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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

THROWER, n. Also througher; throu(gh)art; ¶throwal. [′θrʌuər]

1. In Mining: a passage made by the removal of coal from a seam worked stoup-and-room (see Stoup, I. 6. (1)); “a room driven between two levels or main-roads for ventilation; an end” (Sc. 1886 J. Barrowman Mining Terms 67).Fif. 1725 Hist. MSS. Comm. X. I. 154:
Evrie thrower be made exactlie opposite to the stoup which will support the roof the better.
Ayr. 1776 Session Papers, Fergusson v. Earl of Cassilis (12 Jan.) 19:
The pillars ought to be no smaller, nor the rooms or throughers wider.
Rnf. 1787 Session Papers. Coventry v. Speirs (16 Jan.) 10:
The coal-stoops are very irregular, and not set opposite to the throwals, which they ought to have been [p. 60: throwers].
Lnk. 1893 T. Stewart Among the Miners 46:
We came at last, however, to a “througher” to the rise.
Ayr. 1912 G. Cunningham Verse 70:
The stowin' o' throu'arts, or layin' o' swypes.
Lnl. 1925 H. M. Cadell Rocks W.Lth. 345:
The waste “rooms” or “throughers” between the pillars.

2. A passageway in gen., an alley.Ags. c.1840 Jervise MS.:
Put out the kye but dinna let them thro' the throughart — meaning a narrow passage between the barn and byre.

[O.Sc. throuar, = 1., 1645.]

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"Thrower n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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