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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Thiftwisly, -ously, Thifteously, -lie, adv. Also: thiftiouslie, -iusly, -wislie, -wuslie, -u(o)uslie, -uisly, -uislie, thyftwisly, -wysly, -uisly, -uusly, -uouslie, -iusly, theifteouslie, -iouslie, thiefteously, thefteously, (thriftuously, -eouslie). [Thiftwis(e adj.] a. In the manner of, by way of theft.(a) 14.. Acts I 376/2.
He that tuk that mone knawand it was nocht gude resawyt thyfft of a theff ande … salbe punyst … as a resettour of thyftwisly stollyn thing
1505 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 50.
That thiftuisly Andro Elison hed stowin ane gray hors fra Andro Leslie
1533 Boece 499b.
The thingis done in were ar nocht weyit sa hevily … as thingis thiftwisly done
1558 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 88.
14.. Reg. Maj. c. 17.
1617 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 8 Feb.
1622 Grant Chart. 427.
1669 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 408.
The said James Steiven [to be committed] to firmance quhill he make restitutione of what he hath most thyftiusly under trust taken away
1676 Corshill Baron Ct. 131.
He wes seen … thiftously stealing away corne, vnder cloud of nycht
(b) 1532–3 Acta Conc. & Sess. (St. S.) 101.
[An action pursued for recovery of the goods] thifteously takin fra thaim under silence of nycht
1539 Aberd. B. Rec. I 167.
Barbara Dya Baptista and Helen Andree … come to his houses in Wester Fintra and thair thiftiusly staw and tuik fra hym out of his kyst … the sowm of twenty four marks
1562 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 28.
Diverse persones … that thifteously steales scheap, kyn, and oxes
1584 Reg. Privy S. VIII 369/2.
And thair maist thiftiouslie reft and awaytuik all and sindrie the said Mathowis gold, silver [etc.]
1601 Crim. Trials II 341.
Ye tressonablie and thifteouslie stall, stouthfullie reft, ressett and away-tuik nyne pair of scheitis
(c) 1538 Aberd. B. Rec. (Jam.).
Maisterfullie brak wp the durris, & theifteouslie sta & tuk away gudis
1570 Digest Justiciary Proc. G 40.
He … in the mene tyme hes theiftiouslie stowin spendit waistit delapidat … and put away the said George Happeris money guidis [and] geir
1673 Argyll Justic. Rec. I 18.
The said pannell did most theifteouslie steall … ane hewed plaid [etc.]
(d) Urquhart Rabelais ii xiv.
One little villainous Turkie … rogue came thiefteously to snatch away some of my lardons
(e) 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1866 (Ch.).
That dastart knaue … Full thrifteouslie [B. thriftuously] did steill ȝour box
fig. 1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 156/3.
For the affirmatiuis ioynit heirvith ar al thifteou[s]lie stollin from the Catholik kirk

b. Stealthily, secretly. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1637.
Quhill Vlixes stall thiftuisly Away
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1841.
Pallamydes Not slane in-to the battall wes, Bot thiftuislie murdred
1513 Doug. iv vi 113.
I purposyt nocht forto hyde thyftuusly [Sm. thiftuislie, Ruddim. thiftuisly] My vayage, nor, … secretly Away to steil
1513 Doug. xi xiv 97.
Thyftuusly [Ruddim. thiftwislie] onon the sam way he Withdrew hys pays
1513 Doug. ix iii 177.
Thyftuusly [Ruddim. thyftwisly]
1535 Stewart 26028.
1562-3 Winȝet II 55/24.
Bot leir it [sc. the Protestant faith] thiftuou[s]lie and secreitlie, for it sal delyte ȝow
1596 Dalr. II 271/25.
Quhen … the gouernour passes to Lythcow the Erle of Lenox thiftuouslie steilis to Glasgwe and manis the toune arming it
(b) 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 105.
That action cannot be so secretlie, so quietly, nor so thefteously convoyed, but nil thou will thou, thy conscience sall beare ane testimonie of it

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"Thiftwisly adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 29 Dec 2024 <>



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