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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Hething, Heithing, n. Also: hethinge, -yng(e, (ethine,) heythynge, hathing. [ME. hething, -yng, (ethynge,) early hæþinng (Orm), ON. hæðing.] Scorn, derision, mockery. (See also Heding, n.)Very frequent in Leg. S. and Alex.(a) a1400 Leg. S. iv. 89.
He … at his master hethinge mad
Ib. xi. 268.
The apostolis … The quhilkis than for thar clethinge Thai had in dyspyt & hethynge
c1420 Wynt. vi. 170.
‘Swth’, scho sayd in hyr hethyng, … ‘Ane haly man … wes he’
Ib. viii. 4996.
Of this assege in thare hethyng The Inglis oysid to mak karpyng
?1438 Alex. i. 763.
He leuch for pryde, as in hething
Ib. ii. 6090.
Thus Alexander … Maid his scorning and his hething
a1500 Henr. Fab. 243.
Ȝit at the last scho said, half in hething [Hart, hathing]
c1475 Wall. ix. 219.
Quha wald haiff said [etc.] … ,In gret hething my men it wald haiff taine
1513 Doug. iv. x. 38.
Thus drevyn to hethyng, … baris thou not ȝyt in mynd [etc.]
1533 Boece i. i. 33 b.
The … chargis of almichty God war be the king … takin in contempcioun & hething
1535 Stewart 13313.
Lichtlie he leuche with greit hething and scorne
1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 171.
Thai … Will mok me now with hethyn, schame, and scorne
a1570-86 Maitl. F. cxviii. 6.
Quhone … God and his flesche [are] sworne in hething
(b) c1420 Wynt. i. 464.
Quhen that Noe gat wyttyng That Came had drywyn hym tyll heythyng
Ib. iii. 836 (C).
He … luyche at hym dispitusly In heythynge of that mangery
?1438 Alex. ii. 4727.
Ȝe driue me fast to heithing ay
c1475 Wall. v. 739.
Ane Clyfford come, … ‘Quha awcht thai hors?’ in gret heithing he ast

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"Hething n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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