A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Untellabil(l, -able, adj. Also: untelabil, -ibill, -ibyl, -ible, -ybill, wntellable, ontellabill, -able, -ibil. [ME and 19th c. Eng. vntellable (Wyclif), vntelabil (c1425), ontelleable (Prompt. Parv.); Tel(l v.] Impossible to convey in words; unspeakable; indescribable.(a) a1450 Fifteen Ois 357.
And for the innomerabilnes Off thi vntellabill meiknes 1490 Irland Mir. II 58/11.
The thrid wourd sal be of remuneracioun and reward wntellable 1551 Hamilton Cat. 16.
Of the glore of the saule quhilk is untelabil Arundel MS 279/17.
I beseik thé, be that haly and vntellabill blithnes quhilk thy spreit had … quhen it wes schewin to thé … that thou consaif … the sone of Gode(b) 1513 Doug. i ix 31.
O thou only, quhilk rewth hes and piete On the ontellabill [Sm. vntellible, Ruddim. untellibill] pyne of the Troianys 1513 Doug. i xii 6..
Thi desyre … is Renewing of ontellabill [Sm. ontellable, Ruddim. vntellybill] sorow 1513 Doug. iv ii 72.
Gif scho tharby The lufe ontellabill [Sm. vntellable, Ruddim. vntellibyl] mycht swik or satisfy 1513 Doug. viii x 71.
The scheild so subtelly Forgyt that it was ane ontellabill [Sm. vntellable, Ruddim. vntellabil] thyng 1533 Gau 43/25.
Ve find alsua in the same forsaid chaipturs the ontellibil profeit and frwit of his deid and passione
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"Untellabil adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/untellabill>