A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Scar(e, Schare, n.1 Also: skar(e, scair(e, skair(e, scayre, skayr; (skiar); s(c)hair, shaire, s(c)hayr(e, share, shear, sheaire; saire. [ME and e.m.E. share (1372), OE scearu, also MDu. scare, scaer a share in common grazing ground, MLG schare a share, troop of soldiers, ON skera to cut.]
1. The part allocated or belonging to an individual when a whole is distributed among a number of persons; one's portion (of something); a share in a non-material benefit or loss; also the portion contributed by an individual.(1) a1500 Seven S. 1726.
The half [sc. of the treasure] ȝe hecht ws till our scaire Ib. 1748.
The emprioure … Gaif thaim the scair that to thaim fell Ib. 2665.
The scho ravyn now cravis the bird And sais scho aucht to be his hird The hie rawyn says scho aucht na scaire 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4382.
Quhen all is drunkin I got to skair The likkyngis of the cop 1560 Rolland Seven S. 10700.
The foulis that fleis in the air The doggis leuingis to tak vp to thair skair 1562–3 Inverness Rec. I 101.
To refound … to schir James Duff … iij firlottis quheitt greit aittis comprisit on thair gudis of this last crope of saxtie tuay yeiris, euerilk man thair skayr pairt and pairt lyke 1583 Edinb. Test. XII 199.
I ordine the barne that my wyf is with now instantlie … gif it be ane madin barne bot haif hir playne skair as the rest gettis 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 149/337.
To the end that sho may haue the bettir skaire Of oure forfather tyed to bedd 1589 Edinb. Test. XXI 93b.
I leif the kyndnes of my mailling to … my sonne … Togidder with … pleucht and pleucht graytht by skair and daill 1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. fol. 5b.
Schiris play all fair … Ilke man his skair, & syne taks rest 1635 Justiciary Cases II 322.
The said Robert Moir gat twelf scheip for his skair 1637 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. VI 391.
The gentlemen and others … resolved … to repair and big up the said kirkyaird dyke, alloting to everie pleuche in the said parish suche a proportion of the said dyke as sould fall to thair scair 1638 Henderson Serm. 402.
When the Lord shows mercy to the land, ye sall find no skair in it(2) 1583 Edinb. Test. XII 199.
My wyf to haif hir skair of the seid corne Ib.
I ordine the barne … to haif the … seid corne that lyis vpoun tredaill by his skair that he gettis of the rest 1587 Aberd. Chart. 347.
To haue thair skair of timber conforme to vse and vont c1590 J. Stewart 148/9.
And hes the vyt that rair Men dois declair thair happie skair of lair 1610 Crim. Trials III 106.
Ȝea and ilk ane of ȝow gat ȝour skair of the saidis robit gudis 1629 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 7 May.
And allegit that he vantit his skair of the vining of the mairt ky sauld be the saidis Robert(b) 1667 Galloway P. 7 Feb.
[He is] to pey such shaire of any taxatioun as the rest of the tennentes within the said parochin(c) 1601 Misc. 3 Spald. C. II 57.
The said Issobell … constitut Mr. Gilbert Annand hir brether … hir lawfull procuratour and commissioner to uptak and resseave her saire of quhatsumever guds geir dettis [etc.] … perteins … to hir … be deceis of the said … Robert
b. quasi-adv. Skar skarlik, on the basis of fair or equal shares, each having or contributing a like share; ‘share and share alike’.1522 Dundee B. Ct. I fol. 101b (4 Aug.).
To mak cumpt reknyng & payment till Sande Sympsoune of xvij barellis of vnȝonis skar skarnlik [sic in transcr.] as thai war sald for in Leith 1523 Ib. fol. 140b (24 April).
That beand previt the pertinaris to pay that sowm skar skar lik
2. A portion of the cargo of a ship, a definite portion of a property owned or invested in by a number of persons in common, esp. the freemen or indwellers of a burgh, passing into a share in the profit or loss of a venture. Passing into b. A ‘share’ in a joint-stock company.(a) 1452–3 Ayr B. Ct. 12 March.
Thom Wilȝamson [etc.] … to by al gudis cumand in be se … And ilk quartarismaister sal haf tyl his fe of ilk bate a skare tyl his fe togider with his awin skar and the refus of the gudis sal be bocht to the profetis of the fremen and na man out dwelland without the town sal haf a skar 1490 Prestwick B. Rec. 33.
That wrangwisly he … held fra him certane gudis anentis his scowt scare in fische & siluir as efferis tilhis part & wald nocht cum to compt & rekinyng 1518 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 78b.
The haill consell … of Wigtoun hais maid Gilbert erle of Cassillis … burges wyth the consent of the haile … comunte pleg to keip scot & lot to the toun & to tak gret skair vyne irn & salt & wdir merchantdice Patrik McKe Ib.
Lord Maxwell hais tane on hand to be in the grete skair pleg to keip scot & loit to the toun Thomas Hannay 1518 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 252a, 252b.
Thir ar the gret skaris Gilbert erle of Cassillis plege, Patrik Mwre plege [etc.] … the myd skair the commissar plege Joes Mccrekan Michell McConnill plege [etc.] … The small skaris … Gibbe McKe plege [etc.] … The samin day thir skarismen abone writtin hays [MS torn] thame & thair plegis costand at thair skaris in all tyme tocum as thai ar fore writtin. And it is statuit … be the consent of the prouest … & the said skarismen that quhen it happinnis ony of thame to refuys & takis nocht thair skair it salbe lefull to the … officiaris of the town to geir on the rafuserris bring thair skaris to the dur & streng & tak the redrest geir at thair plegis hais & pay the merchand for thair skair and at nay skarisman in ony tyme tocum geif thair skair till ony vplandman quhill it be fyrst cullarit with himself vnder the pane of tynyng of thair fredome 1525 Ib. fol. 163b.
The … bailȝeis has coft ane schip of salt frome France man callit Geliame for xvi crounis vi d. for the boll of vattir met the thrid part hydis … thrid part clayth & thrid part siluere to be pait within viii dais … The … bailȝeis & scayrmes [erron. for scarismen] ilkman for his awin scayre has tane the charge of the salt quhill scho enter in the hawin pleg ilkman for him self as thai ar writtin & scarit 1530 Ib. fol. 233b.
The alderman of Wigtoun Patrick McKee hais maid James Lang burges and the said James hais fund Adam Ahannay pleg to keip scot & loit to the toun & to tak his skair of schippis & wthir necessaris 1546 Reg. Privy S. III 318/1.
Of the gift of … sowmes of money, skaris of schippis, gudis and prisis thairof [etc.] 1551–2 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 129 (29 Jan.).
Comforme to his scayre of the said schip 1561 Inverness Rec. I 66.
The nychtbouris of the brucht hes admittit the said William … nychtbour and indwellar and also to haue his skaris of all necessaris that cummis to the towne 1572 Inverness Rec. I 223.
Comperit Petyr Waus and nayis him to haif bot the thred skayr of the said schip 1643 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 31.
[The council] ordaines the nighbours to have their skair of the said tobacco(b) 1526 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 183a.
Patriyk Mvre alderman callyt to the … commvnyte challans & the marchiand of the schyp fore the vranguis vythaldyng of ane hoghed of his avyne schare … the alderman sall paye the tua hogheddis … to the marchyand of the schyp ane beand alovyt to hyme fore the smal covstomys 1531 Ib. fol. 250b.
Patrick Mvr [etc.] … hais coft ane schip of gascone vyne gud & marchiand … & pleg fore the pament the forsaid viii personys … euere ane fore thare awyne schayre 1558 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 80.
He had tane Walter Hudsoun dettour for the saidis scharis upoun quhais confessioun the juge decernis … Walter to pay to the said Johnne his scharis 15.. Stirling Archæol. Soc., 27–8, p. 24.
No nutrel man shall have any shair of my busenes or the profets arising therefrom 1670 Wemyss in Sc. Diaries 128.
I did enter in the corporation of the fisherie trade … and I to have my peart as other in the benifitte or my sheaire in the losse of the wenture 1684 New Mills Manuf. 65.
That evry persone of the company gett ane accomptt what he owes of stock, rent [etc.] … That they who owe nothing gett ther annual-rent allowed them out of the first cloath falls to ther shearb. 1699 Edinb. Test. LXXX 331.
Payed in be the defunct to the peaper manufactorie for his shairs tharin iijc lib. money forsaid W. Thomson Orpheus Caledonius (1733) II 20.
When we came to London … We … ran up and down In rising stocks to buy a skair
3. A part taken in an activity, etc.a1599 Rollock Wks. I 375.
And Christ wer heir, thou wald crucifie him agane … gif sic ane turne wer in handis thou wald have an scair in it 1660 Conv. Burghs III 524.
In the ensueing parliament or in any of your maiesties judicatories whair … wee ar to have ane schair 1667 Laing MSS 373.
I think he is not pleas'd that I am in this statione, wherof perchance he designed himself a shayr 1682 Insh Colonial Schemes 194.
And have the halfe shaire in the government
b. One's part or share; one's lot or allocated portion; lifespan.1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 556.
That ressoun is bot vane To say a man may do na mair But serue a kirk vntil his skair … Paull himself … At a kirk did not ay remane 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 45/45.
Six hundreth yeiris & fourtie uas hir scaire Quhilk nature ordanid hir for to fulfill
4. A part, piece or portion (of something).Some quots. may belong in 1 above.(a) a1500 Seven S. 553.
The froit … He plukit and kest dovne gud scare 1511 Alloway Baron Ct. 18 May.
The wrangus withhalding fra him of ane quarter skair of the corne 1518 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 82a.
ii cronys … for the price of ane skair of beif 1550 Ayr B. Ct. & Council Bk. 17 Nov.
The inqueist will nocht grant to geif to ony owt townis burgessis that are preistis ony skaris of ony fredome 1564–5 Inverness Rec. I 122.
The saidis fischearis … was in wse to bring ane large skayr of all keynd of thair fischis to the said castell 1599 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 713.
Payit for … ane skair of a daill(b) 1611-57 Mure Sonn. 2 Ser. viii 1.
Lines which sphears in equall shares divyde 1656 Glasgow B. Rec. II 337.
That they [sc. tanners] sall nather steip thair hydis in the burne nor wasche thair shair thairintill
5. specif. Chiefly in Kirkcudbright: A portion of the common land of the town let or feued to one of its inhabitants. Also attrib. and comb.Quots. of 1584 and 1595 in (3) may belong in (2).(1) 1476–7 Ayr B. Ct. 9 Feb.
That the sandis … the quhilk contenis … xxiiii akeris be set for the termys of xix ȝeris … to the personis wnder writtyn … And it is statute … that all thir personis sal bruk & jois the said tak … & within thre of the first ȝeris … ilka man of his awn part & skare wil mak the town skathles of thai sandis … and at ilke nechboure sal haf full power to set his skare … til ony … indwellar within the town … and at na skare be set but consent of the alderman & the bailȝeis 1576 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 7.
Ane fens maid … vpoun Johnne Dungalsoun fischearis skair in the Borland 1577 Ib. 57.
Thomas McClellan prowest is becumin actit … to set to the burgesses of the burgh the teynd schewis of the lands of the Bordlands viz. euery man his awin scair teynd … peyand thairfoir yeirlie ilk grete scair xv s. vj d. being in the haill [£38 15 s.] yeirly Ib. 57, 58.
It salbe lesum to euery man to tak his scairis of land in few for the payment of viij d. yeirly augmentatioun of ilk scair alsweill the Borland as vther land beneith the town … euery man sall haif thairvpoun ane nyntein yeir tak of his awin scairis for the said peyment yeirly … quhairby the saids scairis salbe specialie estemeit to thame as kyndele 1580 Ib. 105.
For the maill of thair skair Ib. 130.
Reserwand alwais the tollerance and occupatioun of the said third part skaris in the Mylnflat to the said Thomas 1581 Ib. 152.
Awand to Johnne Meikill thair commoun clerk iiij lib. money for the maill aucht be the toun to him for the clerks skair of the yeir bygane and thairfoir ordanis the thesaurar to pay him the same and lykewais … to pay to him yeirlie heireftir quhill he be enterit to the clerks skair of land iiij li. money 1584 Ib. 197.
It is statute … that the possessours of ilk skair land beneth the toun saw ane auchlot peis yeirlie vpoun thair skairs in tyme cuming that the land may be the bettir manurit 1595 Ib. 323.
The possessouris of the Boirland skairis 1597 Ib. 339.
The landis of Meikill Kirkland … ar dewydit in fyiftie skairis and set in few ferme to the burgesses … for peyment yeirlie of ij s. money for ilk skair … the Mylnflat … contenis xxv skairis and ar set in few ferme to the inhabitantis of the said burgh for … ij s. of few maill [yearly] for ilk skair [etc.] 1603 Reg. Great S. 499/1.
Particatam lie skair jacentem in Mylneflat … inter lie skair olim ad Joannem Dungalsoun piscatorem pertinen. [etc.] 1612 Conv. Burghs II 346.
Thair is na commoun lands pertening to [Kirkcudbright] … but onlie the landis callit the Boirlands … ; ilk halfe of the saids Boirlands is devydit in fiftie skairs or pecis of land quhilks war sett in tak to certain inhabitants … for nyntein ȝeirs and is of long tyme now outrune, and is possessit presentlie bot be tolleratione quhill new takis … be maid thairof 1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 396.
[The skair called the] ill shapen cloak 1673 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 3 April.
William Reid thrie skiars and ane two pairt Ib. 12 or 17 Oct.
Umquhill proveist Fullartouns skair under the Laighe Gate(2) 1576 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 10.
The … covnsall present assignit to Thomas McCrone burges the half skair of land last occupeit be vmquhill Stewin McCaill now waikand in thair hands 1578 Ib. 85.
[They] fyndand the petition … ressonable in seiking of ane skair of thair commone burrow lands hes grantit to the said Patrik the first waikand skair and land that [etc.] 1580 Ib. 111.
Ane skair of thair commoun landis of Mylnflat 1581 Ib. 152 (see (1) above). 1585 Ib. 206.
That ilk burges taxman and possessour of the skairis of land of the Bordland Mylnflatt and lands beneth the toun and ruds sall pey [etc.] 1606 Ib. II 10.
[The] Boirland hird … ij s. for keiping ilk skair of corne to be peyit ȝeirle at [etc.] 1627 Ib. 342.
Ther common landis … quhilk is devydit in fyftie skaires of land quherof quhen the ane halff is vnder crop the vther halff lyes ley 1639 Aberd. Council Lett. II 120.
The burgh of Kirkcudbright to send with thair commissioneris ane perfyte rentall of the skaires of the commoun lands callit the borelands 1655 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 987.
Of the skairis halff skairis particatis of landis and just half pairt of the thrie croftis 1669 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 290.
And litle skare of beir land at the Kittroch hill a little skare of beir land callit the Old Ship skair 1674 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 13 July.
With certain skairs and riggs of beir land 1679 Ib. 18 June.
To mak payment … for ane skair of the ruids possest be them 1695 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 826 (16 Oct.).
[His whole tenements of houses, barns, lands, or skairs or rigs of land belonging to him] —1599 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 372.
Tua skairis beirland and ane skair ait land in the Boirland(3) attrib. and comb. 1584 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 197 (see (1) above). 1595 Edinb. Test. XXVIII 30b.
He leuis to Jonet Carsin … hir half skair land in the Boirdland 1603 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 438.
For selling his tua pairt skairland in the Boirland 1611 Ib. II 97.
Seasing maid to him be vmquhill Thomas McCrone of his skairland in the Mylnflat —1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 57 (see (1) above).