A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Erldom(e, Erledome, n. Also: erlldome, erldwm(e; eril-, eryldom(e; eirldome, -doume, earle-, earliedome. [ME. erledome, erldom, late OE. eorldom. Cf. Ȝerledome.] An earldom. Freq. the erldome of (Mar, etc.).(a) 1391 Lennox Mun. 43.
[He] sal resigne vp in our lord the kingis hand al his erldom c1420 Wynt. vi. 738.
Flawndrys in hys dayis wes Relevyd till ane erldwme Ib. vii. 1083.
For the erldome wes lyand Off Hwntyntown than in till Ingland 1481 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 462.
The landis and toun of Harlaw liand in the erldome of the Gariauch c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 55/1.
Lyke to barnis that ar better content of ane appill than of ane wall-toune or erldome of land 1535 Stewart III. 495 heading.
How Donald of the Ylis come in Ros and acclamit the Erldome thairof 1538 State P. (Reg. H.) No. 24.
Landis … lyand wythin our erldwm of Marche 1543 Misc. Spald. C. II. 199.
That he and his airis suld resigne and our gif the said erldome 1581 Acts III. 248/1.
The erlldome of Levenax … with … rycht of patronage … of kirkis and chaiplanreis of the said erldome 1641 Ib. V. 596/2.
The … office of chalmerlanrie of the erlldome and lordship forsaidis(b) 1391 Acts I. 216/2.
A certane contract made … apone the landis of the erledome of Marre 1456 Hay I. 143/5.
The bischopis and othir clerkis, the quhilkis halds erledomes, baronryis, and castellis under fee of the king 1509 Reg. Privy S. I. 289/2.
Landis of Forthiletter … liand within the erledome of Buchane and schirefdome of Abirdene 1532 Treas. Acc. VI. 105.
To heir the propirtie of the haill erledome of Craufurde reasesit in the Kingis handis 1558-66 Knox II. 314.
The Erledome of Murray was bestowed upon him instead of the Erledome of Mar 1596 Dalr. II. 341/13.
At ilkie prouince, Erledome, or Shirrefdome, throuch the hail cuntrie(c) 1392 Lennox Mun. 46.
The Eryldome of the Leuenax 1554 Misc. Bann. C. III. 70.
How lang tyme … he had josit the said Erildom iustlie, wele, and onschoritlie(d) 1554 Misc. Bann. C. III. 69.
Thai Eirlis of Orchadie … succedit to the forsaid Eirldome of Orchadie 1618 Haddington Corr. 137.
Sir George Hamiltounis rights gifin be my sone to him of the eirldoume(e) a1578 Pitsc. I. 47/8.
The eldest [son] succeidit be taillȝie of the landis of the earledome of Douglas Ib. 64/2.
This Johne was … promovit to the earliedome of Murray