A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Hone, Hoyn, Hune, n. Also: hon, hoyne, houne, hown(e, hwn(e, hawin. [Northern ME. hon, hone (a 1300), f. hon(e, hoyne, v., of obscure origin. The different spellings represent the same pronunciation of the vowel, viz. ö.] Delay, tarrying.Used only in poetry, and almost exclusively in the phrases but, foroutin, or withoutin hone (occasionally ony or langer hone).(a) (1) a1400 Leg. S. vi. 263.
Bruthire, but hone I tel thé, thu has mysdone Ib. xxx. 64.
Than wold scho rycht son Bath brest and foret croice but hon Ib. xlii. 280.
Away son thai vanist but ony hone c1400 Troy-bk. II. 2244.
Eneas, quhen this was done, His schippis redy maid but hone c1420 Wynt. iii. 792.
His ost he gadaryt sone, And passyd to Babilone but hone Ib. viii. 4862 (W).
Schire Andro than but langare hone … past … Till Edinburgh c1450-2 Howlat 130.
He … Bad send for his secretar … That enterit but hone a1500 Henr. Fab. 2381.
Than till ane draw wel thir senȝeouris past but hone 1513 Doug. vii. vii. 55.
Dryve thar chiftanys of this land, but hone c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv. 6929.
That thay suld pas but hone In all gude haist(2) 1375 Barb. x. 226 (E).
Bonnok for owtyn hone Gert call the wayne deliuerly a1400 Leg. S. xviii. 66.
He sone Passit one for-owtine hone c1420 Wynt. ii. 1198.
He gert wyth-owtyn hone Owt off that cove the kyngys bryng ?1438 Alex. i. 1820.
Syne withoutin langer hone He socht him Ib. ii. 5106.
Fesonas forouttin hone Come in a1500 Rauf C. 575.
Of his harnes in hy he hynt withoutin hone a1500 Seven S. 592.
He … halsit the empriour foroutin hone(b) Brus v. 602 (C).
Forouten hoyn, He tit the bow out of his hand Ib. xiv. 182.
Thai raid furth and saw thaim soyne, Syne come agane, forouten hoyne(c) a1400 Leg. S. ii. 804.
In all the partis of Rome [to] set fyre … but ony howne Ib. xxix. 170.
To me thu cum to-morn but hown Ib. xxxiii. 657.
George … now wil sacrify Til oure goddis for-out howne a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 849.
Thai hewit ... hartlie but houne [: broune, soune, doune] (d) c1420 Wynt. iv. 2607.
Yhone, thow wyt wyth-owtyne hune, The awtere is off Goddis swne Ib. viii. 2880.
Alsa fast as this was dwne, But mare delay, or langare hwne, Robert [etc.] c1420 Ratis R. 311.
It is archnes that can bot hwn Als weill leue it that suld be done a1500 Henr. III. 117/62.
Thy heil sall hynk, and tak a hurt bot hwn 1535 Stewart 47969.
He sped him hame … Into Ingland withoutin ony hune a1540 Freiris Berw. 297 (M).
The gudman said vnto his madin sone, ‘Go pray thame bayth cum withouttin hune’(e) a1568 Bann. MS. 256 b/15.
Thocht ȝe wer gawin, ȝe bourd but hawin, the tyd is past away
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"Hone n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/hone>