A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
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Landwart, adv. phr., a. and n. Also: land(e)wart(t, landvart, -uart, -warte; -wairt; -wert, -uert; landart, -ert; lanwart, -vart, -vert. [Sc. var. of Landward.Appar, originating in the adv. phrase 1 a below, consisting of the noun land governed by the prep. toward, -wart in its analytical form, as to land wart: cf. also Landwartis.]
1. adv. phr. a. To landwart, in or into the country (generally, or as opposed to a particular town: cf. next sense and Land n.1 9).(a) 1424 Acts II. 8/1.
[Beggars] sall haue a certane takyn to landwart of the schireff & in burowis of … the balȝeis 1457 Ib. 49/1.
Sumptuos clething … of men and wemen … within burowis and commonys to landwart 1495 Acta Conc. I. 415/1.
In cais … [he] haid remanit to landwart & nocht within the said toun c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxix. 16.
In burghis [M. townnes], to landwart [M. landvart], and to sie 1517 Reg. Privy S. I. 457/1.
Unfremen that byis and sellis in divers placis to landwart … gudis in regrating … of our said burch of Wigtoun 1533 Bell. Livy I. 144/29.
All the pepill that duelt to landwarte come for defence to duell within Rome 1560 Bk. Disc. 244.
The paroche churches to landwarte, adjacent to everie cheaf toune 1598 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 167.
Regrateris … quha hes thair onlie tred be passing to landvart throchout the four halffis round about this burght [etc.] 1624 Huntar Weights & Measures 13.
That the … vulgar to landwart may easily vnderstand it(b) 1573 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 5.
Bestiall slane to landwairt and burgh(c) 1533 Boece xii. v. 461 b.
He … was of hieare ingyne than vtheris his contemporanis nwrist to landwert 1638 Johnston Diary (1911) I. 339.
He had keiped me in this towne … quhilk … had not bein so weal doone if I had gone to landwert 1652 Ib. (1919) II. 174.
I … brovght my davghter weal out to landwert(d) 1575 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 279.
[That] everie parochin, als weil to burgh as to landart, advance the soume of five poundis
b. In, on landwart, id. Also Alandwart. c. Fra, from landwart, from the country.b (1) 1531 Bell. Boece II. 264.
Ane … man of greter curage … than ony … nurist in landwart, as he was a1568 Pedder C. 18.
Ane swyngeour coife, amangis the wyvis, In landwart dwellis 1561 Peebles B. Rec. 274.
Fleschouris duelland in landwart 1593 St. A. Baxter Bks. 51.
Na … onfrie man sall gang … in landvart c 1613 Haddington Corr. 125.
My desir is to be quhair ye ar, quhether it be in landuart, or the boroustoune 1638 Cant Serm. (1741) 26.
We … that are ministers in landwart 1690 Shields Grievances and Sufferings 21.
All tacks to be set by them to their tennants in burgh or landwart(b) 1589 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 190.
And for euerie dayis jorney being in landwert or about the toun 1639 Johnston Diary (1911) I. 406.
Margret Mitchel was in landwert seing hir guidame(2) 1587 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. 226.
That nane on landwart … brew ony except frie stallangerisc. 1533 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 65.
Ane penny of all stuf belanging thare craftis brocht fra landwart Canongait or vther placis to be sauld within this burgh 1588 Ib. IV. 529.
This toun is replenist with ane multitude of vnfrie persouns … cum fra landwart 1595 Ib. V. 146.
Landwert 1633 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 385.
Malt and meale brocht from landwart to commoun marketts in burgh
2. adj. a. Belonging to the country, generally; rural, rustic, country-.(a) 1513 Doug. xiii. viii. 31.
The landwart hynys 1531 Bell. Boece I. 184.
Mony nobillis … wer cloithit under landwart habit Id. Livy I. 12/24.
The place … was callit efter Pagus, that is to say ane landwart towne Ib. II. 231/6.
To duell in small cruvis, sic as hirdis and landwart pepill vsis 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 72.
I maid it bot in mowis, To landwart lassis quhilks kepith kye & ȝowis 1540 Id. Sat. 1524.
Ȝe ken richt few … that … can begyll the landwart wyfes a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xciv. 107.
Off burges wyfis thocht I speik plane Sum landwart ladeis ar als vane c1610 Melville Mem. 332.
Ane Yreland boy … in semple array … lyk a landuart yong man 1611 Reg. Panmure I. xcvii.
Ane hows of earthe and stone, efter the common landwart fashone 1661 Aberd. Council Lett. IV. 145.
Ane … priviledge of royall burrows which iff callit in question … they suld have no more priviledge then the worst landwart village 1666 Sel. Biog. I. 161.
The people, being landwart simple people, were more likely to be wrought upon(b) 1531 Bell.Boece (M) II. 107.
War nocht ane landvert man namyt Haye ... come haistlie in support of KennethId. Livy I. 90/24.
Two hirdis … vsit to fecht mare with landwert staffis and axis than ony marciall wappynnys of armour1654 Johnston Diary II. (1919) 272.
Shoe told me I behooved to quyte landwert labouring(c) 1638 Ib. I. (1911) 388.
Anie old landertman looking to his cornes 1719 Life and Death of Sharp (1719) 17.
Growing weary of my lord's service … he … procures himself to be a landart notae Ib. 15.
Some landart church
b. Belonging to the country as opposed to a particular town; belonging to the rural part of a particular district or parish.(a) 1529 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 122.
The belman … to tak his dwitie of the landuart men 1533 Bell. Livy I. 289/12.
Hunger and pestilence … throw quhilk nocht anerlie the landwart villagis bot als the ciete … was desert 1562 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 28.
That na landwart fleshor … bring any bukes of schep … without the skin hide and head presentit 1568 Inverness Rec. I. 168.
The landwart townis about ewous adjacent to this towne 1602 Stirling Merch. Guild 19.
Gild breither … that passes on the merkat ewin to landvart fleschers 1607 Dunferm. B. Rec. II. 42.
Sending of the tounnis bairnis to landwart schoolis 1626 Elgin Rec. II. 194.
These that wer absent from the kirk, … being at a landwart brydell 1648 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 143.
To warne all persones wha desyres to tak the landwart excyse that they come to the tolboothe 1652 Peebles B. Rec. II. 7.
The groattes auchtand be the heritouris in the landwart paroche 1691 Banff Ann. II. 61.
Number of poor: 8 town's poor, 4 seatown poor, 6 landwart poor, and 5 protemporarious(b) 1557 Ayr Chart. 45.
Efter thai have apprehendit the landwertmen committaris thairof 1590 Conv. Burghs I. 314.
The said Maister Thomas … be the assistance of dyueris landuert barrownis hes intruisit him selff in the office of prouestrie 1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 201.
Of these quho refuise … alsweill burghes as landwertmen(c)1526 Wigtown B. Ct. 179 a (17 Oct.).
Be onye man odir be lanvartmen or be brucht1579 Irvine Mun. II. 26.
Makieng of ane grit number cuntre lanvert men not dwelland … within the burght burgessis 1645 Edinb. Test. LXI. 121.
I liue … the sowme of xx marks money to the lanwart poore in the parochine of Innerask 1654 Rothesay B. Rec. 256.
And that none … buy malt fra lanwartmen 1655 Ib. 258.
Outtin towne and lanwart bairns tuell schilling quarterlie(d) 1635 Irving Dumbartonsh. II. App. 315.
In different landart parts of the parish 1650 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 187. m.
Rateficatioun of ane old act anent landert malt
3. n. a. The rural area in the neighbourhood of a town; the rural part of a parish or district; also, the inhabitants of these.(1) 1584 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. 198.
Quhatsumeuir persoun of landuart bringis geir to the said burgh 1593 Elgin Rec. II. 30.
Ane fast … to be … keipit … through owt the haill broghe and landwart 1608 St. A. Baxter Bks. 71.
That na brother of craft tak in thair seat in the kyrk … ony ny[ch]tbour of the town or landvart 1643 Soc. Ant. IV. 480.
The rest … to be payit out of landwart(2) 1608 Kinghorn Kirk S. 13.
The names of sic as ar electit … to beir the office of elderschip … For the landwart … [and] To the toun 1630 Elgin Rec. II. 214.
The examinatiounis for the landuart to begin the nixt oulk 1643 Dunferm. Kirk S. 12.
The magistrates of the burgh cravit help of those of the landewart for watching 1646 Fife Synod 146.
The erectione of a new kirk in the landwart of the parroche of St. Andrewes 1652 Lamont Diary 51.
Throughe the greatest pairt of all the burrowe-towns of the shyre of Fyfe, … likewayes through some places of the landwart 1652 Peebles B. Rec. II. 7.
To trye who of the landwart castes and leides faile or divoit off Hamiltoun 1662 Ib. 52.(b) 1668 S. Leith Kirk S. 124.
Any husbandmen whether in the lanwart or within the toun are to be excused in seid tyme and harvest
b. The country, more generally.1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Rus, landwart 1617 Acts IV. 538/2.
The measoure … to haue the course through all pairtis als weill burcht as landwart