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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Stud(e, n. Also: stuid, stwide, stuude, studd, stod(e, stot(t, stead, (stoddert for stod hird). [ME and e.m.E. stode (c1250), stude (c1325), stud (1458), OE stód. Cf. Sted(e n.2 c.]

1. Horses kept for breeding; a breeding herd; also, the breeding or stock of horses. Also transf. 14.. Acts I 324/2.
Of hors in forest. Item of a stud [L. equicio] gif … thai be fundyn in the forest it is leffull to the forster the first tym to tak a fol of a ȝer alde, the secund tym a fol of ij ȝer alde [etc.] … and gif at the ferd tym thai be fundyn all the stude to the kingis oyse salbe tane
1480 Reg. Cupar A. I 231.
He sal gif to ws a gud hors, the best we wil tak in his stud
1513 Doug. vii iv 202.
Stedis … Cummyn of the kynd of hevinly horssis wer … Of the ilke stok and stude [Sm. stud, Ruddim. stude] sprungyn … Quhilk Circes … fra hir awin fader staw Makand his stedis byleip meris onknaw
1513 Doug. vii viii 22.
Tyrrheus … was … gyde Of studis [Sm. studis, Ruddim. stedis, 1553 stedis folkis], flokkis, bowis and heirdis
1513 Doug. xi x 19.
The curser … haldis towart the studis [Sm. studys, Ruddim. stedis] in a rage, Quhar merys rakis in thar pasturage
1535 Acts II 346/2.
That al maner of personis havand studis and stude places … mak the samin to be plenist with … stude meris, and gret stallounis, for furnessing of hors to all maner of personis
a1568 Bann. MS 135a/20.
Ane colt of a gud stude Happynnis to be best
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 68.
In this ile thair is … abundance [pr. abundante] of store and of stwidis
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1884) 37.
transf. c1420 Wynt. viii 3050.
The byschape off Lwndyn scho gert be … hangyde … Erlys als … Ane haryage he mycht say he had gud, That had swylk twelff in tyll his stud
1533 Boece 29b.
The awfull churle is of ane othir strynd Thoucht he be born to vilest servitude Thair may no gentrice sink into his mynd … The bludy wolf is of the samin stude; He feiris gret beistis and ragis on the small
1535 Stewart 17587.
Forloppin lymmer of ane vncouth stuude [: blude]
c1420 Wynt. i 1018 (W) (see Sted(e n. c attrib.).
Stode hors

2. attrib. With fald, a paddock for breeding horses; place, an establishment where horses are bred; hird, a person who attends to such horses; hors, ? a stallion, or further examples of sense 1 above. Some examples may belong in Stot n.1 c. c1220 Liber Dryburgh 74.
[Stodfaldum et centum pedes ex omni parte Stodfaldi infra fossatum]
1368 Reg. Great S. 96/1.
Ortum quemdam qui vocatur Stodfald
1492 Exch. R. X 719.
Domus tecta tegulis et le Stotfaldis
1535 Acts II 346/2.
That na man by Inglis hors or bartour for thame and that all man havand stude places gar plenys the samyn
1535 Acts II 346/2 (see 1 above). 1542 Exch. R. XVII 562.
Lie stott fald in Blaknes
1557 Exch. R. XIX 31.
1558 Exch. R. XIX 62.
[48 s.] de firmis domus tecte tegulis et stodfaldis
1606–23 Reg. Episc. Morav. (App.) 426.
[Ac cum portu de] Stotfauld
1662 Highland P. III 25.
Quhen they wes bigging the stuid falds
c1550 Reg. Cupar A. II 176.
That thai nor nane of thame remove nor put out oure stodhird, … out of … the saidis landis
1651 Black Bk. Taymouth 425.
He shall … keep the mares in Glenloquhay and their followers, as stoddert thereof

3. ellipt. = Stude-mere n. Also transf. a1500 Henr. Fab. 992 (Bann.).
He … at thame speird Geue there wes any beist … Absent … And thay said nane except ane gray stude [Harl. stuid] meir ‘Ga, mak ane message sone vnto that stude’
(b) 1697 Rental of Brabster, Caithness in Old-lore Misc. XI i 48.
Item, a broun mear and a kear stead, foll at hir foott
fig. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 31.
Thay blamit … the regent that reservit the quene in stoir in dispyte of thame as thai said … to be ane stude to cast ma folis

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"Stud n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <>



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