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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Quiet, Quyet, adj.1 (adv.). Also: quiete, quiett(e, quyett, quyete, quyiet, qwiette, qwyete, qwyett(e, qyett; quiatt, quyat(t; quyit; queyet; queytt, quheit; queet; queat; quait; quoyit, -et. [ME and e.m.E. quyet (Wyclif), quiete (a1450), queat (1586), OF quiet (c1265), L. quiēt-us p.p. of quiēscere to come to rest, f. quiēs Quiet n.]

1. Living quietly. a. At peace, inactive, causing no trouble or disturbance. b. Modest, discreet; retiring, reserved. c. In seclusion, out of public converse.(1) 15.. Dum Wyf 75 (R).
Off ane gud quyet wyff Is now ane feind begun Hir speitche … Now deiffis vp all the hous
1607 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 33.
Certaine personis … that … abuses thame selffis and utheris quyet and discreit men in thair cumpanie be thair drunkensumnes [etc.]
1609 Reg. Privy C. VIII 372.
Of a quiet, modest, trew, and humble subject
(b) 1611-57 Mure Psalmes xxxv 20.
Earth's queyet ones to greeve
(2) 1500 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 85.
And quhair ony persoun happinis seik, at thai keip thame quyett for iiij dayes quhill it be vnderstandin quhairto it turnis or that ony deceissis, that the persouns of that place observe and keip thame quyett for xij dayes
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 26.
They held thame quiet for ane seasoun weaning that vther menis actioun sould be thair promotioun
1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 243.
That ye contene yow peaceblie and quyett at this tyme vnmovit … to ryse in airmes
1596 Dalr. I 274/19. 1600-1610 Melvill 143.
This maid him to keipe him quyet a night and a day
(b) 1507 Aberd. B. Rec. I 437.
And the personis infectit sale keip thame quyat in thar housis … quhill thai be haill
c1615 Chron. Kings 21.
Be certane Scottis lordis … quha held thame quyatt in the Pechis cuntrie
(c) a1578 Pitsc. I 66/23.
James Kennedie … held him self werie quyit awaitand wpoun ane better fortoune
Ib. II 38/13.
The Scottismen … held thame selffis lewche and quyit
(3) 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 455.
And [they] held hym quyet, as he had bene inclusit
1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 19.
And to make them [sc. the Covenanters] the whylest quyett
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1655) 415.
The borderers … filled all their parts with trouble … neither were they made quiet till [etc.]
a1651 Calderwood III 406.
Mr. Edmund Hay … laboured to keepe him [sc. Smeton] quiett, that he kythe not an adversarie against them
(4) 1545 Corr. M. Lorraine 140.
Pleis your grace we ar heir verray quiet at this tyme
1558-66 Knox I 136.
And so proceaded he in doctrin supposing that thei wold have bein qwyette. But when he perceaved them still to truble the people [etc.]
1593 Acts IV 34/2.
Vtheris … haif sa small stipendis that thai can sustene na honest ressonable man albeit thai wer neuir sa solitar and quiet
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 82.
A kirk quhairin also Mccloyd of Leoȝus uses to dwell quhan he wald be quiet or feirit
1632 Lithgow Trav. x 444.
The king … was so private that … I could not beleeve that the patrone of so great a monarchy could be so quiet: yea as quiet as a countrey baron is with us
1663 Carstairs Lett. in Dunlop P. III 4.
I speak with none, I middle with none; and so am, in that respect, verie quyet
(5) a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. 61/178.
Off thy estait stand quyet and content
1631 Elgin Rec. II 219.
Johne Grigor and his wyff … to live separate … till it please God to move ther hearts to liue more quyet with other
(b) 1594 Glasgow B. Rec. I 158.
Lipper: … Jonet Grahame in the hospitall alreddy, Thomas Gylkasoune ordanit to keip his awin hous queytt

d. Of disposition, conduct or manner: Peaceful, unaggressive, modest, reserved, retired, still.In a number of examples, esp. of (2), there is ambiguity with 4 b.(1) a1500 Henr. Orph. 518.
The grete sollicitude … to wyn this warldis gud Cessis furthwith and oure complexion Waxis quiete in contemplacion
a1538 Abell 27b.
The king tuik him to quyet playe & plesure & principalie in harp [etc.]
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 353.
And lerne me for to be content Of quyet lyfe and sobir rent
a1578 Pitsc. I 44/22.
Sindrie nobill men witht sad drerie and quyit contienances followand him durst not speik na forder
1608 Douglas Corr. 193.
My dewtifull affectioun to your hienes commandementis … and my queat behauiour in religioun
1639 Baillie I 241.
If your diligenc be aunsuerable to my desir expect writen thankes: if not I shall in quiett silenc regrait your onkyndnes
(2) 1457 Acts II 51/1.
That in … all courtis … all personis … sall cum in sobyr and quiet maner
1516 Caldwell P. 53.
The said Johne Maxwell … being ryedand … in quiett sober maner, doeand his lesum busines
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 73.
Johne Kirkcaldie … as ane obedient subject, repaired to Dumfermeling in quyet and sober maner, his alone, without armore
1576 Reg. Privy C. II 535.
Quhair he wes gangand in verie quiet maner, dowblet allane, belevand na evill to have bene done to him bot to have levit peciabillie
1578 Ib. III 52. 1585 Glasgow Prot. IX 151.
I beyng standand under my aune stair in quyet maner nather spekand nor doand onything to offend na persone
1594 Crim. Trials I ii 335. 1642 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 38.
Comeing home from the said mid fair in quyet and peaceable manner
c1650 Spalding I 170.(b) 1577 Crim. Trials I ii 75.

2. Of actions: Performed quietly or clandestinely. Of things known to one: Kept to oneself; secret, private, concealed, covert, undivulged.(1) 1500 Justiciary Rec. I 153.
This ȝoung gentilman fosterit with sik fair quyet flattre was allurit in this manir
1513 Doug. iv Prol. 239.
Quhou subtell wylis and mony quyet meyn Quhat slycht dissait
Ib. xi x 67.
And ly at wait in quyet enbuschment At … secrete went
1531 Bell. Boece I xxvii.
With quiet thift
Ib. (M) II 68.
The nobillis … tuke qwyete aviseament amang thame self how the king mycht be … kepit in festnance
15.. Clar. iii 868.
Hir maistres gave hir quyet discipleine
Ib. v 508.
1561 Aberd. B. Rec. I 335.
To … mak bergane or quyat pactioun with the strenger
a1568 Scott x 16.
For to furthschaw The quyet secreitis of my harte
a1578 Pitsc. I 44/1.
Sic quyet rwmor spread throw the haill companie that caussit [etc.]
Ib. 142/7.
Nocht knawand then thair quyit desait and subtill fraud
1584 Misc. Bann. C. I 113.
And to his privie chalmer to quyett conference
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 52.
The kings lieges, are trubled in their lands, be volunter and quyet recognitions, made be the overlords
(2) 1531 Bell. Boece II 275.
He send thame to Valgarius … with quiet [M. quiette] letteris to sla thame baith
a1578 Pitsc. I 87/17.
He … send quyit messagis to his freindis
Ib. 313/11.
To that effect [he] wrait ane quyit and secreit wrytting
(3) 1551 Banff Ann. I 29.
And geve ony kaigaor beis fvndin havand ony [fish] in quait maneir, the samyn to be eschiat and na quhytt fyschar to have ony of his fyschis in quiatt maneir to his howis to be sauld
1557 Inverness Rec. I 7. 1611 Ib. II 86.
And thair in queet and pruid forme thow keipit they selff secreit
c1650 Spalding I 186.
Thay began to marche in veray quyet and sober maner
1663 Banff Ann. I 147.(4) 1533 Bell. Livy I 121/14.
Thir two brethir commandit this respons to be kepit maist quiet that … thare thrid bruthir … suld knaw na thing of this respons
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9075.
a1578 Pitsc. I 345/6.
With the secreit writting … desyrand him to keip the same quyit and secreit that no man sould sie it bot him self allanerlie
1597 Skene Verb. S. (1597) s.v. Iter.
Quhilk dittay they suld keip quiet, and suld na-waies reveale the samin to ony person nor translate it [etc.]
(b) 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. 85b.
Shoe wold tell hir something giff shoe wold keip it quoyit
Ib. 86b.
Becaus he was comandit to keip quoyet the geting of the samyn

b. Of persons in respect of their actions: Acting quietly, discreetly or secretly; clandestine, secret, hidden; silent, still. Also fig.(1) 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 381.
Quhov sum in court bene quyet cou[n]salouris, Without regarde to commoun weill or kyngis
1531 Bell. Boece II 144.
Traistyng … sum quiet personis lyand ay in wait to invaid him
1533 Gau 17/22.
Thay that ar quiet and fals flatterers
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2541. 1596 Dalr. I 349/29.
Bot the Cumin … sendis a quyet messinger with wrytingis to King Edward
(2) c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS 95b/2.
First lerges … quhilk come als quiet as a theif
1549 Compl. 42/9.
The master gart al his marynalis … hald them quiet at rest
1579, 1617 Despauter (1579) 122.
Sileo, sine sono sum, to be quyet
1595 Crim. Trials I ii 353.
To ly derne and quiet thair
1635 Dickson Wr. 3.
Faith bids be lowne and quiet; nature says, I must lay it out ere I burst … Faith says, be quiet and only lay it out before God
(b) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 297.
And bad thame beare quheit quhill the tyme thaj ledderit the wallis
(3) fig. 1588 King Cat. App. 29.
Lat al tumult of my flesh be quyet, lat al phantasie of the earthe, the vaters abone and beneth keipe thair paice

3. Of places or surroundings: a. Hidden, secret. b. Retired, secluded; remote from activity, unfrequented. c. Without activity, with few people about, deserted.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 195/49.
In quyet place … Thay can, percaice, purches sum grace
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 81.
Ane novmer of armyt men … ruschit owte of ane qwyett place
1535 Stewart 47174.
In ane place that quyet wes and derne
c1540 Lynd. Syde Taillis 143. c1552 Id. Mon. 3321.
Tyll put hym in ane quyet place Quhare he mycht se the kyngis grace And be onsene with ony wycht
1581-1623 James VI Poems II 21/7.
To shoote out of a darke & quyet pairt Againis the … upricht
1531 Bell. Boece II 144.
Quhill his gard ripit thaim to se gif thay had ony wappinnis hid in sum quiet place
(b) 1559 Inverness Rec. I 39.
Robert Red … contempnant the inhibition … of this bruch … in making of schowne in queat places
(c) a1578 Pitsc. I 187/31.
And hide him in ane quyit place quhair he trowit he might be saif
Ib. 86/11.(2) c1475 Wall. v 593.
A quiet hous as scho mycht hald in wer
1513 Doug. ii xi 78.
We pas by secret wentis and quyet rewys
Ib. iii ii 51.
The quyet closettis oppynnyt with a rerd
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 65.
King Rewther ischitt at ane qwyette posterum with his nobillis
Ib. II 248.
Quhen he was cumin with baith the partijs … in ane quyete chalmer
Ib. I 328. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 6331.
And enterit, in my quyet oritore
1562-3 Winȝet II 17/7.
A quiet village [L. remotioris villulae]
1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 261.
And thair contening thame darnit in sum qyett [sic in pr.] corneris and houssis in the tovne till thai may find thair opportunity to [etc.]
1641 Baillie I 376.(b) 1575 Inverness Rec. I 242.
The assemblie to be haldin within the litill ile in the queir … because it is ane queat rowme
1579 Ib. 266.
That wrangusle … ye being ane vnfre man … vsis the craft of ane cordinar in … making of schone in preway and queat chalmeris
(3) a1578 Pitsc. I 343/31.
The King of Scotland seand all quyett and Lord William absent
1600 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxvi.
I think best for owr plot that ve meit all at my hows … at qhilk tyme … I sall haw the place very quyet and veill provydit
1627 Justiciary Cases I 73.
And persuveing the toun that day to be quyet because of ane brydell that was keipit neir thairof

d. The quiet place, the privy, the latrine.a1538 Abell 77b.
Edmwnd Yrinside quilk wes slane in the quiet place be a tratour Inglisman

4. Untroubled, undisturbed; at peace, peaceful; calm. a. Of a society or community or its government.(1) 1570 Leslie 32.
Bot in the tyme of his later daies his realme was in quiet prosperous estaite
a1578 Pitsc. I 46/18.
Fre thyne furtht the realme was sum part quyeter for ane certaine tyme nor it was of befoir
1596 Dalr. II 366/23.
That al thir cuntries war brocht to the rule of justice and was maid quyettar and in gretter peice
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III 88.
This summer the Highlands and north wer reasonable qwyett, little or nothing falling out ther considerable
(2) 1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III 84.
For the gude reule and quyet governament of the Bordouris
1584 Crim. Trials I ii 140.
Tressonabill conspiraceis … aganis the kingis maiestie and quyet estait of the cuntre
1593 Acts IV 30/2.
Farles to interteny the quiet and gude estait of the saidis burrowis in peace and weir

b. Of conditions of persons or things or of circumstances.See also 1 d, with which there may be ambiguity.1533 Boece 49b.
That in the quyet nycht, King Fergus … suld invaid the Britoun wachis
a1568 Bann. MS 244a/13.
Gif want of quiet rest Frome cairis micht me convoy
1567 Crim. Trials I i 497.
Ȝe ken now quhat ye haif to do quhen all is quyet abone ȝow
1571 Cal. Sc. P. IV 163.
What so euer he be that parturbes my quyet lyf and estait with any busynes will [etc.]
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxxiv 62.
Quhen thai sell wein that all is will, In peice and quyit rest
Ib. 162. 1614 in Melvill lxi.
Being ovir mutch with the pain, he fallis over in ane quyet sleipe
1641 Acts V 341/2.
Declairing that the late … troubles … are turned into a quyet calme and comfortable peace
1639 in Spalding I 222.
Yit our desire is to leive ane quyet and peciabill lyf wnder his majesteis government

c. Of a person: Free from business, disengaged, unpreoccupied.1586 Cal. Sc. P. IX 164.
I fand ane meit tyme, hes grace beane queyet

d. Of a person's expression.1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 23.
And scho hirself settillit hir to rest, with ane countenance sa quyet and mynde sa untroubillit that [etc.]

e. Of weather. f. Of a harbour.a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 45 (Wr.).
The aire was sober, soft and sweet, But mistie vapours, wind and weet, But quyet, calme and cleare
1596 Dalr. I 30/30.
In the scoug of the craig and castell is a verie quyet hauining place

5. a. ‘Modest’ in numbers, amount or activity: small (number, amount); not lavish or rowdy (social occasion).It does not seem likely that the 1612 example has any connection with e.m.E. and late ME quyt(e) rent (1454), quit-rent (1607), quit-rent.1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 101.
Culyne … wes cumand with ane qwiette cumpany [L. paucis comitatum] to Scoyne
1570 Breadalbane Lett. 7 June.
[They] com quyatlie … and lay in den thair quhill Glenlyon departit fra me but ane quyat numer and followis efter him to the numer of xxxvj men nocht evill provydit of culveringis [etc.]
1612 Brechin Test. II 225b.
The said vnquhill Robert being ane aigit man hed na handling nor trafeet bot leiffit & his said spouis onlie on thair quyiet rent except the insicht & plenissing of thair duelling hous
1664 Lamont Diary 175.
The mariage feast … being bot quiet

b. Quiet defens, ? transf. use of sense 1 or sense 2, above. —1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 163.
We dischairgis the bailyeis to spend our burges silver or common gudis bot to spend thair awin fee in our quiet defens

6. adv. = Quietly adv.a1568 Bann. MS 261b/7.
In cloikis thay cum full quyet cled
1600 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxvi.
I think it sall be meittest to be convoyit quyetest in ane bote



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