A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Grete, Greit(t, v.2 Also: gret, greite, great, gryt. P.t. gret(t, grat(e. P.p. gret. [ME. grete(n, OE. grétan.] tr. To greet, salute.(a) ?1438 Alex. ii. 3503.
Thow sall grete wele dame Fesonas a1500 Henr. Annunc. 42.
With mouth that gudely may to grete 1476 James III Misc. Spald. C. IV. 133.
Richt traist and hertlie belouete cousing, we grete you wele a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 172.
Weill gretis yow, lord, yone lusty in leid Ib. 399.
Our soverane … Gretis thé with honour 1545 Liber Coll. Glasg. 224.
Weilbeluwit cousing we greit you weill 1568 Q. Mary Misc. Spald. C. III. 212.
Traist cousing and counsalour, we greit yow weill 1591 James VI Ib. I. 4.
Traist freind, we greit yow hartlie weill 1594 Ib. 8.
Rycht traist freind, We gryt yow hairtlie weil 1603 Ib. IV. 160.
We great you hertlie wele(b) a1400 Leg. S. xxix. 659.
He.hyme met & thare ful frendfully him gret a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 377.
Athir vthir wele gret c1475 Wall. v. 974.
He with humylnes him gret [: met] a1500 Seven S. 1304.
He.halsit him full reuerently, Bot he agane full grevously Him gret 1513 Doug. xii. viii. 1 (R).
With siclike sermond athir vthir grett(b) 1513 Doug. vi. vi. 5.
First with sik bustuus wordis he thame grat Ib. xiii. viii. 1.
With sikkyn sermond athir othir grat 15.. Clar. iii. 884.
Ather uther grate with tendernes(c) a1400 Leg. S. xxv. 262.
Quhen that he … with hyme met, Rycht curtasly he has hyme gret