A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Defese, Defeis, Defeas(e, v. Also: defes, -fece, -feise; diffese, -eis. [OF. defes-, ppl. stem of defaire to undo. Cf. Defesance.]
1. tr. To acquit or discharge (a person) from an obligation (esp. to pay or account for a certain sum) or penalty.(a) 1475 Acta Aud. 39/1.
The said Walter salbe defesit therof in the chekker rollis at the said next chekker 1478 Acta Conc. 22/2.
Becaus the thane of Caldor allegis that he has charteris to defese him thairof [sc. the twelve merks] 1495 Ib. 428/1.
That thai dischargeit the infefting of thaim and thair airis in the saidis landis contenit in his said obligacioun and defesit him thairof 1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 269/2.
Chargeing our … auditouris of our chekker to mak allowans to the said officiaris of all the premisis and defesis thaim thairof be thir our lettres 1541 Ib. II. 577/1.
With the quhilkis he was chargit in his comptis, and … sensyne defecit of the soume [of] five hundreth thre scoir of merkis be oure … dischargis gevin to vthiris personis(b) 1512 Crim. Trials I. 84.
That ȝe draw furthe of our said buke all wther persouns that ar undir panis for the said slachter, and thare souerteis, and that ȝe defeise thaim thairof 1523 Montgomery Mem. 98.
The said Erle of Eglintoun sall defeis and discharge the said Erle of Glencarne of the sovme of five hundreth pundis 1541 Reg. Privy S. II. 616/1.
The samyn sal be thankfullie allowit to him in his comptis … be the auditouris … quhilkis oure soverane lord chargeis to defeis his said comptrollare of the said soume ȝeirlie 1559 Ib. MS. XXX. 16 b.
Our soueranis chargeis to defeis thair said maister of cunȝe of the saidis feis and dewiteis
b. absol. To give a discharge.1488–91 Treas. Acc. I. 166.
Chauncellare, we charge ȝow … that ȝe here the Thesauraris compt, and defeis and allow as ȝe think accordis to resone
2. To give a discharge for (a certain sum), esp. by way of deduction from a total: to allow as a deduction, to deduct (so much).(a) 1480 Acta Conc. 68/1.
Thairof to be defalkit to the said Johne vij li. … Scottis that is defesit on the bak of the obligacion 1498 Reg. Morton II. 253.
The said Thomas of his awin free motif for this gentrice and kyndnes … has diffesyt and forgevin ane hundreth merkis of usuale monee of Scotland 1503 Orkney Rentals i. 41.
Thair said placeis is chargeit with ij d. forcop mair nor the auld extent, quhilk suld be yeirlie defesit to the takman 1525 Crim. Trials I. 131.
That … ȝe draw all the saidis vnlawis furth of our said adiornale bukis, and defese the samyn, ȝe kepand thir our letteris for ȝour warrant 1574 Reg. Privy C. II. 349.
In the assumptioun that he diffesis yeirlie to the fewaris … the sowme of half ane mark in the feu males 1576 Ib. 507.
Rebatand and diffesand xii d. of the pryce of ilk stane wecht of the copper(b) 1511 Reg. Privy S. I. 338/2.
That ȝe discharge and defeis the said soume to the said M. Iohnne in oure said bukis 1569 Reg. Privy C. II. 14.
The messenger … offerit thame … for the sowme thai wer apprysit for, and to diffeis thairin samekill as the superplus wes, gif ony wer 1580 Douglas Corr. 25.
Commanding the Lordis Auditouris of our Chekker to defeis and allowe to our … cowsing quhatsumeuir dewtie … belanging to ws(c) 1582 Treas. Acc. MS. 71.
The compositouris defeasit the composicionis of sindrie puir personis nocht being able to pay the same 1585 Acts III. 403/1.
The said sowme … to be … allowit … be the auditouris … quhome we command to defeas and allow to thame ȝeirlie 1598 Reg. Privy C. V. 480.
[Charging the Auditors] to defeas and allow [the said seven score chalders] 1613 Conv. Burghs II. 539.
They sall defease to the merchandis importers of wynes the impost of all twme tries of wynes 1622-6 Bisset I. 189/15.
The dewitie of the ground, or house maill … quhilk suld be defalked and defeased in the actioun 1630 Inchaffray Chart. 105.
Quhairof defeased payit to his lordschip for his blensche dewtie … xvj li. … Summa of the haill siluer befoir defeaseit four hundreth threttine pundis 1667 Newbyth Suppl. Decis. 499 (J).
Notwithstanding of the twenty shillings Scots to be defeased to the defender upon the boll
3. To expunge, cancel.1512 Reg. Privy S. I. 374/1.
That ȝe auditouris of our chekker and comptrollare … defeis, adnul and draw the sammyn [Charter] furth of our chekker rollis for evir 1512 Justiciary Rec. III. 316.
Clerk of oure iusticiary, it is our will … that ȝe defeis & draw furth of our adjornall George Campbel [etc.] 1531 Acta Conc. MS. XLII. 173.
[That the act] be defeisit and extract furth of the bukis