A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Prerogative, -yve, n. Also: præ- and -iwe, -ywe, -if(e, -yf(e. [ME and e.m.E. prerogatif (1387), -yf(e, -yue (15th c.), AF prerogative (1308), F. prérogative (14th c. in Littré), med. L. prerogativa (c 1115, Eng. 1293), L. prærogātīva preference, privilege, etc., properly fem. sing. of prærogātīvus adj. (of a ‘tribe’) first to vote.]
1. A right, privilege or power peculiar to a particular person or group of persons.c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1198 (D).
That forme aw for to kepit be That be meryt and dignite And the lawbour of ilk man Prerogative holdin be than c1420 Wynt. iv 1787.
This prerogatywe than The Scottis fra [the] Peychtys wan 1490 Irland Mir. I 148/26.
The merwalus concepcioune of hire blist sone in hire body was be foure wertuis and prerogatiuis 1494 Loutfut MS. 15 a.
And thairby suld be knawin quhat gret liberteis & prerogatiues suld pertene till sic a noble office 1528 Lynd. Dreme 466.
The auld poetis … Held Iupiter … principall … For his prerogatyuis in speciall 1531 Bell. Boece I 178.
He minist mony of thair prerogativis a1538 Abell 89 a.
Sanct Francis … in the luif … of … his nychtbur … prerogatife in myraculis kithin [etc.] c1552 Lynd. Mon. 927.
Heiryng of this prerogatyue, Sche pullit doun the fruct belyue … And eit of it Ib. 2218.
That ymage maid be mennis hand … had sic ane prerogatyfe That by his [sc. Baal's] gret power deuyne Wald eait beif [etc.] Ib. 4697.
Prerogatyffis 1562-3 Winȝet II 23/4.
To Christe allane wes reseruit that prærogatiue to explane it a1578 Pitsc. I 65/15. 1580 Hume Promine 121.
Welcum maist maikles mirrour, and A per se, With euerie princelie prerogatiue possest
b. A prior right or claim.c1420 Wynt. viii 471.
Gyve he be fwndyn in gre nerrare … He sall hawe the prerogative Ib. 519 (C).
That the fyrst get … Sulde haf swylk prerogatiwe [W. Suld gif sic prerogatiffis] Til swylk gret richtis successywe 1533 Bell. Livy I 42/19.
Thare was bot few persouns havand ony prerogative to be preferrit to vthir amang sa new pepill a1646 Spotisw. Practicks 195.
In respect it was legatum ad pias causas which should have a prerogative before all others. Yet the lords found that legacy no more priviledged than the rest
c. A special duty or requirement.1490 Irland Mir. I 20/9.
The fift prerogative is that orisoune suld be humyll c1490 Porteous Noblenes 173/24 (Asl.).
Nobilis are exaltit and has prerogatifis for to kepe faith and lif in to iustice
d. Freq., esp. after 1603, applied to the special right or prerogative of a sovereign.c1530-40 Stewart Maitl. F. clv 1.
Precellent prince haueand prerogative As royall roy in this regioun to regnne 1606 Acts IV 281/2.
The … estaittis … acknawleges his maiesties souerane authoritie, princelie power, royall prerogatiue and privilege of his crowne ouer all estaittis, persones and causes quhatsumeuir within his said kingdome 1607 Ib. 371/1, etc.
His maiesteis prerogatiue royall 1629 Fam. Innes 218.
Its lyk thay sell hawe ther will to muche to crube the kings prerogatiwe 1637 Johnston Diary I 275. 1650 Carstairs Lett. 75.
But that it is indeed parte of his prerogative royall
2. Precedence, superiority.1456 Hay I 270/27.
For be all lawis the law of nature has prerogatyf, and preexcellence c1552 Lynd. Mon. 360.
Ȝarnyng to haue prerogatyue Aboue all creature on lyfe 1560 Conf. Faith in 14.. Acts II 531/2.
The interpretatioun [of scripture] … nouther appertenis to priuate nor publict persoun nouther ȝit to ony kirk for ony preeminence or prerogatiue personalle or localle quhilk ane hes abone ane vther