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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Refer, -far, v.1 Also: ref-; ra- and -ferr(e; -feir; -far(e, -fair, -farr(e. P.p. also (referorit). [ME and e.m.E. referre(n, refere(n (both Chaucer), refar(re (1530) refer (1555), OF referer (14th c., Oresme; mod. F. référer), L. referre to bring or give back, convey a report, ascribe. Cf. Refer,v.2 In tr. senses, ME examples are chiefly in texts based on Latin originals, and in senses not found, or rare till later, in Sc.]

1. tr. To convey (what one person has said) to another; to report.c1420 Wynt. v 3778.
Rwffyne than, hys medyatowre, … all the wordis of Ambrose, He referryt [W. rehersit] till Teodos

b. To hand over (a writing) (to a bearer) for delivery or as credentials.1547 Corr. M. Lorraine 207.
Refarring credens to thir beraris quha will awertes me of yowr gracis miend
1559 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 268.
This referris to the berrar [of the letter] prayand God to haif ȝour lordschip in his keiping. Att Mayboil … be ȝour lordschipis awin, Corsraguell
1661 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 130.
I have no much for to wrett bot quhat I referre to the bearer

2. reflex. To appeal to (further, freq. written, evidence); to betake or entrust oneself to (unto) (a person or thing) for support, assistance, mercy, etc.; to have recourse to.To refer (oneself) in (another's) will, to appeal to his judgment or decision. Cf. 3 c below.(1) 1391 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 379.
The bischap referris hym to Forbes charter of lymytyng of the meris
1428 Liber Melros 521.
Yf ony evidentis come efter at mycht mak thaim mar knawleg at thai walde referr thaim therto
1456 Hay I 39/5.
I … referris me to the grete buke of Troye the quhilk sais [etc.]
a1500 Bk. Chess 2025.
Bot of the towris hicht tryanguler Vnto the storye I refer me thar
1532 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) p. 4 (Betoun v. Melville).
He referrit him to the jornale and rolmentis of justicarie twiching the samyn
1554 Misc. Bann. C. III 73.
Of thair … gestis [etc.] … we lat pas and referris ws till auld cronikis
1629 Justiciary Cases I 139.
For the ressones befoir allegit unto the quhilk the pannell referris hir selff
(2) c1450-2 Howlat 581 (A).
Thairfor I end heire, Referris me to harraldis, to tell ȝow the hale
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 297.
Refer ȝow to the hiest planeit heir
1490 Irland Mir. II 112/32.
Referrand him ay to the werray faith of Jhesu
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 71/24.
With ane humble cheir … [I] Refferis me to the kyngis grace
1513 Doug. xii xiii 100. 1533 Boece 319b.
[They] consentit fynalie … to refer thame to the bischop of the diocy
1547 Reg. Privy C. I 68.
Thir personis underwrittin … to quham the saidis partiis hes referrit and submyttit thame, to fulfill, obey and underly
1679 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. MS 12 May.
And he … refeired himself to the counsell for his paynes
(3) 1580–1 Perth Guildry p. 401 (19 Jan.).
And as anent the selling of taucht to onfremen past of befoir the said Johne referris hym in the den of gildis will present

3. tr. To submit or pass on (a matter, cause or issue) to (till, unto) a higher, or special, authority for consideration, decision, etc.; to place (a task) in the hands of the person, etc., having the right, jurisdiction or qualification to carry it out. Also const. fra an authority. Also without compl. and absol.Only Sc. till 1535.(1) 1460 Hay Alex. (S.T.S.) 1818.
And quhan he haid the messing[er] all hard, The anser till his counsall he referd
1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxvi.
The lordis referris that mater to the juge ordiner
1488 Lanark B. Rec. 2.
Bot referrit it to the dene that has the correctioun tharof
1490 Irland Mir. II 80/20.
And difficile suld be referit to that sege
1497 Acta Conc. II 85.
The lordis referris this mater to the kingis justice because it pertenis to the justice are
1510 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II 390.
The quhilk wrang the said Alane denyit: The quhilkis wes referrit to the inquest suorne in presens of the partyis
1529 Lynd. Complaynt 328. 1533 Boece 182.
The cure and bigging of the towris was referrit to maist cunnyng craftismen … to complete the samyn
1537–8 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 152.
The assis referrit the samyn to the nixt land sett
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 160/7. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 174.
The gold that was in it, I referre to the receaveris
1578 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 4.
That the tryall decisioun or correctioun thairof salbe referrit to the deacone of thair craft
1592 Digest Justiciary Proc. P 31.
The notorietie quhairof is referret to the juges
1596 Glasgow Chart. II 570.
The decisioun of the saidis complaynt wes referrit to ws lyners of the toun
1597 Edinb. B. Rec. V 196.
That thair be gevin jowppis to thair officeris … and referris the fassoun and cullour of clayth to the magestratts
1626 Justiciary Cases I 50.
And it is referit to the honest men of the assise thair wisdomes quhat skayth may be done be taking up
1650 Kingarth Par. Rec. 21.
And referrss the modificatioune of ther penulty to the magistrates
1661 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 130.
Qhat to mak of them I referre to your selfs
(b) 1536–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 82.
The lordis refferris this mater to the taxtaris of Edinburgh
1607 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 121.
And this office of searchearye … sould be healillye refferrit vnto vs
1600-1610 Melvill 723.
Constrainit to reffer the doeing thairoff to the Provinciall Assemblie
1674 Boharm Kirk S. 21 June.
He could have any roume except the ministers and Auchluncarts buriall place: which was reffered to the bishop
(c) 1551–2 Prestwick B. Rec. 62.
The ourisman … accusyt Allexander Browne balȝe for the breken of ane ac … & raferys the penissione to the inquest
1564 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 92.
(d) 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 182b.
Schallans for the vranguis haldyng fra hyme of xv s. fore malt syluer rafarryt to Symone Mccrystyne [a bailie]
1540–1 Elgin Rec. I 57.
Quhilk personis rafarit the samyn to ane assise
(e) 1567 Rec. Earld. Orkney 124.
This atioun reffairit till arbitouris and the pairteis bund … to stand at the desatioun [etc.]
(f) 1579 Edinb. Test. VII 212.
The said Barbara … refaris the geving doun of inuentar of testament of gudis & geir to … hir spous
1621 Ellon Presb. 109.
It is refarit to the bischope
(g) 1481 Perth Guildry p. 100 (11 Oct.).
All vther compt and rekning gife thai can nocht agre to be referorit to the gild court
(h) 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 3 Sept.
And als anent the aggriement with maister Alexander Mortimer … refeired to Mr. Alexander himselff
(2) a1500 Henr. Thre Deid Pollis 13.
The hour of deth and place … is referrit to the hie God allane
?a1500 Remembr. Passion 29.
O Lord Jesu, … Teche me to refer my stres to you
(3) 1456 Hay I 19/29.
Thare he referrit the fontayne of humanitee to the will of the fader, as him lykit best for mannis hele
1533 Boece 171b.
He referrit his persoun and substance to the will of the barouns
?1552–3 Balcarres P. 312.
Gyf I war in necessite referand the rest to ȝour gracis plesour and commandement nocht ellys
1568 Q. Mary in Ellis Orig. Lett. 1 Ser. II (1824) 253.
Y refer all to ȝour discretion
1568–9 Anderson Collect. Mary IV ii 186.
We refer to ȝour discretions to eik and pair the said lettre
1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 3.
Johnne … referrit the haill quantitie and prices thairof [sc. barley] to the said Issobell will and plesour
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 308.
We … referris the differences betuix ws … to the arbitriament of the … King of France
1581 Reg. Episc. Brechin. II 309.
The said Johne is fund restand awand … extending to xxiiij bollis wictwell … to be refarrit to forder compt and tryel
1583 Cal. Sc. P. VI 665.
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 47.
Ane matter being once referred to the knowledge of ane inqueist, is past litiscontestation
1646 Dalkeith Presb. in Butler Leighton 226.
In respect they thought it should be referret to the judgment of the Synode
1675 Edinb. B. Rec. X 252.(4) c1420 Wynt. v 2496.
Ony dowtys … suld at the Papys se Referryd [W. Reseruit] and decleryd be
1563 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 43.
That the samin be referrit and tryit be the aith of the wardane
(5) absol. 1469 Acts II 97/2.
The hail thre estatis has committit ful power to thir personis underwrittin … to auise commone and refer again to the next parliament or generale consale of thir materis underwrittin
1490 Irland Mir. I 40/29.
He takis na wengeauns for injure done to him, bot referris to God
1523 Prestwick B. Rec. 51.
The jugis raferis the entres of the lard of Adamtoun to the fredome of the burght be his gwtsowr, Jhone of Blayr lard of Adamtoun, and referis to the inquest
1544 Ib. 59.
Tomas George desyris … to bruyk … mos and wraik, and raferys to the inquest
(6) 1611 Sc. Hist. Rev. XIX 107.
Anent the materis referit fra the last … assemblie

b. To refer (one's) fie in (another's) will, to leave to (his) judgment the wage, etc., to be paid. —1628 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 10.
It is agreit betuix Hary Bull and Johne Bull for a ȝeir … the ȝeir of 1628 Johne Bull hes referd his fie in his fathers will befoir thir witneses
1636 Ib. 23.
It is agreit … that the said Johne obleis to serue my father the said space and referris the fie in his vill

c. With a person as obj.: To commend to, for help or the like. —1639 Ritchie Ch. S. Baldred 246.
Ane honest man … having his hous and all his gudes brunt. … The presbiterie referrit him to the kirks within the presbiterie

4. Only Sc.: To submit (a fact at issue in a legal action) for verification to, till (in) the aith of one of the parties in the case, also absol. or intr.Also, (? erron.) with omission of to; also, to refer (an oath) to a person; to refer (a fact) to (a person's) hand (Hand n. 1 e).(1) 1512 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 5a.
Quhar the sayd thre bollis vas referryt to his ayth and his wyfis
1531 Ib. fol. 243a.
& thai raferryt it to Patte Locart … ath geyf the kyrtyll was hyre avyne propyr geyr
1578–9 Perth Guildry p. 389 (5 Feb.).
And that conform to the said Donald aith thairupon referrit thairto be the said Adame
1579–81 Reg. Privy C. III 254.
[The amount owing] wes referrit … to the said Petiris aith
1584 Misc. Bann. C. I 98.
My lordis, … ye maid fayth to me be your honors otherways: I refare it to your oath and conscience
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 117b.
As quhen the persewer referres the debt acclamed be him to the aith of the defender, quhither it be justly awand or not. In this case, the defender will be compelled to sweir, that the debt is awand, or not awand: or to refer the samine againe, to the aith of the persewer, or to make payment of the debt
1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 41.
The persewar referrit the tenour of the cleame … to the defendars oathe of veritie quhilks the defendar referrit bake to himselff. The persuar being sworne declairet [etc.]
1661 Acts VII 176/2. 1674 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 210.
Quherof I refer to his aith whither or no it consistit with his memorie
1550 Elgin Rec. I 102.
And the testificatioun of the taking of the guiddis to be rafarrit in the aytht of the takaris
(2) absol. or intr. 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 175b.
The alderman raferrit till his ayt & the bailȝeis assignyt hym the nixt court to geff his ayth
1671 Corshill Baron Ct. 96.
And in end referrs to the persewaris oath, who deponed negatiue he made him suche promise; quhairupon he wes obsolued
1681 Stair Inst. iv xliv §14.
Where in any affair, a party who refers to oath, pitches upon particulars sufficient to infer the conclusion
(3) 1540 Elgin Rec. I 54.
Sayand that he rafarrit the said Andro Mylln ayth quhidder gif he hed gottin the forsaid coppe or nocht, the forsaid sensward beand sworyne deliuerit that the said Andro aucht to answer now
(4) 1479 Acta Aud. 94/2.
As he grantit befor the lordis in his aith referrit be the said Nichol to him
1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 41 (see (1) above).(5) 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 175b.
For the w[rangous] haldin fra him of … the price … of atis … raferrit to the said Pait Edgar hand and he suere at he coft it for a merk

b. To submit (the facts, etc.) to further proof or written evidence; also, absol. or intr. to draw attention to (a written work) as a source of evidence; to quote as a precedent.(1) 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 165b.
The tua dais staking referit to his preif to the nixt court p[leg] his hand
1546 Lochleven Compt Bk. 16 (15 June).
And the nowmer of the guidis refferrand to the beltyn [= Beltane book] be this compt
1561 Reg. Privy C. I 180.
With … writingis, quhairto the saidis ansueris ar referrit
1593 Edinb. Test. XXVI 29.
He referris the inventar of his gudis & geir to his beltane buikis
c1595 Glasgow Prot. V xiv.
Dettis awand … be Patrik Holme for half ane barrell of aill … quhat it hes les referris to the mettyng of the barrell
(2) absol. or intr. 1534–5 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 128.
I sall ansur for alsmekill werk referand to the compt forsaid
1575 Edinb. Test. III 275b.
As to my movabill gudis & geir … I refer to my beltane buke
1629 Justiciary Cases I 139.
And for preveing thairof referis to the proces led aganis Issobell Ȝoung

5. To postpone (consideration, or execution, of business, etc.) (to (till) a later time); to hold over, or reserve, for later treatment. Also const. infin.Only Sc. till 1559.(1) 1466 Acts II 85/1.
The lordis referris thir materis to the hame cumming of certane lordis now beande in Inglande
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 92.
Schaw hir grace this letter be caus I rafarre all maters to yowr vrayting
1547 Ib. 183.
I cane writ na forder of thir materis at this tyme but rafaris the same to my cumyng to your grace
c1550 Balcarres P. 315.
The rest I rafer to I spek with ȝour grace quhilk sall be at ȝour grace plesir
1559 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 298.
The causis … I will nocht writ bot referris that mater to meting
1584 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. VI 119.
The rest referring to farther deliberation and to be concludit … as tyme and occasion sall minister mater
1593 Breadalbane Lett. 22 Dec.
Sua refarring the rest to meting vpone Monenday cum aucht dayis
1638 Henderson Serm. 514.
I … will refer it till the afternoon
(2) 1484–5 Peebles Chart. 30.
Referrit be the saidis auditouris to be decydit be ane inqueist in the saide are
1561 Sc. Ant. IX 2.
Quhat I have omited I refar to be gadderit and considderit be the discretione of my executers
(3) 1651 St. A. Presb. 62.
Vnderstanding that he is heavilie seeke, doe referre the said conference
1695 Ayr Presb. 26 Sept.
The affair concerning the manse of Ochiltree is referred for a time

b. With personal obj.: To defer consideration of the case of (a delinquent). —1690 Boharm Kirk S. 13 April.
Delinquents referred by reason of the troublesome times
Ib. 29 June.

6. To trace (back) or attribute to a person or thing as a source.c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1249 (D).
Saif that the wictouris holely To Achilles referred [C. reserued] were
1551 Hamilton Cat. 247.
Bot it is to have … ane gude mynd to God … doand and referrand al our gud deidis to his glore
1581 Burne Disput. in 1573-1600 Cath. Tr. 159/20.
For fra the theme to the quhilk he referris the deductione of this name cummis also diluuium
1596 Dalr. I 70/23.
To … Gathel thay refer our hail stock, and him to be author of our hail natione

7. To establish the relationship of one matter to another: cf. 9 below.1609 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 1072.
Which claws of necessity must be referred, either to matters that stand in controversy before that Assemblie … or else to matters called … in controversy before the same

8. In various other transitive senses. a. To restore (a custom). b. To apply, make use of (words). c. To give (a person) back (his bond).a. c1590 Fowler II 48/19.
For Policrates referrit the custome of the apostles and martyrs … anents the obseruatioun of Pasch day
b. c1590 Fowler II 30/18.
If I … in referring euill woordes wald with thee contend [etc.]
c. 1670 Meikle Old Session Bk. 138.
[He] haid his band refeired him

d. specif. In card-playing. Perh. an absol. use of 3 above. = ? To hand over or ‘pass’ the play to another (so forcing him to reveal his cards). —1558-66 Knox I 262.
The articles of his beleve war; ‘I referr: decarte yow: Ha ha the four kinges and all maid’

9. intr. Of a boundary line: ? To relate to the ground where the boundary exists, or to specific markers of the boundary.1456 Liber Aberbr. II 89.
Ande syn passande … sowthe as the march of Kynblathmont gais to the burn refferrand to the stane off the south syde
1466 (1471) Reg. Great S. 215/1.
Sa furth as the strinde of it rynnis in the northburn … quhare it rynnis or has runnyn in auld tymes, referrand fra the north burn again to the merchis of Estirbrichty lik as we proppit and merkit thare
1531 Bell. Boece I 26.
Sevin prudent men, quhilkis considerit the boundis of Scotland and devidit the samin, with marchis equally refering thairto

