A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Strenthing, Strenthning, vbl. n. Also: strenthin, strengthing, strinthing, strynthyng, strenghen, strengthening, strenghtening, strenthneing, streinthning, streynthning. [ME and e.m.E. strenghing (Cursor M.), streynthyng (Wyclif), streingthynge (1528), strengthenynge (1535), strengthing (1574), strengthening (1583), strengthninge (c1595); Strenth v., Strenthen v.]
1. Putting on a stronger footing, enhancing the power or authority of (an institution).a1400 Leg. S. xiii 197.
To the strinthinge of haly kirk, & fore to eg mene gud to werk a1578 Pitsc. I 62/31.
So inordinatlie to promove his freindis to landis and lordschipis for the strenghen of his awin house
2. Strengthening or fortifying (a person, his faith, courage, etc.).c1490 Irland Asl. MS 3/1.
I haue purposit to treate part of materis of theologye tuichand & concernand the saifte of mennis saulis and womennis strenthing of thar conscience 1490 Irland Mir. II 81/16.
This is a gret poynt for the strenthing and fortificacioun of the faith of the pepil 1600-1610 Melvill 36.
Tuk Mr. David apart, for his streinthning to suffer that dethe 1664 W. Guthrey Sermon 44.
I shall in the next roome give you some few items that every lass and lad may make use of for strengthing their faith
3. Making more secure, increasing the military strength of.1533 Boece 240b.
The confederate pepill … occupyit the wynter … in strenthing with strang garnisoun the mwnicions adiacent to the wall of Adriane c1590 Fowler II 105/14.
[He] vnderstood very weill this necessitie in arming and strenghtening him self by his awen forces
4. Giving added force or validity to (a legal agreement or ruling).1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
Agayn myn ath made in streynthning of the same trewis 1533–4 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 418.
In fortification and strenthing of our act 1540 Acts II 357/1.
For augmenting, strenthing, and helping of the act 1572 Bk. Dunvegan I 35.
And for coroborating and strenthing of this my present revocatioun … protestis that the samin be insert and registrat in the bukis of or Souerane Lordis consall 1689 Acts IX 40/1.
For the amending strenthneing and preserveing of the lawes
5. Increasing the inherent strength (of an edifice or structure) by rebuilding or repairing, or enhancing its security or defensibility by the same means. Also, an instance of this.(1) 1472 Edinb. Chart. 135.
That thai cast doune and remove quhatsumeuer housis biggit apon our wal or vtouth, the quhilkis ar nedefull to be castin doune for the strengthing of the said toune and defens thareof 1513 Mylne Master Masons 21.
Paid to those working at the bulwark and croy for strengthening thereof … £67 17 s. 4 d. 1514 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 146.
The extent maid vpoun the nychtbouris of the toun for the strenthing of the samyn 1534 Misc. Spald. C. II 188.
Regardand the grete coist and expenssis maid be the said Schir Thomas … on the suyre keping strenthing and reparing of oure said castell 1536 (1538) Reg. Great S. 394/2.
To … teill yeirlie 1000 acris of thair commoun landis of oure said burgh … for polecy, strenthing and bigging of the samyn 1547 Stirling B. Rec. I 50.
Ane haill sowme … to be expendit upone the strengthing and bigging of the wallis of the toun, at this present peralus tyme of neid 1571 Crim. Trials I ii 29.
Withaldaris of the toune, in fortefeing, strenthing and detening thairof aganis our soveran lord and his auctoritie 1571–2 Reg. Privy S. VI 277/1.
The strenthing, forthing, furnessing … and withhalding of the said burgh 1603 Reg. Great S. 516/2.
[The dues] to be imployit uponn the bigging, inlargeing, uphalding and strenthning of the samyn boundis [of Leith](2) c1475 Wall. viii 619.
Gert cast a dyk that mycht sum strynthyng be To kepe the ost for sodeyn jeperte 1511–12 Reg. Privy S. I 358/2.
To erect and big his toure … with … battaling, corbaldsailȝe and uther maner of fortifiing and strenthin necessar
6. Rendering more effective.1562-3 Winȝet II 45/14.
Thai thingis … for strenthin of oure memorie, lat ws schortliar and mair narroulie reherse