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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Marymes, n. Also: -messe, Mari(e)-, Mare-, Merimes, Mary-, Marimas(s. [e.m.E. Marymas (1578), OE. Marian mæsse.] = Maryday, Lady day. Also attrib. with day and fair.Betuixt the Mariemessis, = between the first and latter Lady days in autumn, between 15th August and 8th September. 1488 Black Bk. Taymouth 178.
At the feist of the assumptioun of our Lady callit the first Marymes nixt
1493 Acta Conc. I. 265/2. 1500 Dunferm. B. Rec. I. 103.
At the nativitie of our Lady callit later Marymes
1542 Reg. Cupar A. II. 195. 1546 Reg. Privy C. I. 34.
To releif the lard of Foulwod … betwix this letter Marymes
1563 Prot. Bk. G. Grote 58.
[To repay by the first] Marimes callit assumptioun [thereafter]
1565 Inverness Rec. I. 127.
At Maremes and the Rudemes last was
1568 St. A. Kirk S. 306.
The bairn was wytht hym … fra the said Marimes [supra first Marie day] quhil … the xv day of November
1590 Crail B. Ct. 3 May.
The aucht dey of September nixt to cum callit latter Marimes
plur. 1576 Orkney Oppress. 44.
That the laird held courtis alsweill in tyme of hervist as ony uther tyme, and in speciale betuixt the Mariemessis
attrib. 1577 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 38 b.
From the first Marimes day to Candilmes nixt thairefter
1663 Ellon Par. 126.
John Pirie ane vagabound pyper … at Merimes fair
c 1680 Coll. Aberd. & B. 96.
Considerable … mercats, Rood fair, and Marymass fair
1687 J. Paterson Geog. Descr. Scotl. 20.
In August Marimas Fair at the town of Monymusk
1632 Prognostication.
August, 31 dayes … Laurence Faire in the Mernes and Marymesse Faire, 14 day

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"Marymes n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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