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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Golf-ball, n. Also: goulfe-, gouff-, gowffe-, goiff-, gof-ball; golf-, goif-baw, gouff ba. [Golf n.1] The ball used in playing golf.(a) 1585 Waus Corr. II. 341.
Ye will remember to bring with yow ane dossen of commoun golf ballis
1601 Treas. Acc. MS. 81.
Ane dosan of golf ballis
1637 Banff Ann. I. 78.
He sauld twa of the golf ballis to Thomas Urquhart
(b) 1598 Edinb. Test. XXXI. 322.
xxxij gouf ballis
1614 Crim. Trials III. 289.
I will bring with me … cannone billetts … brokkin lyke goulfe balls vpoune the castelle
1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III. 174.
Ane nomber of gowffe ballis
1642 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 286.
The said day [the council] grants licence … to John Dickson of making gouff balls within this burgh
1664 Carstairs Lett. 110.
Bid him send you a dussen … of good gowffe balls
a1646 Wedderb. Voc. (J).
Pila clavaria, a goulfe ball
(c) 1610 Edinb. Test. XLVI. 160.
Thrie goiff ballis at iiij s iiij d the peice
1612 Ib. XLVII. 123 b.
Fyve scoir tuell flok goiff ballis
1613 Misc. Spald. C. V. 89.
Jhone Allan, … convict for setting ane goiff ball in the kirk yeard, and striking the same against the kirk
1646 Edinb. Test. LXII. 10 b.
Twa dussane and ane half of gof balls
(d) 1545 Aberd. B. Rec. XIX. (J).
Three dossoun and thre goif bawis
1568 Edinb. Test. I. 153.
Thre dosan of golf bawis, price thairof xxiij s.
1685 Soc. Ant. LVIII. 356.
A lether pock with some gouff baes

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"Golf-ball n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <>



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