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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Danskin, -ene, a. and n. Also: -ine, -yn(e, -ein(e, -en; dancekyn, dankskin. [f. Polish Gdansk Danzig, with adjectival ending.]

1. adj. Connected with, made in, brought from Dantzig.Used with cheir (chair), codding, comptar, irn(e, kist, knappald, lint, man, pulder, pund, ribbane, skin, tow, viage, wair.(a) 1492 Acta Conc. 275/1.
Half a Danskin viage of the said auchtane parte
1504 Treas. Acc. II. 435.
For tua Danskin skinnis, to be somer hos for the Quene
1522 Dunferm. B. Rec. 209.
Ane Danskyn toll [= tow]
1550 Reg. Privy C. I. 104.
To licence the weire schippis … that tha sall do na hurt … to … Emdein, Danskinmen, Hamburch, nor nane of the stedis
1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 153.
xviij faddome of ane great Danskin tow … to serve the crane
1557 Ib. 260.
To band the axtreis vij stane xj pund … Danskin irn
1565 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 24 b.
Ane fedder bed furneissit, with ane small Danskyn comptar
1577–8 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 465.
For Danskyn irne to be ane calsaye hemmer
1584 Edinb. Test. XIII. 151 b.
Tua hankis of Danskine ribbanes for scheittis
1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 18.
Foure barrell of Danskyne pulder of threttie sex Danskyne pund wecht
1596 Fraser P. 228.
Ane Danskin kist with ane sey kist
1610 Brechin Test. II. 28.
Ane Danskin cheir
1612 Conv. Burghs II. 375.
All Danskine wairs, the last, v s.
1630 Bamff Chart. 223.
Ane Danskyne kist in the nether chamber
(b) 1571 Treas. Acc. MS. 81.
Danskene irne to be bandis and lokkis to the palace
1577 Edinb. Test. V. 351 b.
Tua dosane of Danskene wair ledder
1588 St. A. Test. II. 95 b.
Sex elnis Danskein ribbenis at xx s. the dussoun
1597 Edinb. Test. XXXI. 225.
Thrie elnes of Danskene codding
1603 Reg. Great S. 515/2.
Ilk hundreth Danskene knappoll, 4 penneis
1609 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I. 179 b.
Danskene irne to be a brander to the same furnace
1624 Edinb. Test. LII. 171.
lxxxxij staines Danskeine lint
Ib. 172.
xi hundreth staine wecht Danskeine & Suadines irne
1627 Edinb. Test. LIV. 106.
My meikill trunk or schyryn kist, being ane Danskein kist

2. n. The town of Dantzig.(a) 1456 Hay I. 206/16.
Gif ane Ynglish man … wald … duelle in Bruges or Danskyn
Ib. 20.
The merchaundis of Flaundris … and rycht sa of Dancekyn
1487 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 414.
The alderman … has ordanit … to writ to the toune of Danskyne [etc.]
1496 Treas. Acc. I. 300.
Giffin to Dauid Gourlay … for a mast he put in the samyn schip in Danskin
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 446.
Ane pak of fla-skynnis … Thow sall ressaue in Danskyn of my tailȝe
1540 Lynd. Sat. 896 (B).
Ȝe sall conqueis … Danskyn, Denmark, and all Almane
1546 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 235.
At my departing of this town of Abirdene to Danskin
Ib. 300.
The quhyt that com hame laytly furth of Danskyn
1564 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 182.
Schippis laitlie cumin furth of Danskin suspectit of the pest
1580 Ib. IV. 178.
The merchantis … quhilk ar cum frome Danskyne
1587 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 699.
Mr Andro Melvill was ordainit to pen a favourable wryting … to the Ministrie in Danskine
(b) 1581 Dundee Shipping L. 203.
Maister of the schyp callit the Harry cum fra Dansken
1586 Edinb. Test. XV. 348.
Send to Danskene twa hundretht four scoir thrie lams skynnis
1595 Ib. XXVIII. 228.
Send hame out of Danskene … nyne barrellis of as
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Serplaith.
The merchandes vsis to pay fraucht … to Danskene, and the Easter Seas, be the serplath
1616 Edinb. Test. XLIX. 162 b.
In ventur to Dansken … tua hunderetht pundis
1625 Ib. LIII. 120.
In ventour to Danskeine … xiiij peices of cullorit cairsayis

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"Danskin adj., n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 5 Dec 2024 <>



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