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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Arming, n. Also: armyng, ayrming; armin(e, armyne. [ME. armynge (Chaucer), etc.]

1. Armour.(a) 1375 Barb. v. 393.
Syne all the gudis tursit thai, … And namly vapnys and armyng
c1420 Wynt. ix. 465.
Fourtene hundyr hale armyngis … He browcht off golde in to the land
1431 Wemyss Chart. 61.
Paiit for my armyng, x mark
1456 Hay I. 56/2.
Sen thai had nane armyng, na irne to mak it of
1505 Treas. Acc. III. 147.
To the armorar that hed the Kingis armyng in France for naling and dichting of it
1513 Doug. vii. xi. 107.
Amangis al thir pepill na brycht armyng Mycht thou heir sovnd
15.. Clar. i. 1064.
His host … of his arming doing him devest
fig. 1456 Hay I. 18/3.
He … gert … grete lordis arm thame in his armyng of ypocrysie
(b) 1375 Barb. xvii. 264.
Berwik wes tane, and stuffit syne With men and vittale and armyne
?1438 Alex. ii. 3668.
To his douzepeiris sent he syne Thare hors and halely thare armyne
c1420 Wynt. ii. 51 (W).
Hir basnet With other armyne gud and fyne

b. Arms (heraldic). 1446 Rec. Earld. Orkney 51.
The seill ... of Joanne Cragy, myne arming

2. Equipping with arms. 1598 Edinb. B. Rec. 212.
Anent … the form of ayrming of the lieges agane the tyme of weir

3. Attrib. with doublet, hose, hous, sadil, etc. 1495 Treas. Acc. I. 256.
vij quarteris of quhite treilȝe to be the King ane arming doublet
Ib. 257.
A paire of armyng hois
1496 Ib. 269.
To the Franche armorar, for armyne schone and odir thingis
1501 Ib. III. 22.
For pair of armyng shone of mailȝee
1503 Ib. 202.
For … ridding suord and armyng suord
1506 Ib. III. 366.
For … tynnyng of thre pair armyng sterapes
1529 Ib. V. 370.
Four pair of quhite armyn ledderis, … Ane pair of ledderis sowit in armyn irnis
1532 M. Works Acc. II. 51.
The ... mending of the palice of Halyrudhous stabillis, ketchingis, armyng hous and hors-myln
1537 Ib. VI. 336.
Item, for tua pair of girthis and wamebras for armyn sadillis
1588 Hume vii. 117.
Fyne arming swords, and vther grunding glaues

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"Arming n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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