A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Cruf(e, Cruif(e, n. Also: cruiff, crwiff, criff, pl. cruffis. [Variant spelling of Crove n., Cruve n.]
1. A fishing cruive.(a) 14.. Acts I. 109/2.
Al thai that hes cruffis or fyschingis or stankis … in watteris 1425 Ib. II. 5/2.
That all crufis and ȝaris … quhilke distroyis the fry of all fischis be distroyit 1489 Ib. 221/2.
Anent the crvuis and fisch ȝardis … to pay for ilke cruf five li. 1495 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 402.
The fisching of the watter of Vgy … and the cruffis of the samyn 1509 Stirling B. Rec. I. 74.
The … biggin and recentlie insetting of certane cruffis in and throw the watter of Forth 1533 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 148.
Euery half nettis fisching of the raik, … euery saxt part of the cruffis Ib. 149. 1566 Prot. Bk. J. Drummond 69.
Crufis biggit … vpone the watter of Erne be eist the cobill of Forteviot(b) 14.. Acts I. 109/2.
Suilk cruiffis and the ingynys done wythin [them] 1587-99 Hume iii. 209.
The salmon out of cruifs and creils Up hailed into skowts 1614 Ayr Charters 147.
The twa cruiffis for taking of salmond situat upoun the dam of the said Nethir miln 1664 Conv. Burghs III. 574.
[Injury] to the burgh of Abirdein … by demolisching thair cruiffis and infringeing of ther privilegisattrib. c 1541 Fraser P. 177.
In … possessioun of ane cruif wall and cruvis within the samen 1542 Ib. 180.
Ane crwiff wall
2. A fold or sty. (See also schepe-, swine-crufe.) 1576 Oppress. Orkney 67.
Thair was ane lamb of the vicaris in the cruiff 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Creffera.
Hara porcorum, ane cruife, or ane swines cruif
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"Cruf n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/crufe>