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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1974 (SND Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

TOGA, n. Sc. usage: the scarlet gown worn by undergraduates, esp. at the University of Aberdeen. See Reid, adj., 1. (32). [′togɑ]Sc. 1874 N. Maclean Life North. Univ. 51:
Nothing has such a charm for him as his red toga.
Abd. 1955 W. P. Milne Eppie Elrick v.:
He donned his red ‘toga' or gown and entered the quadrangle of King's College.
Abd. 1964 Abd. Univ. Cal. 416:
All students are expected to wear the scarlet gown (toga) and trencher in all classes.

Deriv. togati,, students of the Faculty of Arts in Glasgow University who were obliged to wear a scarlet gown or toga. Hence non-togati, those students who did not belong to the Faculty of Arts and therefore did not wear togas. Obs. See Goun, n., 2.Sc. 1865 Gsw. Univ. Cal. 22:
They [the students] are likewise, for Academical purposes, divided into Togati and Non-Togati, the Students of the Humanity, Greek, Logic, Ethics, and Natural Philosophy classes being Togati or Gown Students, from being required to wear the ancient Academical robe, a scarlet cloak. Under the Non-Togati, or ungowned Students, are comprehended all those who, having finished their course of instruction in Arts, are prosecuting their studies in other Faculties.

[Lat. toga(ti), ‘gown(ed)'.]

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"Toga n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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