A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Outquiting, -quyting, -quittin(g, vbl. n. Also: oute-, ouit-, owt- and -quiteing, -quyteing, -quytine, -qwiting, -qwyting, -yng, (-qywting), -quittyn, -qwitt-, -quytt-, -qwytt-, -queyting and (owquiytting). Redemption of a. heritage or b. movables, from attachment or pawn. c. ? Buying exemption from (of).a. (a) 1466 Acta Aud. 4/2.
And resaving of the soume of mone fra the saide Johne … for out quiting of the said annuel 1474 Ib. 33/2.
A some of mone for the redemption & outquiting of the landis of Lechland 1496–7 Acta Conc. II. 65.
Owtqwiting 1498 Ib. 233.
Owtquiting 1499–1500 Ib. 362; etc.
Owtqwiting 1509 Prot. Bk. J. Foular 113.
That the terme of the outquiting of the lands … is nocht quhil Candilmes cum a yer 1512 Grey Friars 30.
Upoun the redemyng, lousing and outquiting of thir annuale rentis 1564 Glasgow Prot. III. 49.
The redemptioune and outquiting fra the saidis Nyniane of the half of ane tenement 1596 Douglas Bequest 7 June.
Outquiteing(b) 1482 Acta Aud. 104/1.
xx li. of the rest of a mare sovme of the redeming and owtquyting of the landis [etc.] 1482–3 Acta Conc. II. cxii.
For redemption and outquyting of ane annuale of a reversion 1501 Ib. III. 68.
For the redemyng and outqywting [sic in pr.] fra the sade Georg of the landis of [etc.] 1546 Fam. Innes 115. 1555 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I. 68.
Because thair is diuers and sindrie reuersiounis maid and geuin for redemption and outquyting of landis beirand … gold and siluer 1557 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. I. 263.
Outquyting c1575 Balfour Pract. 207. 1588 Glasgow Chart. II. 614. 1620 Crim. Trials III. 486.
Outquyteing(c) 1488–9 Prot. Bk. J. Young II. 35.
Outquitting 1491 Acta Conc. I. 221/1.
Outqwitting 1494 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 393. 1511 Prot. Bk. J. Foular I. 134. 1526 Reg. Panmure II. 302.
Outquittyn 1590 Ayr Chart. 115. 1603 Old Ross-shire I. 171.(d) 1488 Acta Conc. I. 96/1.
Out qwytting 1539 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 95.
To be gevin for outquytting of thair buthis being wedsett 1642 Irvine Mun. II. 54.(e) 1551 Prot. Bk. M. Carruthers 51.
[The last part payment of the redemption and] owquiytting [of a half of the lands of Mekle Cowloch](f) 1591 Lennox Mun. 332.
Ouitqueytingb. 1511 Treas. Acc. IV. 174.
For outquitting of ane silvir challice Ib. 310. 1540 Ib. VII. 393.
Outequiting 1573 Prot. Bk. J. Harlaw 205 b.
Redemptioun and outquitting fra thame of … ane half of thrie chalderis victualec. 1519 Peebles B. Rec. I. 49.
Quhilk wes thair stent of Peblis for the taxacione of the owtquytine of the custumis of Deip