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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Scolage, n. Also: skol-, schol-; scoll-, skoll-, scholl-; scool-, schooll- and -aige, -adge, -e(d)ge, -edg; (scholath). [OF escolage, med. L. scolagium. Cf. 17th c. Eng. schoolage instruction in school (once, 1603).] The fee payable by, or on behalf of, a ‘scholar’ (Scolar n. 1) for the instruction given to him at school or, also, at college; a proportion of this fee, sometimes the whole of it, allowed to a teacher by way of salary, or to supplement his salary. sing., pl. and coll.(1) 1496 Aberd. B. Rec. in Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 339.
He sale … instruk ale barnis under his cure … to sing and play one the organis … thai payand him his scolage and dewites according tharto
1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV 240.
Send with John Forman to Maister David Wocat … for his scolage now at his entre to the scoile
1553 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 229 (30 May).
Officieris to pas poynd & distrenȝie all thame quhilkis ar awand to the maister of the scole scolage or scolemar [? for scolentra]
1563 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 14 Dec.
Mr. Thomas sall resave … ilk terme xij d. of ilk barn he leris … of skolaige
1576 Reg. Privy S. VII 101/1.
[The] … gift … [of] the scholemaisterschip of the grammer scole of Hadingtoun … togidder with all … rychtis, feis, scolage, fruittis, emolimentis … assignit in tymes bygane
1611 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 71.
The … maister … to caus thame [sc. four ‘doctors’] do thair dewtie and to be thankfullie payit of thair said scholage
1636 Aberd. B. Rec. III 97.
The … counsall … grauntis to the said Andro the samen yeirlie stipend … , and the lyke salarie and scholage of his scholares
(b) 1582 Glasgow B. Rec. I 99.
And the said maister Jhone … acceptit the said office [of schoolmaster] vpone him on the said [condi]tioune of stepande and scolledge
1600 Ib. 217.
1602 Stirling B. Rec. I 101.
[£3 6 s. 8 d.] to be payed to ilk ane of thame [sc. school doctors] be the maister of the scole furth of the excres of his scollage mair nor wes first conditionate to him be his contract
Ib. 103.
The counsall … grantis to the said doctour ten schillingis of scolage of ilk tounes barne deduceand in payment thairof vj s. viij d. aff the maisteris scollage
1620 Banff Ann. II 168.
For ilk tounes bairne the soume of sax s. 8 d. moe [quarterlie] forsaid for stipend or schollage, and for ilk outlandis bairne the soume of threttein s. iiii d.
1628 Aberd. B. Rec. III 21.
With the speciall condition that the said Mr. Alexander tak no kynd of scolladge from any of the bairnes being within the said scoole, but that he content himself with the said stipend
1638 Glasgow B. Rec. I 388.
The said Duncane Birnett to tak vp ane musik schooll … he taking fra the toun barnes suche skollegis as is contenit in the act
1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 230.
By and attour his sallarie and schollage … viz., be ilk tounes bairne quarterlie [13 s. 14 d.] … be ilk landvart barne quarterlie [26 s. 8 d.] [etc.]
a1646 Wedderburn Voc. (1709) 13.
Minervale [= ‘a gift in return for instruction’ (Lewis & Short)], scolledge
1649 Glasgow Trades House 270.
Ane scoole … for instructing of all poore childreine quha sall be put tharto and quhais parents ar not able to pay thair scolledge for instructing of them
1654 Glasgow B. Rec. II 285.
That they [sc. school masters] tak no mor scolledge nor quarter payment fra towne bairnes bot ten schilling quarterlie and double fra straingers
1655 Glasg. Univ. Mun. II 323.
The loss sustained by the regents through the not-payment of the schollages due them by reason
Ib. 324.
Prouyded always that none of the regents do exact anything at all for schollage from the poorer sort
1675 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 293.
To contract with him wpon such vther conditions and restrictions for his attendance and performance of duetie and scolladges as they shall find expedient
1676 Ib. 296 (see Scule n. 10 a (2)).(c) 1642 Nicolson Diurnals 11 Nov.
1664 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 212.
With power to him to … receave the ordinarie deus and schoollage as doctor aforsaid
(2) 1593 Edinb. B. Rec. V 106.
[Mr. Jhonn Chalmer is] to tak and haif of his scholleris … beying toun bayrnis, quarterlie in scholage, for reiding and writting sex schillings aucht penneis, for onelie singing ten schillings [etc.]
1594–5 Ib. 127.
[To] tak … in scholage of all toun bayrnes cumand to be instructet in his schole, half ane merk for the maister and fourty penneis for the doctour
1604 Paisley B. Rec. 259.
Ilk burges sone … being put to the scuill sall pay [13 s. 4 d.] … at the termes foirsaid in scolledgem
1698 Stirling B. Rec. II 87.
For ilk tounes bairne in schoollage [6 s. 8 d.] … quarterlie

b. attrib. or comb. With fee, silver or deutie, in the same sense.1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV 242.
Send with William Alresky to Maister David Wocat for … his scolage fee at his entre … to the scoile
1649 Maxwell Mem. I 350.
To pay his master and doctor for halfe a yeeris scolledge fie
1675 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 293.
The counsell … grants to him thrittie shilling Scots money quarterlie of scolage fie from ilk scoller in the said [music] schooll
1703–9 Ellon Presb. 297.
All his casualities of baptisme, marriage and schoolledge fies
1525 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 159b.
vi crounis oft scolage siluer for his sone scolage for sax quarteris of ane ȝeir
1528 Ib. fol. 211a.
1582 Elgin Rec. II 396.
The scollege silvir of fremens sonnis
1595 Ib. 397.
Any payment of scolledg siluer to be payit be burgessis and friemenis sonnis
1598 Aberd. B. Rec. II 174.
Besyd the scholedge deutie to be takin be him of his scholeris

