Teind Wednesday I was not obliged to go to the Court.
Sc. 1836 Lockhart Scott xv.:
The Teind Wednesday, as it is called when the Judges are assembled for the hearing of tithe questions.
(46) Slk. 1744 Session Papers, Emmond v. Magistrates Selkirk (19 June) 32:
The Deponent being upon the Top of a Stack in the Tiend-yard, at the Back of the Town.
(47) Sc. 1740 Caled. Mercury (1 July):
Several Services, such as tilling of Land, casting and leading of Peats and Turfs, Shear-dargs, Tiend-yarn, and many others.
Per. 1749 Caled. Mercury (7 Feb.):
Kains, Teind Yarn, Wool and Lambs, not rentalled.
(48) Rxb. c.1740 U.P. Mag. (April 1884) 156:
The said Wm. Legitwood was obliged to sow 40 bolls of oats, beans, and peas whereof the master was to have the third and teind shorn and set up.
Rxb. 1767 Craig & Laing Hawick Tradition (1898) 248:
Patrick Scot and John Gladstains paid the damage to the teinder and the thirder out of their own pocket.
Sc. a.1814 J. Ramsay Scot. and Scotsmen (1888) II. 191:
When a specific rent in money or victual could not be had, the master received a full third of the corn crop, after deducting the tithe. And hence it was called third and teind.
Rxb. 1873 Trans. Highl. Soc. 298:
A class of occupiers on the steelbow principle existed in Roxburghshire about 130 years ago who occupied out or led farms like the metayers of France, or the half-foot tenants of the Hebrides, and who paid as rent one-third or one-half of all the produce to a middleman holding the lands of the proprietor, and supplying a part or the whole of the stock. From this teind or impost they were called teinders or thirders.
Sc. 1879 Trans. Highl. Soc. 12:
In the Western Isles, this system developed a class of middlemen capitalists, who having taken large tracts from the proprietor, let it out to thirders or teirders [sic] for from a third to a half of the produce.
(50) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 339:
Unvalued as well as Valued Teinds.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. x. § 10:
He may be compelled by the titular, to infeft him in the lands, for his security of the valued teind.
Sc. 1928 A. Birnie Hist. Teinds 43:
The valued teind is either the drawn teind minus a fifth (in name of King's ease), or a fifth of the rent.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 373:
One-fifth of the agricultural value of any lands is to be the valued teind of those lands in all time coming.
(51) Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 334:
Vicarage Teind doth vary according to the Custom of places.
Sc. 1896 W. K. Morton Manual 160:
Predial teinds were either parsonage . . . or vicarage, arising from incidental produce, such as cattle, fowls, fish, etc.
(52) Sc. 1832 Session Cases (1831–2) 361:
Converting into money the victual teind payable out of his lands.

3. In a generalised sense: a toll, tax, levy, tribute. Phr. a teind to Hell, (the obligation to provide) a victim every seven years to the Devil from one of their own number or a substitute, imposed on the dwellers in the underworld, fairies, the spirits of the dead, etc. (see Scott Minstrelsy II. 208, Child Ballads (1956) I. 338).Sc. 1792 Tam Lin in Child Ballads No. 39 A. xxiv.:
Pleasant is the fairy land, But an eerie tale to tell, Ay at the end of seven years We pay a tiend to hell.
Abd. 1828 P. Buchan Ballads I. 242:
There's nane that comes to gude green-wood But pays to me a tein.
m.Sc. 1927 J. Buchan Witch Wood xvii.:
Every now and then they [witches] must pay such a teind to Hell.
Slg. 1932 W. D. Cocker Poems 71:
Wha looked to her for love's delight Maun syne pay teind to hell.
Sc. 1936 J. G. Horne Flooer o' Ling 60:
Hares tak their teinds o' the wimplin corn.

4. Transf.: an irksome imposition or burden of any kind.Rxb. 1821 A. Scott Poems 9:
Who, lingering sick, in youthful bloom, Is forced to keep within his room, A tedious teind.

II. v. To tithe, to take the teind or tithe of crops or other produce, to assess for teind (Sc. 1808 Jam.). Hence teinding, the assessing and collecting of teinds; also by extension, a tax or tribute. For a.1806 quot. cf. I. 3. For teinder, see I. 2. Comb. (48).Sc. 1705 W. Forbes Church-lands 350:
Generally Corns, Stirks, Lambs, and Wool are every where Teinded.
Rxb. 1707 Stitchill Ct. Bk. (S.H.S.) 157:
Ryots committed in tyme of Teynding.
Sc. c.1738 Ramsay Poems (S.T.S.) IV. 275:
Herds hae teendit a' the Corn The Sheep can get nae Strae.
Sc. 1787 Session Papers, Lunan v. Williamson (5 July) 8:
The minister teinds the lint, lamb, and wool of the whole parish.
Sc. a.1806 Thomas Rymer in Child Ballads No. 37 C. xviii.:
Ilka seven years, Thomas, We pay our teindings unto hell.
Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 981:
Where the cattle which it feeds are teinded.
Sc. 1894 Scots Mag. (May) 492:
All tea is taxed, and all land is teinded.
Sc. 1933 Encycl. Laws Scot. XIV. 355:
Contracts with titulars for the conversion of teinds, in order to avoid teinding.

[O.Sc. tendys, tithes, 1389, teynd, a tenth part, a.1400, to take tithes from, c.1520, North. Mid.Eng. tende, id., the phonology and distribution of the form suggesting derivation from O.N. tiunde, a tenth.]

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"Teind n.1, v.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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