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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1976 (SND Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

WERROCK, n. Also weerock; wirrok; -warrag (Cai.). A lump or hard excrescence on the foot, variously explained as a corn, bunion or wart, a verruca (s.Sc. 1801 J. Leyden Complaynt 380, wirrok; Fif. 1974). Comb. stiennie-warrag, a boil, imposthume (Cai. 1921 T.S.D.C., Cai. 1974). See Stane, n., 2. (36) (ii) and also Warroch.Edb. 1838 W. McDowall Poems 154:
There's lang, conceited, Mary Hay, Who had a weerock on each tae.
Fif. 1899 Proc. Philos. Soc. Gsw. XXXI. 44:
“Ye've ower mony werrucks to get a man,” is a common saying.
Sc. 1935 D. Rorie Lum Hat 31:
Wull she? Nae fears! I ken the cut o'r fine! Thon airt'll niver gar her werrucks stoun!

[O.Sc. wyrok, id., c.1500, prob. a dim. form ad. O.E. wearr, a callosity, or Mid.Du. weer, id. cf. Warroch, Waur-knot. But there may have been some association with verruca from medical Latin.]

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"Werrock n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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