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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Leful(l, Lefful(l, Lefefull, Leif(f)ul(l, a.1 Also: -fule and leyf(f)ul(l, liefull, leef(f)ul(l, leafull. [ME. (14–15th c.) leefful, leefull, lefful, laifull, e.m.E. lefull, leefull, early ME. lefful, læfful, leaf-ful, f. OE. léaf (Leve n., Lefe n.2): cf. Levefull (and Lechfull).] Morally or legally permissible; right, proper, honest, lawful.(1) a1400 Leg. S. x. 374.
He seruit sik blame … That that did fore ful desyre, Bot nocht for that he vedit wyf, Gyf it war leful & but strife
c1420 Wynt. vi. Prol. 34.
And redy all till hys [the Pope's] byddyng In lefull [C. lefful] and in honest thyng
1513 Doug. iv. Prol. 113.
Thare beyn twa luffis, perfyte and imperfyte, That ane leful, the tother fowle delyte
Ib. xi. Prol. 9.
Prowes but vyce is provit lefull thyng
1514 Acta Conc. MS. XXVI. 12.
It salbe leifull to thame to cum and sell and mak lefull merchandice of the said geir
1551 Hamilton Cat. 83.
It is deidly syn to … disobey the … leful command of the King and his officiaris
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4719.
It is the best and wonder lefull taill That I haue hard this mony ȝeir but faill
1602 Colville Parænese Ep. 4.
I vill not spair to … perform all lefull offices of kyndnes lying in my pouer
(b) 14.. Acts I. 11/2.
Na sal it be lefful to thaim that hiddertil thai war wont to do [L. nec iis liceat quod hucusque solebant agere] that is to say thar awyn landis to spare [etc.]
1456 Hay II. 96/23.
Thair plesauncis quhilkis ar leffull and but repruf
1545 Douglas Corr. 162.
Be ȝour lordschipis wyt leffaul [sic] serves
(c) 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 281.
The said Andrew … wes at his leiffull besynes within his awin malyng
1528 Douglas Corr. 131.
Ȝour hienes devoit … servitouris in all leiffule maner
1549 Compl. 77/36.
Quhar the grace of God and the vertu of men ar coniunit … there is no leiful thing onpossibil to be exsecut
1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 21.
Passand in paciabill … maner according to thair leifull and accustomat use of tred … toward ane mercat in the cuntre
(d) 1545 Douglas Corr. 162.
Traisting ȝe will grant me … my request for sic liefful service
(e) 1593 Fam. Rose 275.
Bot leisumlie thai may pas and repas and ws thair leafull busines in all pertis … on molestit
(2) 1445 Chart. (Reg. H.) No. 311.
In furthering … our souerane lorde … in al his actions & querellis … in al richtwys, lefvl, lauchful & honest caus
1456 Hay I. 134/12.
Gif ony wald … deroub him wrangwisly in his just, lefull and honest defence
1520 Edinb. Chart. 205. 1588 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 279.
In all thair adois honest and leifull
(3) 1393 Reg. Morton II. 190.
It sal be leful tyl him … the fornemyt landes … to distrenȝe
1456 Hay I. 72/5.
Quhethir it be lefull and laufull thing till entre in clousit felde [etc.]
1513 Doug. v. ii. 80.
Was it not leful, thou onlost, The boundis of Italie, with thé … Forto haue socht
1531 Bell. Boece I. 18.
Gif it be leful erar to schaw the verite than ony flurisand wourdis
1533 Boece v. ii. 165.
Gif sua be lefull to speik
1551 Hamilton Cat. 113.
That to desyre siclyke was nocht lefull
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. .
Nor ȝit sal it be leful to the said pedagogis to ding thair disciples
(b) 1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 38.
It sal be lefful to the partie of Ingland til gif vp qwhat bil at thaim likis
1500 Acta Conc. MS. X. 88 b.
It salbe leffull to the saidis jugis to cheis ane owerman
1527 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 123 a.
Quhar that ony swyne tane be fundyne vpone ane mannes skaycht, it sal be leffull to slay hir for hir fals operatioun
(c) 1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 248/1.
Eftir the decrete it salbe lefefull to him and his ayeris to infeft his tenentis
(d) 1423 Edinb. Chart. 55.
It salbe leeful … to the saide Dene Johne and to the Abbot … [to have th]air corne grundin at the saide millis … durand the saide tak
(e) 14.. Acts I. 360/2.
It is lauchtfull and leiffull thing to ilk burges to gif [etc.]
1427 Melville Chart. 245.
It salbe leyffull to the said Jone … the said myllin dam to mak … apone the erde of the said schire Jone
1513 Doug. ii. iii. 25.
Leifful is now to brek … The sworn promys that I to Grekis maid
Ib. v. vi. 111 (Sm.).
It most be to me leifull reuth to haif Of my freindis mischance
1549 Compl. 165/5.
It is nocht leiful to preistis to pas in battel
c1575 Balfour Pract. 13.
Bot it sall be leifful to us to put our handis thairto quhen we pleis
(f) 1552 Reg. Privy C. I. 130.
It sall be liefull to his maister to puneis his tennentis
(4) 1456 Hay I. 162/32.
Gif it be lefull thing and worschipfull in the weris that a king ourthraw ane othir with cautele
1513 Doug. ii. xii. 33.
Nor it is nocht leifful thing, quod sche, Fra hyne Crevse thou turs away with thé
Ib. v. xiii. 72 (R).
Schaw thy michtis that sayfly throw the see It may be leful thay thare salis set
1533 Boece viii. xiv. 283.
Gif it be lefull that myserabill ȝoldin creaturis may be sufferit implore … mercy

