A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Procedur(e, -o(u)r, n. Also: proceid-, and proceadeur; prosedure, -er. [F. procédure (1197 in Godef. Compl.), f. procēder Proced(e v., e.m.E. procedure (1611), -or (1671), -our (1687).] = Proceding vbl. n.
1. The fact or manner of proceeding with an action; one's conduct or behaviour in some business or affair. 1589 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 104.
Nather did thay [sc. the provost, baillies, etc. of Edinburgh] enter presumptiouslye in his court … nor used suche disordered maner of proceadeur as hes bene geven out or advertesed in England 1598 Edinb. B. Rec. V 225.
Better harmony betuix the saidis four regents in thair procedour and teacheing 1652 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 130.
[They] did approve the said deputies procedour of quhat he haid done in thair nam 1655
Ib. 147.
Discontent with his procedour in admitting non to the sacrament … till they sould offer themselues 1658 Glasgow Trades House 359. 1664 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 209. 1668 Lauder Jrnl. 187.
Which proceidur the Secreit Counsell then, tho summar, allowed of 1669 Inverness Rec. II 238.
Baillie Robertsone is appoynted to … meit ther with the remanent commissioners of the militia, and know of ther procedor, and report his diligence the nixt counsell day 1672 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 281.
For his contempt and irregular procedour 1679 Edinb. B. Rec. X 385.
That his procedor wes founded upon most frivolous grounds 1683 Wodrow MSS 4to XXXVII No. 6.
It wad be ane homologating of the enemies prosedure
b. An instance of this: A particular action, course of action, set of proceedings. c. plur. Actions, or deliberations with a view to action, taken on some particular issue.b. 1590 Cal. Sc. P. X 317.
It is trew … that … both we and our progenitours have tryed be experience a rigoreus proceadeur hes often rather moved nor repressed rebellions a 1590 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 136.
In respect of the decree of the Counsell of Trent, the Halye League and other lait proceadeur c1650 Spalding II 161.
And in the mein tyme [the King] gois wp and doun at his plesour, miskening the procedure of the parliament 1651 Johnston of Wariston in Laing MSS I 260.
I had neither commission nor acknoledge … of the procedor of the counsell of war at Sterlin Ib. 261.
Wherein I conceave thear procedor … cannot be demonstrat to be contrary to any published law of nations 1652 Nullity of the Pretended Assembly 9.
This their procedor is one erection of a popedome in the kings person 1660 Honours Scotl. 116.
I went and informed hir of the wholl proseder [which] she [approved] of 1697 Laing MSS I 484.
Sir, I thinck this a very summer procedourc. 1660 Conv. Burghs III 495.
Especiallie in the matter of the delay of procedouris in reference to Scotland till the cuming wp of the comissioneris
2. The fact or manner of conducting legal proceedings or taking legal action. 1602 Colville Paraenese Ep. 55.
Vhilk form of procedur gaue occasion once to a mirry man to say that in Scotland God had … lost his lyfrent for lying year and day at the horn a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 16.
The lords of session … may convict him [sc. the criminal judge] for inordinat procedur, and punishe him therfoir 1677 Lauder Notices Affairs I 150.
The king's advocat was much offended at the summarnesse of the procedor 1687 Acts Sederunt ii 176.
The magistrats ought to desist from any procedure against them 1693 Cramond Kirk S. III 17 April.
Though as to the makeing acts of session valide … all the formality of procedur in civill courts be not necessar
b. A particular legal action or one of its stages. c. A particular mode of proceeding in legal action. a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 741.
And Jesus the judge shall haue them personally presented before Him; which also in part belongeth to the procedour. This is the order of the matter, though this of the resurrection be subjoyned after the procedour in judgement 1669 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 427.
Item yow are to atend if ther be any procedor in that actione intentit at the Earle Marischalls instant 1690 Dunkeld Presb. II 153.
Whither or not such a procedor in electione of elders … was practised under Presbeterian government Ib.
Mr. Alexander Pitcairne did think the reasones … sufficient to have stopt the procedor at the tyme
3. ? That which will continue on from what is already expounded (in a literary compilation), the following, the sequel. a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 338.
These synchronisms which … do agree fully with the series and mould which we have laid down, as in the procedor will appear
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"Procedur n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 11 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/procedure>