A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Waiknes, Wak(e)nes, n. Also: waikenes, waicknes, vaik(e)nes, wayknes, uakknes, weknes, wea(c)knes, weakenes(se, wyknes. [ME and e.m.E. waikenes, weiknes (both Cursor M.), wayknes (Rolle), weykenesse (Prompt. Parv.), wekenes (1538), weaknesse (Shakespeare).]
1. Lack of physical strength, feebleness, infirmity, sickness, also in, of (a particular part of) the body. 1473 Holyrood Chart. 152.
The saide venerabil fadir is … in grete wakenes of his persone be diuers infirmiteis 1527 Stirling B. Rec. I 31.
He … fell befoir hus awin dour and could nocht recower na help him selfe for waiknes 1533 Boece 533a.
Swerdis and speris for waiknes, sall fall out of thare handis 1567 Cal. Sc. P. II 346.
[I have some] merlyeons to send yow, but be ressoun of the waiknes of ther fedders wes not able to be careit at this present 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary II 284.
Some Sunday quhen he best may for waiknes of his body to mak an sermon a1586 Lindsay MS 36b.
Borreasche … hes vertew aganis poysone and waiknes of hart 1609 Crim. Trials II 581.
He deyed of a feuer, and waicknes in his stomache 1620 Perth Kirk S. 27 Nov.
Monye … haue cwm at extraordinare tymeis wpone occasioun of the waiknes of thair childrein to craiff it [sc. baptism] 1622 Crim. Trials III 509.
He … wes brocht to sic infirmitie and waiknes, nane expecting his lyfe 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 165/486.
Uakknes [1591 weakenes] 1641 Acts V (1817) 366/1.
To present ane certificat from the doctores of my waikenes 1645 Rec. Old Aberd. II 20.
Affirmed that his wometing preceaded frome wyknes and ane payne off the wondie grawell and not frome drunkennes 1676 Kirkcudbr. Test. 22 Sept.
Becaus of the waiknes and infirmitie of his body throw age and seiknes [etc.]
2. Moral weakness, reduction or deficiency in spiritual strength, susceptibility to temptation or sin. b. Lack of knowledge, ignorance. c. Mental deficiency or incompetence. 1490 Irland Mir. I 21/13.
Pane eternall of hell … that we may nocht … throu our waiknes & brukilnes sustene 1490 Irland Mir. I 89/22.
The thrid is, mutabilite and waiknes of oure spreit in comparison of the angell 1490 Irland Mir. I 128/30.
And He had taryit langere His cummyne the … hope that men had of His cummyn had growin in waiknes and diminucioune c1520-c1535 Nisbet Prol. Rom. 344/2.
For sua dealis Christ … with us daylye, sufferyng our vnperfectiounn, waiknes [etc.] 1533 Gau 26/7.
Sane we cane … knau of our aune weknes we suld seik … quhow we ma keip … the x commandis 1534 Crim. Trials I i 211.
Mr. Normand was a man of reasonable eruditioun and knowledge, although it was joyned with weacknes. He had said thair was no purgatorie [etc.] a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 130/8.
Fleschly imperfecciones and vaiknes a1561 Norvell Meroure 20a.
When they by waiknes, in temptatione fall 1567 G. Ball. 14.
For our waiknes, God … To strenth our faith ordand this sacrament 1584 Calderwood IV 235.
Weakenesse 1588 King Cat. Deuot. Pray. 33.
Lat Thy maist mightie gudenes fulfil that quhilk my maist leauwarmed vaikenes desyres to doe 1604-31 Craig i 33.
So is humane waikenes redier to repay … the smallest euillb. 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 26.
Ilk soytour befor that he be admittit … may be examyt [etc.] … & than quhen he is … admittit he may nocht efterwart for waiknes of knawlegis be admerciitc. 1607 Highland P. III 96.
Atholl … throw the imbecillitie and weaknes of this earle … is now in warst rewll … of anye pairt
3. Deficiency in the number of court officials or other interested parties required for a competent court session. 14.. Acts I 30/2.
Bot gif … the iuge thruch wayknes of the court or skantnes of soytouris may ferrar contynew the daye 14.. Burgh Laws c. 59 (B).
Or the iuge prolong the day in defaute of courte & for wayknes [A. waknes] of consaile 1452 Melville Chart. 36.
For waiknes of curt the forsaide decret wes delayit 1521 Dundee B. Ct. I 59b (20 Nov.).
The bailȝeis for waiknes of court … has contynewit the actoune … quhill Friday next to cum 1547 Ayr B. Ct. & Council Bk. 24 Oct.
4. Lack of organisational strength, political or military power, etc. in a body, group of persons, cause, etc. 1490 Irland Mir. III 90/12.
Jhesus has foundit His kyrk … and ordand it in vnite without diuisioun or ellis it had bene foundit in gret waknes and confusioun 1584 Gowrie P. 31.
The same to procede rather throughe the lacke of experience … of the lawes, then from the weacknes of my cause 1598 James VI Basil. Doron App. 306.
I hawe not sparid to lay opin to yowe the diseases and waiknes of all my estats 1626 Aberd. B. Rec. III 3.
The most graue and ancient of this citie ar sensible of our waiknes at the present ather to defend or offend our enemeis c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. 69.
The badnes of the ensuing tymes, and the wakenes of the creditors, hath made that legacy of more damage to the Colledge 1646 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 62.
The inhabilitie and weaknes of this toun 1650 Nicoll Diary 34.
His … hott displesour wes powred out, turning the wisdome of the wyse into folie, and the strenth of the strong men into waiknes
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"Waiknes n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/waiknes>