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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Recto(u)r, n. Also: -oure. [ME (Trevisa) and e.m.E. rectour(e, -or, L. rector.]

1. The elected head of a Scottish University subordinate only to the chancellor.Originally, in St. Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen the rector was elected yearly by the incorporated members of the university voting in ‘nations’ (Natioun n. 3 b); elegibility to vote varied from time to time but was always vested in the members of the university. For the situation in Edinburgh University, see (5) below.For further information see, inter alia, St. A. Univ. Rec. p. xii ff., R. G. Cant University of St. Andrews (1970) pp. 7–9, Sir A. Grant University of Edinburgh (1884).Also, (my) lord rectour, see Lord n. 29 d.(1) 1560 Bk. Disc. 217.
That everie universitie have ane rectour chosin from yeare to yeare as shall follow. The principallis … with the haill regentis … shall nominat [a candidate] and thre of them that shalbe oftest nominat shalbe put in edict publictlie … and then shall … convene the hoill principallis regentis and suppostis that ar graduat [etc.] … and everie natioun … shall nominat ane of the said thre and he that hes monyest votis shall be confermit be the superintendent and principall
1574 Acts III 87/2.
All vagaboundis scollaris of the vniuersiteis of Sanctandrois Glasgow and Abirdene not licencit be the rector and dene of facultie of the vniuersitie to ask almous
(2) 1411–12 Foundation Chart. St. Andrews Univ.
[Hujusmodi delinquentes … per rectorem universitatis vestræ intimentur
1422–3 Statute St. Andrews Univ. 24 March.]
Ut dominus rector antecederet … ita nempe ut … rector sit episcopo proximus rectorem prior sequatur
1525 James V in Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) 180.
The rector, regentis, and actuall studentis within the said universite
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 15, etc.
The rectour most be ane discreit and grave person doctor or bachelar in the hyear faculteis [etc.] … and salbe chosin be the hayl graduattis of the vniuersite
1574–5 Reg. Privy S. VII 11/1.
Maister Robert Hammiltoun, rector of the universitie of Sanctandrois
a1578 Pitsc. II 232/29. 1584 Reg. Privy C. III 713.
The chancellar, rector, dene of facultie and remanent maisteris and professouris of the universitie of Sanctandrois
1597 Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) App. 197.
It is fund that any man may be maid rector, that is a suppost and past maister of the universitie
1599 Acts IV 189/2.
The rectour, the vice chancellar [etc.] … salbe the ordinar examinatouris ȝeirlie of euerie clas of theologie. That na rectour salbe reiterat in tyme cuming bot efter thrie ȝeiris space
1642 Statutes Visitation in Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) 204.(3) 1452 Glasg. Univ. Mun. II 60.
[Super divisione suppositorum universitatis per quatuor naciones electi fuerunt quatuor intrantes pro electione novi rectoris
1491 Reg. Paisley 155.]
Johanne Goldsmyt rectore alme universitatis Glasguensis
1522 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 48.
To the vniuersite of the cete of Glasgw and to the rectouris denis of faculte procuratouris regentis maisteris and scolaris of the sammyne
1555–6 Ib. 59.
Maister Johne Colquhone person of Stobo rector for the tyme of the said vniuersite
c1614 Ib. III 523.
Ane silver staff callit the rectors staff
1657 Ib. I 340.
Lykeas wee … exempt the rectors [etc.] … and all others suppostes members and servants of our said universitie … frome all watchinges wardings pedogies
1717 Ib. II 559.
The chancellor [etc.] … shall … make up a lite of the persons out of which the rector is to be chosen
(4) 1549–50 Reg. Episc. Aberd. II 190.]
[Per reuerendum in Christo patrem … Villelmum Elphinstoun Aberdonensem episcopum et rectorem conditorem et fundatorem vniuersitatis et collegij Aberdonensis
1634 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 399.
The rector declarit in presens of the chancellar visitouris and memberis forsaidis that [etc.]
1638 Ib. 411.
The rector remowit to be censurit, was approwin fullie to haue dischargit himselfe faithfullie in the office of rectorschipe
1664 Marischal Coll. Rec. II 11.
The colledge being fullie conveened and divided in four nationes, … [they] did … choose … procurators for electing of ane rector
1685 Ib. I 329.
Ane burssar … who suld be found qualified be the rector principall and regents of the said colledge
(5) 1619 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 187.
Ordanis the rector and regentis of the colledge … to weir thair gownis upone the hie streitis
1640 Ib. VII 228.
That thair sould be ane rector chosen who sould serve as the eye of the counsall of the toun … and as the mouth of the colledge
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 16.
He [sc. Robert Rollok] betook himself to the generall inspection of the colledge under the title of principal and rector
(1627) Ib. fol. 50.
In the beginning of this yeer the city councill prosecuted the designe of electing an rector for better government of the whole universitie
Ib. fol. 51.
The councill and ministery … elected Mr. Alexander Morison … to be rector of the colledge
Ib. fol. 64.
That in tyme coming an rector should be chosen yeerly who should have the generall inspection of the university assisted be an select member of the city councill [etc.]
1665 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 381.
That the provest of Edinburgh present and to come be allwayis rector and governour of the colledge of this brugh

b. The rector of the University of Paris.c1590 Fowler II 26/34, 35.
Geuin … a vndiscreit rector wald sa far haue extendit his autoritie I wald knaw … quhat coulour the rector could pretend to sic suddane commands. In maters of religion he is no ordinar iudge

2. A ruler or leader.

a. Applied to God, as ruler of the world. b. A convener or director. c. Rector chori, see the quot. below. [Cf. med. L. (c1230, 1555 in Latham).] d. An instructor in a university. = Regent n.a. 1490 Irland Mir. MS fol. 287b.
God that is rectoure and gouernour of nature
b. c1560 Perth Convener Ct. Bk. No. 23.
The craftis … chesit ane craftisman … and gaif him ane speciall name calland him thair rectour and guernour
c. 1577 Rankin St. A. Ch. App. ii 134.
[He] sall tak on hym the office called rector chori for the gude reule and service to be done in the forsaid kyrk and queyr. … [He] sall … keip [? erron. for ken] the barnis of the sang schule and keip all divine service in queir and kirk als wele as ony uther rector chori dois in ony parich kirk in Scotland [etc.]
d. 1535 Stewart 74.
Hector Boyis … Maister in art, rector in theologie, In all science ane profound clerk is he

3. The incumbent of a parish.Rare in Sc.12.. Liber Scon 58.]
[Andrea rector ecclesie de Inchethor
1556 Lauder Off. Kings 326.
Sic pastoris wyll be weill content To leif vpon the fer les rent Nor hes sum vicare for his waige, Or rector for his rectoraige
1613 Misc. New Spald. C. I 112.
Walker, Mr. John, rector of Kinkell and minister there

