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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Fewale, Fewall, Fewel(l, n. Also: feu-, fevale, fewaill; fewalle, feuel, fewill, feuil(e. [ME. fewaile (c 1400), fewell, -all, OF. feuaile, fowaille. See also Fuaill.] Fuel.(a) 1375 Barb. xi. 120.
Four scor [of carts] wes chargid with fewale
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I. 183.
Tha sal gane to the monk myre … and thar tak thair feuale
Ib. 199.
Levand a pairt of the mos in the grovnd, … at it ma grow batht to pasture and fevale
a1500 Rauf C. 242.
Thow sall haue for thy fewaill For my saik the better saill
1519 Reg. Panmure II. 291.
Fre fogage and feuale, hadyr, petis and turves to his tenentis, … and sa meikill feuale as may stak and stede tham
1556 Liber Calchou 479.
For the hame bringing of the fewale to the pensioneris
1604 Urie Baron Ct. 4.
Sik persoms as furnessis and sellis fewaill to the Stanhyiff … syik as petteis, turris. or haidder
(b) 1384 Acts I. 350/1.
Supplearis of … the merchearis of Inglande with hors, … fewall, or ony vthir gudis
1464 Liber Aberbr. 140.
As in fewalle, pastur, and vthir thingis belangand commone
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I. 171.
Tha sal do thar diligens to wyn the myre … that it ma be bath pastur and feual
1535 Reg. Episc. Brechin II. 186.
In casting of petis, turfis, and fewall upone the said commone
1571 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 32.
It sall not be lesum to the said Willeme … to use the moss … bot to his awne necessare fyre and fewall alannerlie
1612 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 327.
That na unfrie man cast faill, fewall or difet vpone thair commoun
1662 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I. 297.
Peitts and fewall which they had prepared for their winter elding
1704 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 226.
With liberty of casting … peats and fewall in the mosses of Fintray [etc.]
(c) 1410 Reg. Episc. Brechin I. 30.
Nothir with pastour, na fewell, turfe, nor heddir
1466 Reg. Great S. 215/1.
Johnne and his airis sall brouke comoun pastour and fewell … in our south mure
1481 Peebles B. Rec. 188.
The four lityll pantreis … and the loft abon thaim for the conseruacion of fewell
1544 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) No. ii.
He and his said tennentis ar abill to peris in defalt of thair fewell in tyme of wyntir
1586 Bk. Univ. Kirk II. 659.
That … such as hes or sall have manses or gleibs, sall have thair necessars therto, such as fewell and pastourage
1608 Conv. Burghs II. 253.
The lying of the mwk and fewell in grit heapis and myddingis vpoun the hie streitis … is daingerous … in tyme of plague
1663 Justiciary Ct. Rec. I. 64.
Indyted … for burning of his ffeuel, … which fireing of the ffeuell is lybelled as a deed of statutory treason
(d) 1659 Stewart Mem. 134.
Libertie to carie home fewill, feall, and devoit throw the saidis landis of Belnavert
c 1680 Coll. Aberd. & Banff 99.
This … burns like wood or coal, and serves the inhabitants plentifully for feuile

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"Fewale n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <>



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