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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Plat, Platt(e, n.3 Also: plaite. [e.m.E. platte (1521–12), plat (1525), related to e.m.E. plot (see Plot n.1).]

1. A sketch of a piece of territory, a map; a plan or diagram of a building or the like, a draught or design. Also fig. and transf.1547 Cal. Sc. P. I. ii.
[On the west seas elsewhere than at Kirkewbarie or Sanct Mary Ile whereof I made the warden get your grace the] plattis
1552 Corr. M. Lorraine 358.
Than we dessyirrit them to mark in the plat … [qwhat] war ane ressonabil dewision and we swld do the lyik
1570 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) I. 83.
Al Galloway wilbe for the Quene [etc.]. … By this plat of the cuntrey it will easely appeir [etc.]
1587 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 497.
To consult vpoun … sum platt of the forme of the hows and quhat money micht do the sam
Ib. 498. 1606 Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Publ. I. 3.
To mak or caus be maid all sortis of playing cardes cartes mappis plattis
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II. 187.
It is hard … to resolve upoun the full nomber of cannon, bullett and powlder till the platt of the fortificatiouns be made
1663 Mylne Master Masons 148.
The survayes and plat [sc. for a new Holyrood Palace] meed by Johne Myllne, his Majestie's Mr messone
transf. 1513 Doug. viii. iii. 96.
This Electra gret Atlas begat That on hys schuldyr baris the hevynnys plat
fig. c1590 Fowler I. 91/123.
Togeather with the platt of peace imprented in your eyes

2. a. A scheme or design of the actual or proposed arrangement of anything. b. A scheme or plan of action in some undertaking.See also Lay v.1 7 for further examples.1545 Blackfriars Perth 171.
I … sall warrand … the said landis … fre off all … assedationis, assignationis, plats, seisings [etc.]
? 1545 Corr. M. Lorraine 135.
Thai ar begone to cast ane gryt fo[ussay about the ? ] thown of Carleill and makis ane plat for [reparation ? ] of the setadell
1570 Bann. Memor. 25.
A guid part of us saw the last yeir a certane plat vnder the forme of articles projected tending to this end [sc. association between Scotland and England]
1584 Reg. Privy C. III. 681.
[Adame Foullartoun … has lately] discoverit a plat and meane quhairby [etc.]
1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII. 346.
The secretayr … had sett down certayn plattis onto the king how he mycht preserve his stayt in obedience
c1590 J. Stewart 61/143.
Gif thow beheld him ons in to the face Vith speid thow vold repent thé of thy plat [sc. for single combat without a helmet]
c1590 Fowler II. 13/21.
In placing first his propositioun to the quhilk derectly I oppone a contrair plat
Ib. 151/28.
Vpon his deliberations, platts and proiects na newe prence can build his courses
Ib. 14/2. 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 112.
Gif thou find thine affection to be … out of rule, carrying the plat fra God and agains his lawe beware of it
1591 M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 230.
And thairefter we sall lett your lordschippis understand ane uther plat concerning the money
1592–3 Cal. Sc. P. XI. 39.
[Your majesty has learned of] the haile platt [of my errand under two heads]
a1599 Rollock Wks. I. 367.
This warld … hes bene occupied in counsels, in laying of plattis, in setting doun purposis and taking consultatioun
Ib. 373. 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xiii.
There hes bene two kinde of kirks in our Christian world (althogh now tyme and commodity of reformation may inueterat the platte)
1606 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 89.
Nayne can ather swa weill tak wp the drift of your maiesteis plattis … as he can doe
1609 Acts IV. 420/1.
I think best for oure platt that we meit all at my hous
1636 Re-examination of the Five Articles i.
Hee … drew forth of the English [liturgy] booke a plat in Latine and sent it to Mastir Calvin
1638 Dickson in Sel. Biog. II. 24.
Our doctrine will not let a man lay his platt upon Heaven that is not in the way to it

c. A scheme for some action regarded as nefarious; hence, contextually, a (nefarious) plot or conspiracy.1584–5 Crim. Trials I. ii. 140.
The plat laid be the sumtyme Erlis of Angus and Mar [for the abduction of the king]
1589–90 Reg. Privy C. IV. 465.
Brutis and rumouris alsweill of foreyne as intestine plattis and preparationis for the trouble of the trew and Christeane religioun
1590 Crim. Trials I. ii. 203. 1590 Burel Pilgr. ii. xviii.
Dreiding sum disastrus plat
c1590 Fowler I. 209/1.
It is thy plat and course, o mightye love, To trayne me to thy girns agane & snaire
Ib. II. 93/28.
Julyis secundis … perceaving the port to be oppned to all new platts & courses by which he might gather treasure
1594 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II. 252. a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 96.
He … past in France to adverteis the king and the Duc of Guyse of the plattis of Ingland and Scotland devysit to suppres the queynis trew subjects
1596 Crim. Trials I. ii. 396.
That Williame Bannatyne wes the wyte of all the maister of Orknayis plattis laying
1600-1610 Melvill 82.
The verie sam tyme was the platt a dressin against the Erle of Morton, na wayes … suspected of anie. Sa that the platt leyers wald haiff suspected a discoverie, giff they haid nocht knawin the man to be lunatik
1600 Misc. Bann. C. I. 176.
This wes ane laid plat for me
1602 Reg. Privy C. VI. 716.
Nor upoun na counsale nor platt aganis the trew religioun
1625 Garden Kings 19.
They his platts and policie suspect
Id. Garden 28.
Id. Elphinstoun 577.

3. A scheme of the actual or proposed distribution of churches and arrangements for their supply, within a particular area or over a limited period.1580 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 470.
That my lord clerk of register [etc.] … devyse a platt of the presbytries and constitutiouns therof as best appeirit be thair judgement
1581 Ib. 524.
Concerning Angus and Merns, report was made that the brethren had concurred, and layd a plat of the presbytrie whereupon they had agreed
1595 Ib. III. 850.
Every presbitrie … to direct a speciall brother … with a constant platt of the kirks within thair presbitries; and the said brether swa directed, with the commissioners forsaids, to conclude and put in forme a constant platt of thair presbitrie, and so furth to proceid, quhill the worke be wholie … compleit
? 1610 Orkney Rentals iii. 6.
Ane perfyt rentall of the B. of Orkney with the plat of kirks of the diocie thairof
1620 Reg. Great S. 770/2.
Et hoc secundum modificationes per dominos commissionarios, plantationem lie interim platt dict. ecclesiarum et augmentationes et explanationes per commissionarios novissimi parliamenti
a1634 Forbes Rec. 347. 1655 Argyll Synod II. 101.
The synod, finding that there are some roomes in Kilmichall paroach, that, according to the new platt pertaines now to the paroach of Kilmartine [etc.]
1687 Mackenzie Observ. on Sc. Statutes 177.
The old book of the assignations of ministers stipends and yearly plat thereof

4. spec. The scheme, first instituted by an Act of Privy Council, 1573 (1573 Reg. Privy C. II. 227–8), for even territorial distribution of churches, supply of ministers and provision of stipends, as appointed by a commission of Privy Council or of Parliament ‘for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds’.Also constant (also perpetuall) platt.(1) 1580 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 464.
To crave answers to the articles given in lately by the Assemblie to his hienes and counsell and if a delaying answer be given to crave that the platt be superceded till they receive the said answer
1589 Lett. Jas. VI to Bruce 279.
We recomendit to your cair the prosecution of this platt anent the sustentation of the ministerie
1597 Bk. Univ. Kirk III. 932.
Anent the platt and provision of stipends at every kirk
1622 Scot Course of Conformity 50.
By some the plat was embraced as a barre of brasse to hold out bischops
a1651 Calderwood III. 374.
For the better expedition of the platt
1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 237.
My lords design … was to possesse the incumbents … with gleebs conform to the present establishment all the kingdom over, as the plat and provision run by the kings appointment
(2) 1587 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 726.
As to the concluding of a perpetuall platt, the said brethren shall have power to conferr with the saids lords [sc. modifiers], and give their advice how a perpetuall platt may be established
1597 Ib. III. 928.
To give thair advyce … to his majestie anent the planting of every particular kirk within this realme; to make such overture as they can best devyse twiching the constant platt
Ib. 940. 1601 Ib. 969.
That the best way for the planting of the saids kirks is the furtherance of the constant platt for locall stipends to be appointit to every kirk within this realme
a1634 Forbes Rec. 365. a1650 Row 167. a1651 Calderwood V. 388.
There was also appearance of a constant platt for providing perpetuall stipends to all the parish kirks

b. The commission administering this scheme, or a session of this commission.Plat-server, ? one who acts obsequiously towards this commission in the hope of their favour.c1630 Hope Minor Practicks (1726) 18.
The thirds were distribute amongst the ministers in this sort. … The king and the queen past a commission … to a number of the nobility and ministers for meeting … at Edinburgh and for modifying the stipend to the ministers of these kirks which were planted; which meeting was called the platt and this platt sat yearly
1581 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 535.
Who sall awaite vpon the platt for modifieing of the ministers stipends
1583 Ib. 635.
That the Assemblie procure provision to ministers wanting both sufficient stipends and dwelling. A. Referrs to the platt
Ib. 656. 1589 Lothian and Tweeddale Synod 7.
That Mr Robert Pont … and Mr Robert Bruce awate upon the nixt plat for provisioun and planting of the kirkis and ministrie
1590 St. A. Kirk S. 662.
Quhill the nixt platt and ordour to be takin be his majesteis doaris for ministeris stipendis
Ib. 678.
That support may be presentle … gevin to Mr. Jhone Authinlek … quhill the nixt generall platt, that ordinar stipend may be procurit be the haill congregatioun to him at the said platt
1595 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 118. 1596–7 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II. 306.
That we haif grauntit ane commissione for the plat of this yeir
1600-1610 Melvill 7. Ib. 5.
The sam yeir 1590, meining my self to the plat, I gat fourscore pounds in augmentatioun
1606 Ellon Presb. 59.
The moderator [etc.] … are past south to the plat to travell for the provision of the kirks in the presbyterie
1608 Lett. Eccl. Affairs I. 151.
To the modiefiers of the nixt platt
1618 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 163.
Our commissionar at the platt
1622 Conv. Burghs III. 132. 1624 Ib. 164.
[Sir George Bruce, one of the commissioners] appointed be the lordis of the estaitt for attending the plantatioun of the kirkis, for his expenssis attending the said platt
1627 Rep. Parishes 30.
The provision appoynted by the plat for both, 740 merkis
Ib. 50; etc. 1630 Moray Synod 25.
The[t] he hes the extract of the plat
c1630 Scot Narr. 121.
The brethren appointed to sit on the constant platt
comb. 1618 Proceedings Assemblie Holden at Perth in 1618 (1619) 16.
The affirmative voters … either had their commissions procured by their bishops or else were … plat-servers for augmentation of stipends

c. Lords, commissioners, commission, of platt, modifiers of the constant platt, also once, the lord of the platt.For other titles of this body, see also Lord n. 17, and esp. Modifiar n.1602 Bk. Univ. Kirk III. 988.
That all the kirks of the prelacies be plantit with sufficient pastours and be provydit with competent livings as the modifiers of the constant platt [Melvill 548, plaite] sall think expedient
1618 Ellon Presb. 102.
To the locall stipend therof modifeit be the lords of plat
1622–3 Ayr B. Acc. 278.
[To wait on] the lordis of platt, [and] to se quhat modificatioun culd be gottin to the minister of this burgh furth of the teindis thairof
1630 Moray Synod 22.
His local stipend as it was modified by the lord of the platt
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I. 76.
The commissioners of platt appoynted in parliament
Ib. 74, 210. 1680 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 202.
The comissione of plat
To sollicit the lords of platt

d. Decreit, also act, of platt, (an) award of this commission. e. Be plat, by award of this commission.d. 1650 Brown Suppl. Dict. Decis. I. 468.]
[In the suspension … for six bolls victual, contained in the decreet of the plat 1618, for crop 1639
1649 Dingwall Presb. 142.
The provision of the kirk declared be the minister to be sex hundreth and twentie merks be decreitt of platt and thrie hundreth merks of augmentation
1672 Inverness Presb. 18.
The modr asked the minister if he hade ane decreet of plat and letters of horning
1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 248.
I find her liverentrix in my decreet of plat of the benefice of the parish of Wardlaw … 1644
Ib. 310.
When decreetes of platt were procured he gave localities of land to all his ministers and would not suffer … any exaction to be imposed uppon these platts of ground
a1688 Wallace Orkney 61.
By an act of platt … the several dignities and ministers … were provided to particular maintainances
e. 1660 Cramond Ch. Ordiquhill 15.
Tuo hundreth marks of augmentatione to the tvo hundreth marks quhich that kirk had befor be platte in anno 1618

f. Buik of (the) plat, the register of this commission.1600 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 172.
To insert a request to the lordis modifearis for inbuiking … him in the buik of platt and assigning him a sufficient stipend
1627 Orkney Rentals iii. 48.
The viccarage was set in lang takis as the buik of the plat will beare

5. The plot or ‘story’ of a literary work.c1590 J. Stewart 57/12.
[Muses,] Blaw in my braine sum of ȝour holsum air … to declair The present plat quhilk pithles I compone

