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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Wi(t)ch, Wy(t)ch(e, Wech(e, n. Also: witche, vitch(e, vytch(e, witsh, wyttch, wiche, viche, wicch, wichch, wichth, which, wycht, wisch(e, vische, vicsche, veche, weiche, weych(e. [ME and e.m.E. wicche (a1225), wycche (Manning), wiche (Lydgate), wyche (1440), wytche (Prompt. Parv.), witch (c1533), OE wicca (wk. masc.), wicce (fem.).] A person, chiefly a woman, skilled in sorcery. Also used as a term of abuse. Cf. Warlo(c)k(e n. 2. b. Applied to a man. c. transf.Applied to a Christian by a pagan. d. attrib. and comb.Describing persons, things, etc. Also in objective use. e. possess.See also Warlo(c)k(e n. 3 for further examples.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 744.
Thai wichis twa
c1420 Wynt. iv 365.
Scho oysid for till telle Thyngis sere before thai felle, As wychys dois, or nycromancerys
a1500 Colk. Sow i 55.
Scho callit to hir cheir … A wich and a wobstare [etc.]
1490 Irland Mir. II 68/35.
The ydolatries wichis and charmowaris thai that wsis magic and inuocacioun of the innemy
a1538 Abell 7a.
Sanct Aug. … writis … of the wiche callit Circe at chengit Wlixis fallowis in bestis
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5845.
With Phitonissa, … Quhilk rasit the spreit of Samuell, … thare sall resorte Off rank wycheis [etc.]
1586 Soc. Ant. II 349.
For tows, tar-barrelis, coilis, and uther furnishing to the burning of the viche, 4li. 6 s. 10 d
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 208.
Dittay aganis Bessie Roy … thou art indytit … for ane notoriouse and commowne wiche … and cane do all thingis, and hes done all mischeifis, that deuilrie or wichcraft cane devyse
1647 Livingston Kirk S. in Durh. Univ. J. XXXIV 65.
That Barbarie Parisch a confessing wich … shall be bourried one the Kirktowne mure, when she should beene brownt, without a kist or convocatioun of people at the burriall
1650 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS.
To the lockman for dresing Jo. Beattis woylt for to haue putt the whichis in
(b) 1520 Sc. Ant. I 40.
Janet Burns commonly reputed a witche
1533 Boece 188a.
Divinouris, spamen and witchis
1549 Compl. 168/22.
Sum so[r]seris and vytchis, quhilkis ar instramentis of the ald eneme of mankynd, hes tempit ȝou, and hes venqueist ȝour natural rason
c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 329.
He was troublet als be incantatioun of wytches, quhilk roistit him in walx, and hade greit infirmite thairthrow
1551 Hamilton Cat. 50.
How can thow that is ane wytche … excuse thé fra … endles damnation, seand that God almychty … forbiddis al kindis of wytchecraft
1558-66 Knox II 357.
The erle … was laid in the tolbuyth thairof, that the response whiche his wyffis wyttches had gevin mycht be fulfilled
a1578 Pitsc. I 166/14.
The king … desyreit of the witche … gif ony man had caussit hir to speik the samin, and scho denyit that ony man caussit hir bot that scho had the rewelatioun thairof be ane familiear spreit
c1590 J. Stewart 49/56.
1593–4 Elgin Rec. II 35.
James Kar … for calland Agnes Smyth … glangoirie witche and mony vther injurious wordis
1629 Justiciary Cases I 98.
The definitioun of the name of ane witche being ane quha be diabolicall and godles meanis preisses to attene to unlaufull endis
1644 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 724.
It was confest that ather of them callit vther witches
1694 Boharm Kirk S. 9 Sept.
[They] heard her severall tymes say to her neighbours wife bitch and witch
1697 Sermon on Witchcraft in Sc. Hist. Rev. VII 391.
By a witch is understood a person that hath immediat converse with the devil
(c) c1500 Rowll Cursing 179 (M).
Sum on woulfis and sum on wicchis [B. wichis] Sum on brod sowis and sum on bicchis Sum on dragounis and sum on deuillis [etc.]
1579 Misc. Bann. C. II 197.
Thomas Bassinden, prentar … In his buith … ane dialoge of wichches price xxx d. … xi Lawis of Ingland, the pece xxx d.
c1590 Fowler I 233/20.
1650 Buccleuch Mun. II 359.
God Allmighti send a gud tryell of all the wichthis, and send them a hotte fyre to burne them with
(d) 1569 Treas. Acc. XII 163.
Katherine Cultis, wische
1591 Warrender P. (SHS) II 156.
[Her sailing hither was delayed by] conjurations of devils and witshes [and] by stormes and tempests
1623 Perth Kirk S. MS 11 Aug.
Compeirit Duncane Tawis and his wyff and ar accuseit for passing … to Jonat Kaw wisch to seik help to thair bairne
(e) a1400 Leg. S. x 68.
Thai cuth, be thare enchawnment, Ger serpentis strik men ful sare, As befor-tyme wechis vont ware
1531 Bell. Boece II 511.
Ane weche [L. Saga] said to him, he suld be crownit king afore his deith
1541 Aberd. B. Rec. XVII (Jam. s.v. Weyche).
Saying vmquhill his moder wes ane commound weyche to hir end day
1559–60 Inverness Rec. I 40.
The said Abram vyf in admerciament for the callyn of … the said Hendre wyf ane rank veche
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 125.
Maige Saythe, hes bein this sex yeris in cumpany with the weychis with Cryistsunday, and that scho is als ewill as ony wthir
b. a1400 Leg. S. xxi 532.
He was ane enchantore, A wech and a trigetouyre
1560 Rolland Seven S. 6638.
The brother … said quhat deuill is this That verray knicht he is sum witche I wis
1562-3 Winȝet II 63/7.
Simon the weche, quha wes strukin be the apostolis cursing
1581 Burne Disput. 145b.
Quhairof … it followis that Christ vas ane vitch and inchantar
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 124.
Hir gudman hes na thing but it that his wyf lerit him, and he is ane weiche in lykmanner
1603 Inverness Rec. II 20.
Thou, Donald Moir Mcferquhar Miller art indytit as ane vische for the cuminge to the said Robert Steuartis hous … and thair thou charmit with thai vicked and deuillische charmes the said Robert his son
1603 Inverness Rec. II 20.
Vicsche and sorcerer
1612 Fraserburgh Kirk S. I fol. 8a (5 Nov.).
That he had sclanderit him and callit him witche
c1679 Kirkton Hist. 190.
Mr. Giden Penman, curat at Creighton, was well known to be a witch; divers eye-witnesses deponed they hade many times seen him at the witches' meetings, and that the devil called him … Penman, my chaplane
c. a1400 Leg. S. xix 410 (see also Wi(t)ch(e)craft n. (4)).
Thu wycht of Canane [L. Cananæe malefice; sc. St. Christopher]
a1400 Leg. S. l 1088.
[He] gert this Katrine … & sad hir: ‘Thu wikide wiche, Quhat wenis thu ws lang to preche? … bot chese thé … Othire till oure godis sacrify [etc.]'
d. (1) 1535 Stewart 35799 heading.
How king Duffois was witchit be … ane witche carling that duelt in Forres
a1538 Abell 76b.
Operatioun of the ewill spreit & the wiche man or woman as instrument he tholis this operatioune in punitioun of synnaris
1591 Crim. Trials I ii 250.
Catherene Campbell the wich-wyffe duelland in the Cannogait
1596 Dalr. II 22/13.
Certane witche wyfes, quha rather sulde be callet deuilis in the lyknes of wyfes
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 161.
Gett fyre to thé, vytche carling
1641 Dundonald Par. Rec. 490.
[They] had sclandered her by saying that shee was a wansonsie witch lown
1642 Dundonald Par. Rec. 501.
Ane bill of complaint … makeing mentioun that shoe had sclandered her by such speichis as follow, that shoe was a witch kitling, and [etc.]
1642 Dundonald Par. Rec. 512.
He was ane old haired warloch witch theif
1662 Highland P. III 20.
His father and mother sister and wife are witch people
1673 Paterson Ayr & Wigton II 545.
James Wood deponed … he heard the Gudewife of Drumfork call John Reid witch-get
1676 Lanark Presb. 112.
Sumoned … for scandalizing his good sister, and mother, by calling them witch and witchgate
1680 Dunferm. Kirk S. 72.
Jonet Burn called the said Ceseill Yeld son - an witchbird
1696 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World Suppl. xxiv.
He had sent his son to a witch-wife … to enquire what might be the cause of the decay of his person and goods
(2) 1643 Dunferm. Ann. 310.
Isobell Marr being delaittit be the rest of her nychtbour witches for a witche … shoe hangit hersel and was cairyed to the witche knowe and yerdit
1644 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. VIII, 101.
They causit thair officeris … tirre us mother naked, rype and search our bodies and secreitt memberis for witchmarkis
c1665 Sel. Biog. I 269 (see c below).
Witch world
1692 Vindication of Calvin and Beza's Presbyterian Principle 47.
Like the little bag which children finds in the fields, and call the witch-ball, will be found to evaporat into smoak with a smal touch
16… Old Kirk Chron. 70.
Such treatment was condemned by the Session under the head of witch-charming
1705 Boharm Kirk S. 24 June.
The common report of the countrey is that ye carry always a witch clout abwt your finger
(3) 1584 Melvill 176.
Drunkards, gluttones, whure and witch mungars
1649 Crim. Trials III 599.
Deposition of John Kincaid (Witch-finder)
e. 1609 Kinghorn Kirk S. 14.
William Newin and Patrik Key … did fall out … in calling ewerie ane of thame ane uther … witchis burd
1658 Hawick Mem. 12.
Margaret Oliver was fined 50/- for calling Isabell Scott witchesgait
c1665 Sel. Biog. I 269.
Beware of the witch world that will make a witche's hinder end
1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1933) 115.
The damnable practice of evill angells, their sucking of blood and spirits out of witches bodys … to feid their own vehicles withall, leaving what we call the witches mark behind
1695 Dalyell Darker Superst. 628.
[Opprobrious epithets … as … of a woman called a witch & her children … ] witches whelpis

