A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Hingand, Hyngand, ppl. adj. Also: hingan; haingen. [f. Hing v. Cf. Hinging ppl. adj.] a. Hanging, suspended. b. Pendant, drooping. c. Overhanging. Also, ? sloping. d. Outstanding.a. 1490 Acta Conc. 131/1.
A hingand laware, a butter plait 1493 Acta Aud. 171/2.
Thre lettres with thre hingand selis 1495 Halyb. 88.
ij hyngand candyllaris 1519 Reg. Episc. Aberd. II. 175.
Ane hingand irin chandillair 1542 Acts & Decr. I. 141.
Ane chimnay branderit with hingand gallowis 1571 Lanark B. Rec. 63.
Patrik McMoran to big ane hingan port of timer to the Castell port 1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 137.
With twa hingand duris and ane hingand lok 1607 Edinb. Test. XLIII. 201 b.
Ane hingand chandler with ane chawfer of bras(b) 1680 Moncreiffs 668.
2 haingen shelfsb. 1456 Hay II. 7/4.
The worthy anciene knycht … with a lang berde and langar syde hingand hare a1578 Pitsc. II. 17/21.
The earle Bothwell … was … sumthing hingand schoulderit 1582 Edinb. Test. XI. 247.
Ane blak ambuland naig … , ane gray hingand luggit a1585 Maitland Maitl. Q. ii. 16.
Thair furrit cloikkis, With hingand slevis lyik geill poikkis 1602 Tailor's Acc. Bk. 22 b.
iij ellis of bukrame to be wyre sleivis and to … wirk the hingand byslevis onc. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2806.
The mous beheld unto hir fronsit face, … , Hir hingand browis, and hir voce sa hace 1513 Doug. i. vi. 10.
Vnderneth the holkit hyngand rochis hie Ib. iii. iv. 40.
Vndir a hingand hewch c1500 Crying of Play 73.
The hyngand brayis on athir syde Scho poltit with hir lymmis wyde 1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 3.
His tenement … hes ane hingand stair toward the hie streitt … , under the quhilk stair thair is ane voyde 1536-7 Sc. Hist. Rev. VII. 360.
Becaus the saidis landis [of Drygrange] is a dry hard skalp ground and ane stanry hingand ground - 1637 Perth Hammermen lxii.
Ane hingand flour whilk hingis in the kirkd. 1507 Edinb. B. Ct. Bk. 41.
The hingand dracht of Knoxland
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"Hingand ppl. adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/hingand>