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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Cors-present, -presand, n. Also: corse present, corsse precend; cors pressand, presant. [Northern ME. cors present (1393), presand (1497), e.m.E. corse present, etc., f. Cors n.1 2. Cf. Corps-present.] A gift due to the clergy from the goods of a householder on his death and burial. Also attrib. with cow.(a) 1471 Acta Aud. 23/1.
In the actioun … for the … withhaldin of … v corspresandis of the teyndis of the kirk of Stow
1489 Acta Conc. 115/2.
Robert Stewat … spulȝeit and tuk a corspressand kow worth ij merkis … of the froitis of the said kirk
1552 Glasgow Test. I. 94 b.
For … cost makyng of the deid, lyke walking, furth bryngyng & cors presand x lib.
1557 Acts II. 502/1.
Without payment of ony gressume, enteres siluer, hereȝeld, corspressand, or ony vther maner of dewtie
(b) 1484 Acta Conc. *85/2.
Withhalding of the lam tendis, cheisse, corsse precendis and vther diuersse froits of the said kirk
1529 Rep. Milne Home MSS. 36.
Gif ony deis in Crammecruk … at ar tennandis, the corse present and heriald to be partit betuix me, … and the said Alexander ewinly
1531–2 Reg. Soltre 196.
Cors presentis and vmest clathis … nocht put in this comput
1540 Lynd. Sat. 3900.
From this day furth, thay salbe cleane denudit Baith of corspresent cow, and vmest claith
c1552 Id. Mon. 4479.
He did nocht bid thame seik nor craif Cors presentis nor offerandis
1560 Misc. Spald. C. IV. 121.
The saidis … prouentis and emolumentis of the said vicarage, except the cors present and vmest clayth

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"Cors-present n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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