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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1976 (SND Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

WHITLING, n. Also whiteling and corrupt form whittering. An immature sea trout, Salmo trutta, one at the stage of development equivalent to the Grilse of the salmon (Sc. 1808 Jam.; Dmb. 1845 Stat. Acc.2 VIII. 184, whiteling; Rxb. 1915 Jedburgh Gazette (3 Sept.) 2; em.Sc., Ayr., Rxb. 1974), and attrib. as in whitling fly, -hook, -trout (Bwk. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 IV. 196). Also in n.Eng. dial. In 1834 quot. used fig. of a young boy.Bwk. 1761 Edb. Mag. or Lit. Misc. VII. 244:
Our trout, which you commonly call Salmon-trout. . . . They are called here Whitlings, and are certainly a distinct species of fish.
Per. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 Xl. 598:
Whitlings, which some fishermen say are young salmon, and which others reckon a distinct species of trout, are common in the Teath, in July and August.
Sc. 1803 Prize Essays Highl. Soc. 355:
It is a strong vigorous fish, of a bright silvery colour. It is therefore called the whiteling, or as it is commonly pronounced the whitling.
Ayr. 1834 Galt Liter. Life III. 77:
A recruiting serjeant caught, however, no fish in our parish, but only that whittering trout, Moses [a seven-year-old boy].
s.Sc. 1847 T. Stoddart Angler's Comp. 84:
On rivers like the Tweed or Tay, I recommend the use of a whitling hook.
Sc. 1887 Session Cases (1886–7) 652:
Salmon, sea-trout, whitling, and yellow trout.
s.Sc. 1904 H. Maxwell Brit. Fresh Water Fishes 253:
I shall therefore venture to define as the salmon-trout (salmo trutta) the fish known in Ireland as the white trout, in Wales as the sewin, in the greater part of Scotland as the sea-trout, but in the Tweed as the whitling.
Sc. 1931 J. Stirling Fishing for Trout 84:
Whitling are known as finnock in the north-east of Scotland, as herling in the south and as blacknebs on Loch Lomond.

[North. E.M.E. whiddelynge, id., phs. related to O.E. hwītling, the whiting, from hwīt, white, + dim. sufix -ling].

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"Whitling n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 13 Sep 2024 <>



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