A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Lauchful(l, Lachful(l, a. (and adv.). Also: lachfule, laichfull, laychfull; lauche-, lawch-, laugh-, (lauh-, laug-,) lawghful(l, -lulle; lacht-, laucht-, lawcht-, laughtfull. [North. ME. laghful, f. Lauch n.1 Before the 17th c.much the commoner Sc. form: cf. Lawfull.]
1. Sanctioned or permitted by law, according to law.(1) 1413 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 364.
He beand in lachfull possession sal resigne the sayde landys in the handis off the our lord 1422 Fam. Rose 125.
With our help, suppouel, and manetenance in al your lachful and levefulerandis in al tyme to cum 1438 Lennox Mun. 69.
That aythyr off thaim sall be wyth othyr in assistans, all caus, help and suple, lachfull and honest 1516 Fife Sheriff Ct. 33.
[They] war in lachfull possessioune of commounte of the saidis landis(b) 14.. Acts I. 10/2.
That nane wythschaipe … tha mutis … except for an manifest and lauchful caus Ib. 42/2.
Gif he has ony othir land wyth the quhilk he may mak lauchful dower 1437 Reg. Dunferm. 285.
Bath the partis sel kepe lauchful stent & noth excede 1464 Liber Aberbr. 141.
The Kyng … ratifis … the occupacioune of the said Kingis Mor … as lauchfule and rychtwis 1468 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 6.
Thai sal supple lauchfull and honest defens of thare lifis, landis, heretage 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 199.
The saidis maister Alexander … protestit that he micht hef lauchfull cause … to oppone & declyne the juge 1558-66 Knox I. 143.
The Quene, … promised favouris in all his lauchfull suyttis to wemen 1615 Highland P. III. 198.
That the Chanceller sould tak his defence in all his lauchfull adois 1622-6 Bisset II. 148/12.
It is baith godlie, lauchfull and necessar 1627 Orkney Rentals iii. 34.
To try and informe thameselffis by the most indifferent and laughfull meanis thay can of the estait of ilk paroche 1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 259.
The hous … wher Walter Robertsone, one of the baillies, were present about thair lauchfull affaires(c) 1522 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 99.
A souer certification of the lordis quhidder gif the said schip was lauchtfull price or nocht 1559 Cal. Sc. P. I. 220.
Your gentle behaviour … in all things lawchtfull, honest & godlie 1603 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 93.
Ȝour industrie … in seiking and following furth all laughtfull treadis 1609 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 181.
People with out ony … lauthfull meanes to leif by(2) 14.. Acts I. 24/2.
It is lachfull and lefull [360/2, lauchtfull and leiffull thing] till ilke burges to geyff or sell his lande 1500 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 633.
It sal be lesum and lauchfule to the said Dauid Rate … to tell and nowmer the said sowm 1562-3 Winȝet I. 89/10.
As we grant it lauchful … that mony wald … resaue the haly sacrament of the altar … togidder with the preist Ib. II. 63/23.
To be as a maist praisit and a lauchful thing that euir thai reiose in prophane nouelties 1592 Acts III. 544/1.
It sall not be lauchfull to hir to dispone the same 1609 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 176.
I do not hold it laugfull, … to give the Pope any obedience therein
b. Legally or rightfully possessed.1503 Acts II. 243/2.
That scho suld nocht have ane lachtfull terce c1575 Balfour Pract. 523.
Alledging that the samin was his lauchful and hamehald cattel
2. Legal; as appointed by, or in accordance with, the law; legally valid; according to correct legal procedure.(a) 1405 Maxwell Mem. I. 145.
The forsaide Erle sal … conferme the forsaidis … of the landis … in lachful forme 1460 Peebles B. Rec. 137.
At that sessyn … was na sessyn lachful bot intrussioun 1463 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II. 472.
[The sum] was nocht lachful na sufficiande to pas for payment 1464 Fam. Innes 78.
To you … I gyf and committis my ful fre lachful playn and vnreuocabul powar in that part 1466 Acta Aud. 5/2.
That … the summondis is nocht lachfull nor of avale 1494 Lennox Mun. 152.
Ane lachfull dispensation to legittimate the matrimone(b) 1381 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 4.
Withoutyn lawchfull processe of law 14.. Acts I. 51/2.
That na man by ony manner of gudis bot gif he haf tharof lauchful borch of hlmehald Ib. 379/2.
Lke soytour in court is … bundyn be the gret athe swthfast dome to gyff and lawchfull at his cunnyng c1420 Ratis R. 1542.
Lauchful or evyne pwniscioune May thaim assith be na resone 1485–6 Prot. Bk. J. Young (S.R.S.) 9.
That the parti schew na lauchful compromise nother subscrivit with the clerkis hand nor selit with the parteis selis 1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 265/2.
Ay and quhil the lauchful entre of the ȝongest dochter 1533 Bell. Livy I. 76/7.
I decerne … all thir iniuris … to be recoverit with iust & lauchful batall 1535 Stewart 55589.
The quhilk wedding wes lauchfull probatioun Of his barnis legitimatioun 1564 Peebles B. Rec. 297.
That na persoun ly out … wythout thay haif ane lauhfull assonye 1562-3 Winȝet I. 15/18.
Quharin apperis the lauchfull ordination of ministeris? 1571 Crim. Trials I. ii. 28.
That this cawtioune prejuge him nocht anent his laughfull defenssis 1610 Ib. III. 83.
Quhilk band the said erle hes debaited to be lauchfull 1640 Acts V. 310/1.
Ane lauchfull debt and burthene(c) a1400 Leg. S. xxxi. 829.
Be lachtful dome of al the senatouris of Rome 1501 Dunferm. B. Rec. 118.
The sade Henry … wes be lauchtfull proces of recognicione accumin to the propirte of the sadis landis 1558-66 Knox II. 275.
That this proclamatioun … may be laughtfull to inflict upoun thame the painis conteyned in Goddis word aganis idolateris a 1579 Prot. Bk. W. Douglas MS. 280 b.
To mak lauchtfull warnyng … at thair paroche kirkis 1593 Elgin Rec. II. 31.
Dew and lau[ch]tful varning to compeir 1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 327.
The said sowme of ten thousand marks … for the lauchtfull redemptione, lowsinge and acquitinge off the landis 1631 Misc. Spald. C. II. 228.
Whairunto it salbe fund after laughfull tryall that the said Earle hes iust right
b. As appointed or fixed by law. Lauchfull time (of day) biddin, see also Bide v. 4 b.Cf. sense 4 b.(1) 1510 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 7 a.
xviii men … to work … quhyll lawchful cokcraw 1517 Ib. fol. 56 b.
Quhill the kokis of nycht crawin at lauchful tym 1519 Ib. fol. 75.
Quhill lauchfull cokraw at iii houris efter myd 1522 Balfour Pract. 51.
The … communitie … hes gude richt … to buy upon lauchfull pryces all sic gudis and geir 1622-6 Bisset II. 346/1.
Adamnan … sailled to Hibernia to teich the Erismen thair the lauchfull Eistir(2) 14.. Acts I. 22/2.
Gif ony burges be challangyt of ony playnt … he sall nocht ansuere withoutyn day and terme lachfull 1488 Lanark B. Rec. 4.
The balyeis ordanit hir to pay the said soum within lauchful day 1496 Acta Conc. II. 5.
That he mak thame be callit in lauchfull tyme that thai may haf space to call thair warand c1575 Balfour Pract. 191.
He is haldin allanerlie to enter his persoun … at the sute of the persewar befoir the judge within the court, at lauchful day and place assignit thairto 1622-6 Bisset I. 171/19.
Gif he makis na denunciatioun in lauchtfull tyme and the warrand declair … ane relevant exceptioun [etc.](3) 1572 Prot. Bk. A. Lawson 19 b.
He had biddin … in the same place lawchtfull tyme of day 1575 Fife Sheriff Ct. xcv.
He Wes lauchfullie summond … and comperit nocht lauchfull tyme of day biddin, he being gangand upone the calsay of the said burcht for the tyme
c. Said of money.1424 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 96.
I oblyse me … to pay … ellewyn markis of vsuale monay and lachful of Scotlande 1578 Reg. Privy C. III. 17.
That the lauchful and trew cunyie may be markit with a crownit thrussill 1627 Edinb. Test. LIV. 60.
Fyve pund of lachfull inglische money
3. Of marriage: Valid before the law. Of a spouse: Lawful. Of offspring: Legitimate. Also ellipt.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xl. 660.
Thai hyme gat in lachful bede 1428 Wemyss Chart. 54.
Wilyame of Levynstoun, … sal hafe Eufame … in lachfull matrimonye, til his spousit wyfe 1589 Liber Offic. S. Andree 170.
The … barnis … to be als lachfull as the said degres had nocht beyne betwix thame(b) c1420 Wynt. vi. 2104.
The lawchfull twa Brethire forsuke wyth hym to ga 1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 248/1.
Johne, quhilk deit bastard without ony lauchfull ayeris gottin of his body 1516 Acts II. 283/1.
Johne Duke of Albany … anarlie naturaill and lauchfull sone of vmquhile Alexr. 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II. 337/34.
King Robert marijt Elizabeth, his lemmayn … for affeccioun he had to his barnis, to mak thame lauchfull 1558-66 Knox II. 330.
Till that lauchfull successioun should be sein of the Quenis body 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots 546.
The quene … quhais lauchfull husband he culd not be nether she his lauchfull wiff 1570 Canongate Ct. Bk. 139.
The said James … is nocht lawchfull bot is bastard 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 76.
Her husband … wes neither deid nor divorced from her; so that her mariage with the Hamiltoun culd not be lawghfull 1668 Edinb. Test. LXXIII. 237.
I nominat … my lawchfull schildring to be my only executours(c) 1486 Lennox Mun. 127.
Ane dochter … gottyne in lauchtful spousage 1490 Thanes of Cawdor 74.
Ewyne as schow var his lachtfull veddyt wiff 1596 St. A. Baxter Bks. 60.
Androw Dunkesoun, lawchtfull eldest son to Duncan Dunkesounellipt. 1503 Acts II. 243/2.
That it be clerely decernit … that scho was nocht his lauchtfull 1542 Ib. 412/2.
The narrest lauchtfull of hir blude … salbe maid gouernour of the realme
4. a. Lauchful age, eild, at which one becomes legally competent or attains one's legal majority.1420 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 384.
Quhill the forsayde hayr be at lachfull helde and lachfully sesit in the ilk landys of Balkarne 1437 Cop. St. A. 156.
Oure tenande … awcht of law for defawt of laychfull elde to warde till ws 1465 Buccleuch Mun. II. 66.
Ay and a quhilest ane vther son … cum to lauchful age of mariage 1478 Acta Conc. 19/1.
The saidis persounis fand the saidis dochteris of lauchful eilde to the landis of Orcheardfelde 1515 Reg. Privy S. I. 402/2.
A lettre of tak … to ryn quhill the Kingis lauchfull age of xv yeris 1524 Ib. 492/2.
Makand him Constable of Scotland quhill the Erle of Erolis lauchfull age of xxi ȝeire 1535 Stewart 1594.
Quhill passit be [the] rage Of rakles ȝouth and cum till lauchtfull age 1565–6 Reg. Privy S. V. ii. 70/1.
Eftir oure soverane ladyis lauchfull and perfite aige of xxxiii [sic] yeiris compleit 1592 Banff Ann. II. 394.
Oure souerane lord now efter his lawthfull and perfyte age of twentiefyve yeiris compleit [etc.] 1595–6 Reg. Privy C. V. 277.
[The said William is] not of lauchfull age nor forisfamiliat
b. Lauchfull day, time, on or during which it is lawful for courts to be held or judicial action taken.C f. sense 2 b.1385 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. 410/2.
The dome of qwhilk decrete the forsayde Sir Patrick … deferryt tyl his lauchfulle day next eftir Pas 1432 15th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii. 44.
At the saidis Jone and Elisabeth sall be handfast, … at the next opin and lachful tyme folowand 1493 Reg. Paisley 404.
The bailȝeis … of Renfrew, to compeyr before ws … the xiiii day of May nixttocum gif that day be lauchfull, and failȝeing therof the nixt lauchfull day therefthyr folowing 1587 Acts III. 459/1.
Vpoun the morne efter the cuming of the saidis iustice deputtis to euery heid burgh of the schire gif the day be lauchfull … thay sall begin and fens thair air
5. Recognized or qualified by law, having right according to law. Espec., lauchfull air (= heir).(1) 1391 Lennox Mun. 43.
The quhilkis faleȝand, to the nest and lachful ayris of the forsaid Erle 1464 Fam. Innes 78.
At the saide James … is lachful and nerrest ar til … the saide schir Robert, and at he is of lachful age(b) 1495 Contract (Mey P.) MS. 13 June.
Alexander Mowat … nerrest & laichfull ayre to Willȝeam of Clyne(c) 1390 Acts I. 216/2.
Of the qwhilkis erldome … Issabell … is verray & lauchfull ayre 1477 Peebles B. Rec. 182.
He proforit his land and tenement to sell to the nerast of his awn kyn and lawchfull ayris tyll hym 1511 Lennox Mun. 194.
Say that allwais the airis … sal be lauchfule and habile to succeid … , thai beand maile 1550 Reg. Cupar A. II. 67.
Ay and quhill ane lauchfull and rychtuus air be ordourlie intrit thairto 1610 Rec. Earld. Orkney 186.
Eduard Sinclar … is neirest and lawthfull [sic] air to … his brother(d) 1422 Stirling Chart. 208.
Qwhill the forsaid some be me or be my lauchtful ayeris … fullyly was payit 1557 Prot. Bk. J. Robeson 206 b.
To serue him as … lauchtfull air(2) 1442 Stirling Chart. 216.
We fande hym possessoure of thaim [lands] lachfull and nocht the said Gilbert 1457 Acts II. 47/2.
Thairefter [to] lat thame to brogh to that last lauchfull possessour of thay landis 1563 Ib. 540/1.
That na kyndlie lauchfull possessour tennent or occupyer … be removit(3) a1400 Leg. S. ii. 217.
I am Cristis lauchtfull [L. legitimus] knycht c1420 Wynt. vi. 2038.
The Thane Off Fyfe thowcht … for till bryng Hame wyth hym a lawchfull king 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II. 376/26.
Gif I war fre, and the Scottis maid my lauchtfull subdittis 1562-3 Winȝet I. 122/7.
Gif ȝe can nothir assuir ws of ȝour lauchfull bischopis … nor ȝit knawis ȝour lauchful Souerane [etc.] 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 139.
Shoe is as lawchfull, sen hir father was our native King Ib. 140.
Our ministeris … will not pray for thair lauchfull heretrix 1625 Garden Kings 43.
Thay … thair laughfull prince, thair prisoner, dispesht 1623 Melrose P. 537.
The vnlawghfull taking of a laughfull subiect, and keeping him as a pledge for releif of a condamnit theif
b. Appointed or authorized according to law; having legally valid authority and powers.(a) 1457 Peebles B. Rec. 119.
The sayd Wil Mowat mayd his wyf … lachful towtor tyl hys ar 1488 Paisley B. Rec. 26.
Baith the saidis partis sal compere be thaim self or thare lachful procuratouris 1562 Inverness Rec. I. 76.
The prouest wes nocht ane lachful prouest within the bruch 1584 Prot. Bk. W. Cumming 44.
Wm Thomsone … hes maid … Kapitane Thomas Ker his verrey lachfull and ondwttit irreuocabill donatur cessionar and assingna(b) 1391 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 163.
I require yow … as lauchful actornay to my saide wyfe … that yhe grant [etc.] a1500 Henr. Fab. 2679.
Set me ane lauchfull court, I sall compeir 1482 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 501.
My verray lauchful vndoutit and vnreuocable baillies of al and sindry my landis 1551 Hamilton Cat. 222.
Seik for ane lauchful mlnister quhilk may pronunce the wordis of absolutioun to thé 1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 191.
In cais we … dois that thing … quhilk is to be requirit done be ane lauchfull officer in this town 1562-3 Winȝet I. 16/7.
Giue Jhone Knox and ȝe affirmis ȝour selfis lauchful 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 140.
Na inferiour subject hes power to depryve or depose their lawchfull magistrat 1571 Sat. P. xxvi. 118.
He being crownit in lauchfull Parliament 1570 Leslie 169.
The Erle of Arrane … wes declarit be the estaitis to be lauchfull tutour … to the Quene and realme 1641 Acts V. (1817) 521/2.
The infeftment … grantit be our said Soverane Lord as father, tutor, guyder and lawchfull administrator to his hienes darrest sone Charles c1650 Spalding II. 472.
The preicheris and covenanteris … cryit out aganist his Majesteis lauchfull commissioun(c) 1492 Highland P. II. 193.
My vera lawchtful and ondoutit assingnay c 1523 Chart. Coupar A. II. 135.
All and sindry wthir thingis to excers hant ws that to the office of lauchtfull balȝe … is as knawin constitut to perteine 1566 Prot. Bk. D. Gray 37.
Ihone Campbell … makkis … the said Thomas his lachtfull … donatour … and assigna
c. Possessed of legal rights, legally competent.1510 Reg. Privy S. I. 306/2.
We haif reabillit the said Alexander to his gude fame … and als hes maid him lauchfull … to exerc all lauchfull dedis in jugement and outwith
6. Law-abiding.14.. Acts I. 356/2.
The wytnessing of xii men lawchfull, lell and suffycyande burges c1420 Wynt. vi. 1894.
He wes in justice rycht lawchfull, And till hys legis all awfull a1500 Rauf C. 508.
As ane lauchfull man my laidis to leid, That leifis with mekle lawtie and laubour in fay c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i. 581.
Lufe is tressonable: Nocht lauchfull, but scho is lamentable c1575 Balfour Pract. 273.
The keyis of court ar … 7. Ane assise of honest and lauchful men 1609 Reg. Privy C. VIII. 372.
The Estaitis … had nevir ony purpois … that the said act sould ressave executioun aganis honnest, lauchfull, and trew personis
7. quasi-adv. = Lawfully, Lauchfully.(1) c1420 Wynt. vii. 1771.
The Pape Alysandyr … renewyd … Thare custwmys, and thare awawntage, That thai had lawchfull [W. lauchfully] befor thai dayis(2) 1491 Dunferm. B. Rec. 34.
The bref aucht to proced and be seruit be caus it wes lawchtfull resit and proclamit to the said day 1517 Acta Conc. Public Aff. 89.
That he may hayf a lettir of permit that he sall hayf the samyn agane with all profetis als lachfull as it may be gewyn 1564 Dysart Rec. 19.
He was lauchful chargit at the instans of John Malvyll(3) 1523 Fam. Rose 199.
His sone and nerrest apperand ayre lachtfull gottyn 1593 Sutherland Chart. 175.
Margreit Gordowne, lauchfull begottin doichtir of … Johne Gordowne