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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1976 (SND Vol. X). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

WI, prep. Also we (Sc. 1726 Ramsay T.-T. Misc. (1876) I. 224; Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore 51; Edb. 1812 P. Forbes Poems 6); wae (Uls. 1900 T. Given Poems 147, w.Lth. 1908 J. White Pen Sketches 11; Ork. 1911 J. Omond 80 Years Ago 11); wey, wie; wui (Rxb. 1925 E. C. Smith Mang Howes 4); unstressed w'. Sc. forms and usages of Eng. with. See P.L.D. § 71. The form wee represents a coalesced form of wi (th)e, freq. in em.Sc.(a). Cf. weit [ < wi it] (Sc. a.1719 in Ramsay T.-T. Misc. (1876) I. 226). [wɪ, wə, w; stressed wi. The Sc. pronunciation of the Eng. form is usu. wɪþ.]

Sc. forms: Gsw. 1990 John and Willy Maley From the Calton to Catalonia 1:
Quick! There's a scramble in Parnie Street! The wee yin there's away wae a hauf-croon.
Edb. 1991 J. K. Annand in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 20:
Gif I had ae short simmer o sang
Wi hauf the beauty o thon flouer
In the snaw o eild I'd hap my tongue
And haud my wheest for evermair.
Abd. 1991 David Ogston in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 117:
The hinmaist fortnicht o my mither's cancer -
The cancer they could only hinner some
Wie radium - the days gaed bleezin by
In simmer heat that birsled skin
An powkit doon intae the marra o ye.
Gsw. 1992 Jeff Torrington Swing Hammer Swing! (1993) 16:
'Aye, dinnae think it was for sweepin carpets! But what'm I supposed to do wae it?'
m.Sc. 1997 Liz Niven Past Presents 14:
Efter, bledder taen oot an
Raised tae mooth,
It swelt gin till
They tethered it wae its thairm
An let it dry fur days.
Syne kicked across the yerd
Tae the boy, seik, scunnert.
Dmf. 1997 Nell Thomson Spit the First Sook 5:
The only toy I remember was a doll made from a black stocking leg and stuffed wae sheep oo! [sic] and brightly dressed.
Gsw. 1999 Paul Foy in Moira Burgess and Donny O'Rourke New Writing Scotland 17: Friends and Kangaroos 46:
An the men wey the stupit hats wey the feather stickin oot the side, big wooly sideburns coverin half therr coupons.
m.Sc. 2004 Daily Record 15 Jun 20:
'Haw, Jimmy, what's up wae your face?' and Jimmy will say, 'Aw, naw, man, Ah'm aw right, just a bit doon.' End of story.
m.Sc. 2004 Sun 7 Jul :
Jack: "Did you ever fight in the war?" Victor: "Naw, naw, carnage n' all that.
Running aboot wae nae legs, that wisnae fir me."
Jasper: "Running about with no legs that's about all I got."
m.Sc. 2004 Sun 6 Sep :
Chick Young, who was in Spain for the Beeb, was complimentary. He said: "See they Spanish senoritas they're gorgeous by the way, I think I'm right in wae this cracker who works at the hotel." "Yes, Chick, but what can you tell us about the match?"

Sc. usages: 1. where Eng. now employs a different prep.: (1) = by, (i) by means of, by the action or instrumentality of, after passive verbs (Abd. 1825 Jam.). Gen.Sc. Now only dial. in Eng.Rxb. 1704 Stitchill Court Book (S.H.S.) 153:
Each trie that shall be broken and eatten with beasts.
w.Lth. 1716 T. Johnston Bo'ness Sea-Box (1890) 44:
To a poor seaman taken with the Turks, 14s.
Dmf. 1755 Session Papers, Irving v. Irving (12 June) App. 5:
My Papers at Cove, being eaten with the Mice.
Abd. c.1782 Ellis E.E.P. V. 773:
I'm nae tae be aa ourgane wi you.
Sc. 1827 C. I. Johnston Eliz. de Bruce III. viii.:
I was scorned with the Lady Susan.
wm.Sc. 1834 College Album 134:
Wee sanny davishon was sticket wi a made nowt yestreen.
Kcd. 1844 W. Jamie Muse 154:
Whiles ye're frightened wi' the cat.
Mry. 1898 J. Slater Seaside Idylls 7:
Jane Ann, I'm affronted wi' ye.
Edb. 1900 E. H. Strain Elmslie's Drag-Net 12:
I was beat wi't.
Abd. 1912 A. R. Birnie Pig Charlie 16:
A'm gaun tae get measurt wi' the tailor neist.
Rxb. 1958 Trans. Hawick Arch. Soc. 22:
We were chased wi' the police.
Bnff. 1964 Banffshire Adv. (22 Oct.) 12:
He wis run ower wi' a trainie, peer chiel.
Ayr. 2000:
A got flung oot wi the bouncer. Wi daein this, ye'll win muckle praise. The kebbuck wiz eaten wi hungry mice.
Edb. 2004:
Ma wellies were leakin so Ah wis kept in the hoose wi the rain.

(ii) by reason of, through, as a result of, followed by the gerund. Gen.Sc.Rnf. 1824 D. Webster Rhymes 20:
Wi' hoochin and crackin' his whup, The youngsters around him came staring.
Sc. 1825 Jam.:
Wi' bein frae hame I miss'd him.
Cai. 1905 E.D.D.:
Wi' bein ill he couldna come.
Rxb. 1927 E. C. Smith Braid Haaick 8:
Wui no comin ben suiner, A've gaen an luitten the room feier oot.

(iii) by the conveyance of (train, bus, etc.) (Per., Fif., Lth., Ayr. 1915–26 Wilson). 1973:
He'll be here wi the five train.

(iv) through one's partner in procreation, by (one's husband or wife) (I., n.Sc. 1974). Obs. in Eng.Sc. 1803 Edb. Mag. (July) 75:
Mr Stark had been married several years to a woman, with whom he had four children.
Sc. 1933 Sc. N. & Q. (Jan.) 8:
According to Grosart, John Forbes had with his spouse Margaret Duguid an only son.
Abd. 1973:
She had a bairn wi him afore she was mairriet.

(v) according to (an account, description, explanation, story, etc.). See also Tale, 1. (5).Sc. 1824 Scott St Ronan's W. ii.:
Some can clink verses, wi' their tale, as weel as Rob Burns or Allan Ramsay.
Dmf. 1826 H. Duncan William Douglas I. 224:
He wad gang and reconnoitre, wi' his tale.
Rxb. 1925 E. C. Smith Mang Howes 4:
Mockreef folk that are unco smert. wui ther tale.
Abd., Per. 1974:
It was worth twa hunner poun, wi his wey o't.

(2) for, (i) usu. in neg. sentences to indicate inability: because of, owing to. Gen.Sc.Ags. 1821 D. Shaw Songs 29:
For gin they hadna claes, faith they cou'dna fecht wi' cauld.
Bnff. 1847 A. Cumming Tales 37:
Honest folk that hae the grace o' God about them canna get lived wi' thievin' heretics worryin' ane anither.
Per. 1915 Wilson L. Strathearn 109:
A couldnae git sleepit wi the lichnin, wi the dogs barkin.
Abd. 1992 Press and Journal 10 Oct 4:
"I'm aye needin money, Walter," said Flo. "John the barman's in the hospital wi his teeth, so I'm jist fillin in."

(ii) for lack of (Sh., Abd. 1974).Inv. 1743 Trans. Gael. Soc. Inv. XI. 345:
Young Invercauld is so pressed with time, that he could not stay two or three weeks.

(3) = in, in regard to.Per. 1899 C. M. Stuart Sabbath Nights 92:
It's me that's liable wi' the expense.
Per. 1915 Wilson L. Strathearn 77:
Whun a buddie's wrang wi thir mind.

(4) = of, in phr. to die wi. Gen.Sc. Obs. in Eng. exc. dial.Sc. 1847 R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes 287:
What did she dee wi'? Wi' a sair head!
Edb. 1856 J. Ballantine Poems 41:
The young hill-side lammies wad dee wi' the cauld.
ne.Sc. 1974:
The bairn near deet wi the fever.

(5) = to, (i) in greetings (Lnk. 1853 W. Watson Poems (1877) 206; Bwk. 1859 P. Landreth J. Spindle 58; Sc. 1881 A. Mackie Scotticisms 18; Sh., n., m. and s.Sc. 1974).Edb. 1844 J. Ballantine Miller xii.:
Gude night wi' ye a'.
Abd. 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xxxiv.:
Gweed nicht wi' ye.
Ags. 1896 A. Blair Rantin Robin 143:
Weel, gude-nicht wi' ye.
Dmf. 1929 Sc. Readings (Paterson) 72:
Guid day wi' ye.

(ii) with verbs of marrying, being accustomed. Gen.Sc.Abd. 1740 Session Papers, Fergusson v. Arbuthnot, State of Process 2:
His Mother was married about a Year thereafter with Alexander Gordon.
Ayr. 1787? Burns Joyful Widower i.:
I married with a scolding wife.
Ags. 1974 “Tam Thrum” Look before ye Loup II. 20:
Fo'ks wha had been lang accustom'd wi' kirks an' religion.
Sc. 1881 A. Mackie Scotticisms 18:
I am accustomed with that.
Lnk. 1895 W. Stewart Lilts 58:
No used wi' speakin' I'm quite herse, man.
Abd. 1935 D. Rorie Lum Hat 19:
Ye're used wi' gaun alane?

(iii) in phr. naething wi him, etc. but, = nothing in one's head but, no interest except (ne.Sc. 1974).Ags. 1857 A. Douglas Ferryden 83:
There's naething wi' 'im bit fill 'is belly.

2. In phrs.: (1) to be wi, to be even or quits with, avenged on. Obs. in Eng.; (2) with neg. aux. canna governing a verb of enduring or tolerating understood: not to be able to put up with (Sc. 1825 Jam.); (3) with aux. will, winna, followed by a verb in the active mood used with a passive sense: in accordance with one's efforts or inclinations, to one's satisfaction, at the behest of (see quots.) (Sh., Cai., Abd. 1974).(1) Rxb. 1825 Jam.:
I'll be wi' him for that yet.
(2) Abd. 1804 W. Tarras Poems 12:
Italian trills he cudna wi' them.
(3) Sc. 1825 Jam.:
That buik winna read wi' me. The horse winna gang to the water wi' me.
Ags. 1846 A. Laing Wayside Flowers 138:
My father wad lead wi' a bairn, But wadna be ca'd for the de'il.

3. For verbs of acknowledging with wi see Confess, Own, Tak, B. I. (16).

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"Wi prep.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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