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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Unfreman, n. Also: unfreeman, -frieman, wnfreman, -frieman, onfre(e)man, onefre(e)man, -frieman, onnefreman. [North. e.m.E. unfreman (1480); Unfre adj.] A man who is ‘unfree’, in sense 1 of Unfre adj. Chiefly pl.For further examples see Unfrewoman n.; also, Colour v. 3, Cullour v. (2) and Cullo(u)ring vbl. n.(a) 1445 Aberd. B. Rec. MS IV 401.
Na vitaile be sald na tappit … nothir be fremen na vnfremen induellaris na owtduellaris vnder the payne of tynsaile of the gude
1445 Edinb. Chart. 67.
Of ilk last of hidis, of fremen xvj d., and of strangearis and vnfremen xxxij d.
1449 Acts II 34/2.
1487 Perth Guildry 116 (Jan.).
Gife ony nichtbour … haue ony unfreman or his gudis vnder colour in ony part vtuth the ruelme … he … sall tyne his awin fredome
1498 Dunferm. Ann. 174.
The alleged wrangis slaying of cattal all of unfreemen under silence of nicht
1514 Aberd. B. Rec. I 89.
That na vnfreman be licenc to saile in marchandice to na partis without that he pay to Sanct Nicholace werk … twa Franche crownis
1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I 179.
All the induellaris in Leitht, and vther vnfremen, sall decist and ceis fra all bying of woll, hyde [etc.] … and all merchandice in the cuntre fra vnfremen
1524–5 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 220.
All the maisteris of the skynneris that ar fremen … till haue thair standis and place vpoun the mercat … and that thair be ane passage betuixt thame and the vnfremen of the brede of ane stand that nane of the vnfremen molest … the fremen nor seruandis … bot till hald and bruik thair places and standis lymmit to thame
1539 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 94.
That all maner of personis allegeand … thame to be fre and comburgessis of this burgh … enter thame selffis within xl dayis … within the burgh to remane and mak residence thairintill, scott lott waird and walk with the vtheris nychtbouris comburgessis … certefeing … that gyf thay failye … thay … sall be reput and haldin as vnfremen
1543 Soc. Ant. II 392.
The thesaurer to by lokks and set on un fremenis durrs
1578 (1659) Dumfries Fleshers 5 May.
Incaice that any frieman marrow or be pairtiner with any vnfrieman
1582 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 350.
Thomas Vatrollier prenter beand ane straynger and vnfrieman hes … be him selff and his seruandis … sauld … buikis in smallis … contrair to the priuelegeis of the burgh
1586 Prestwick B. Rec. 81.
That na vnfreman … gather ather wrek nor wair
1586–7 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 483.
That na vnfriemen bring any bwits or schone … to sell within the fredome of this burgh bot on the Monondayes
1590 Prestwick B. Rec. 81.
Geif ony wedow … marie ane vnfreman without adwys of the toun [she] sall thairthrow tyne hir fredome
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Forensis.
Forensis … signifies ane vn-free-man quha dwellis not within burgh or out-dwelland man … quha dwelland aland-ward hes na priviledge or immunitie within burgh
1652 Peebles B. Rec. II 3.
Thomas Mosie walker has … scandalized the … counsell and will not give obedience to their auctorite … therfore they discharge the said Thomas of his friedome as ane burges of the burgh, and declares him to be ane unfreman
1653 Lanark B. Rec. 153.
1656 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 32.
The … incroatchments of all sort of unfriemen quho call themselffis landmercatt men
1676 Writers Signet xxxi.
[A list is ordered to be drawn up of all such as] keep chambers in the burgh of Edinburgh, either as notaries or unfreemen
1681 Lauder Notices Affairs I 293.
Having imployed some country masons, unfree-men … the masons of the Cannogate come violently upon them and takes away ther tools
1681 Lauder Notices Affairs I 294 n.
Why shall I be tyed to use freemen if others be more dextrous and expert then they, and will work cheaper … the freemen retort … that they are answerable for the goodnesse of the work, wheiras unfreemen escape unpunished after they have cheated the leidges
1688 Fountainhall Decis. I 510.
King James's letter is only to stop un-freemen [sc. girdle-makers] to work within Culross, otherwise any corporation might get a gift to hinder all others within Scotland but themselves
(b) 1458 Reg. Great S. 143/1.
1495–6 Perth Guildry 142 (21 Jan.).
Ane freman that culloris our as merchand til ony on freman … sal pay on forgevin to the haly blud xxtj s.
1507 Aberd. B. Rec. I 437.
That nay onefreman keipe oppin butht within the burgh, nor … haue license to saile in merchandise
1559 Inverness Rec. I 35.
The onfre men allutyrle dischargit fra barkyne to the consell be fordyr aduisit
1588 Lanark B. Rec. 93.
Thair offeceris … [to] fens and arest all peittis turves … cassing within the said boundis be onefrie or owttounes men
1593 Stirling Merch. Guild 4.
Ane complaint … agains Wiliame Lawsoine … for reweilling … the bretheris secreits to onfremen spoken and proponit in cowrt
1596 Stirling Merch. Guild 10.
James Vallace … resauit to the libertie of ane gildbreithir as narest air to … his father [and] to pey … the soume that ane onefreeman payis for his libertie
1609 Inverurie 193.
The onfreemen to be sensurit be the counsall what they sall pay of peitts to the hird
1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 July.
Na stalenger nor onfreman to hawe moss nor mak moss at thair awin hand but consent forsaid
attrib. 1514 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 152.
That the vnfremen flescheoures sell thair … flesche beif and mwttoun … vpoun the Sonday and Mononday as commoun frie merkat dayis to thame
1570–1 Conv. Burghs I 19.
The saidis commisaris knawing thame selves to be greitlie hurt be the multitude of vnfremen saillaris
1681 Lauder Notices Affairs I 294.
One Wood, ane unfreeman barber, to exerce his calling in polling the children's heads in Heriot's Hospitall
1684 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 103.
The unfreemen fleshers in the land mercate … to pay to the freemen fleshers in the beiff mercate [etc.]
1591 Burntisland B. Ct. 22 Oct.
That all onfremene braid sall abyid … at the marcat cors … and sall in nawayis be careit throw the towne nether efternowne nor forrow noun

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"Unfreman n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 21 Sep 2024 <>



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