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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

OO, pers. pron. Also ou. Also oor [ < oo are] (Fif. 1881 W. C. Honeyman Luckless Peter Pirlie 32). A form of the first pers. pron. we (Bwk. a.1889 Ellis E.E.P. V. 726; Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B., Fif., Lth. 1926 Wilson Cent. Scot.; Bwk. 1942 Wettstein; Rxb. 1942 Zai; Lnk., Dmf., s.Sc. 1964), also used for the acc. or dat. us (Rxb. 1927 E. C. Smith Braid Haaick 5), and combining with the aux. will in the form ool. [u(:)]Edb. 1820 Cockburn Memorials (1840) 376:
Weel Sir! ou're at the auld wark again.
m.Lth. 1857 Misty Morning 261:
Ou was a' aff our eggs.
Edb. 1862 J. Brown Horae Subsecivœ (1882) 285:
Jeems, . . . came round to me with his open gully in his hand, whispering, “Wull oo ripp 'er up noo?”
Lnl. 1880 T. Orrock Fortha's Lyrics 16:
I'll tell ye what ool better dae.
e.Lth. 1885 S. Mucklebackit Rural Rhymes 236:
Oo want to ken what 'e think aboot yer freend Mr. Hootsman's waddin'.
Slk. 1892 W. M. Adamson Betty Blether 81:
The laird was rale ceevil wi' oo.
Bwk. 1900 A. T. G. Border Reminisc. 32:
When dacent folk like oo are in oor beds.
Rxb. 1916 Kelso Chron. (24 March) 3:
Ou'll baith gang up and speak tae Jess, and ou'll a' be better folk.
s.Sc. 1938 Border Mag. (Sept.) 136:
That heidpiece belanged to yin that had mair siller than brains, like some that oo ken o'.
Slk. 1964:
Will ee wee this til oo? Will you weigh this for us?
Slk. 1991 Harvey Holton in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 131:
Oo'l wark wi oor wulls an ah'll hecht ye ma heid
fur foresworn oo are tae blance as brithers,
Dmf. 2000s:
When I wis wee oo leived mair than three mile frae the scuil at Dalton sae oo got tae gan on the scuil bus.

[The form though now regular in s.Sc. appears to have come in from em.Sc. (b) after the middle of the 19th c., and to have orig. from a form of we with a shift of stress to the first element, consequent vocalisation of w to u, hence [′uɪ] and later unstressing as [u], phs. also influenced by Oor, our.]

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"Oo pers. pron.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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