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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Outred, -rede, -rid, v.1 Also: outredd, -reid, -read(e, -raid, -ridd, owtred, -reid, outtred, -rad(e, outterd, utreade, wtred. P.t. outred. P.p. out(t)red(d, owtred, outrede, -reid, -ridd, -ride, -rad, -raid, utred, -reade. [Red v., Rede v., Rid v.] 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Expedio, to outred

1. tr. a. To obtain the release of (another) from (of) prison, by payment. b. To make or keep (a person) free (out of temptation). 1456 Hay I. 93/25.
Quhethir he that aw the sauf condyt suld outred him of presoun on his awin cost
1651 Comm. Gen. Assembly III. 493.
And this we doe, not to make them odious … but to outrid them out of tentations, and to guard such as respect them from getting harme by following them in their mistakes

2. a. To bring to an end or to settle (an argument). b. To dispose of (a request) by granting it. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2907 (Bann.).
Off thair debait thus quhen I hard owt red [Ch. outraid] He tuk his flicht
1535 Stewart 28401.
This messinger quhilk had ane richt grit feill For no request to be that tyme outred [ed. ont-] Come hame agane and his erand vnsped

3. a. reflex. To clear (oneself) of debt by payment of the sum due. 1468 Acts II. 92/1.
And this priuilege till endure to thaim … for thar payment &c. and to out red thaim self
1600-1610 Melvill 710.
And wantit no credite to outred our selffis out of all expensis thair

b. tr. To settle by payment: to pay (a sum due), meet or discharge (a debt), pay for (goods or services received), redeem (lands or goods from pledge or distraint) by the due payment.(a) 1462 Peebles B. Rec. I. 148.
Of the sayd iij markis he sal pay and outrede the twa mark that John … is vnder cont of
1470 Ib. 165. 1475 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 34. 1501 Stirlings of Keir 275.
And as for the payment of the fyfty markis quhilkis the said Schir Patrik outredis mair than the four hundrecht merkis abone vritine, the said Schir Villiame sal … pay the sammyn at Lammes nixt to cum
1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 107.
[He] thinkis that the said annuale sale outred his maile
1525 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 232. 1538 Treas. Acc. VI. 395.
To Johne Barbour to outred small expens passing in the samyn schip with the silver veschel
1541 Aberd. B. Rec. MS. XIX. (Jam.).
To vse his craft of fleshary to outred his pennyworths
1558 Waus Corr. 13. 1576 Orkney Oppress. 47.
[They] war constranit to sell thair land … to get silver to outred the said unlaw
1580 Misc. Bann. C. II. 207.
To intromet … the gudis … abone specifiet and to outred dettis, to tred to and generalie … to do exerce [etc.]
1597 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 203.
1609 Edinb. Test. XLV. 214.
The said Gilbert Blair … to outred & pay the foirsaid legaceis
1632–3 Misc. Spald. C. V. 104.
And some welwet that wanted to outred conforme to the merchants particular compts
1694 Dingwall Kirk S. 323.
That the sum of ane hundred and twentie marks Scots … be expend upon and outredd the said work
(b) 1532–3 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 92.
Thai var opinly warnit to owtreid and thankfully pay thair said doweittis
(c) 1574 Lamont P. 93.
To outrid dettis and creditouris
(d) 1563 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 30.
Gife any person … be poyndit for vnlaw that he com and outread the sam poind be payment of the vnlaw
1600-1610 Melvill 10.
Giff God spear my dayes … I hope He sall utreade all my deattes
(e) 1529 Sutherland Bk. III. 87.
To outrad the saydis landis on his awin expens
(c) 1456 Aberd. B. Rec. MS. V. ii. 796 (15 Dec.).
Quhill thai haue owtred and paijt thair fermes [etc.]
1485 Misc. Spald. C. V. 29.
Quhil the said x lastis of salmond be fullely pait and outred
1576 Reg. Privy C. II. 529.
That the said Johnne sould pay … the dowbill of the said annuell quhill the byrunis wer outred
(b) 1474 Reg. Cupar A. I. 215.
Al costis and chargis quhyt and outrad [pr. ontrad]
1478 Ib. 209.
Al costis of the myl outrad and made be hym self
(c) 1511 Reg. Privy S. I. 338/1.
(d) 1600-1610 Melvill 10.
The quhilk soum … I might haiff easelie utreade sen my first possessioun giff [etc.]

c. To pay (what is due) to another. 1497 Acta Conc. II. 86.
Apone the wrangus differring to owtred and pay the sade soume to the Kingis hienes
1515 Reg. Privy S. I. 394/1.
Gyf the said James outreddis and pais to the thesaurare the compositioun promittit to hym
1517 Prot. Bk. J. Foular II. 29.
James Pot … oblissis him … to outred and pay to the saidis Alexander [etc.] … als mekle of the said soume as [etc.]
1583 Hunter Fam. P. 33.
With power to thame to intromet [etc.] … and to outred dettis to creditors
1685 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 27 Nov.
And to outridd debts to creditors

4. To settle one's obligations to (another) by payment of the sum due, to pay (another) what he is due. 1460 Montrose Baillie Ct. 15 b.
The tovn may be ovtrede [for fishing rights] or the chekar cumptis
1464–5 Aberd. B. Rec. MS. V. i. 534 (7 Mar.).
And the saide Schir Alexander sal frely outrede the saide Elice of all his costis that he has made upon him self & [etc.]
1541 Ib. (ed.) I. 178.
That the fremmit men fra the quhilkis the said beir wes bocht ma be outred
1571 Misc. Bann. C. III. 139.
Four score pundis to outtred D.H. the Quenis servandes and uther necessaries in the town
b. In Orkney and Shetland commonly applied to the purchase or buying out of another's right, esp. in reference to the entitlement of male heirs to purchase female heirs' shares of an udal inheritance: To satisfy by payment in this way. Const. single object (of the person), double object (of the person and the payment) and object (or passive subject) and complement (of the property in question).(1) 1558 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. I. 265.
To se that everi sister and brothir be maid alik and outreid conform to thair decreittis
1573–4 Rec. Earld. Orkney 290.
Ordaining everie ane of my breder to outreid ane of us thair sisteris, and my broder Williame Urwing fell to outred me
1578 Ib. 143.
And fyndis the said Margret laufullie owtred be the law off the cuntre
1626 Orkney Rentals App. 52.
That if their two seates [in the church] be not … builded … the session … will dispose upon them and outred them upon their charges
(2) 1522 Rec. Earld. Orkney 95.
The airis till byde still in till thame [sc. their houses] … quhill the said Williame outred thame the soume of twel poundis
(3) 1562–3 Rec. Earld. Orkney 115.
Swa ar the ayris of the fyrst get cleyrlye owtred of thayre fathyre arff frome the ayris of the last get
1578 Ib. 141.
The said Margret … war owtred bayth off land and movables that scho arit efter hir umquhill father
1622 Orkney & Shetl. Test. I. 75 b.
He hes sattiffied & outtred all his doughteris of all that they can clame of him be way of airship

5. To dispatch, discharge, execute or carry through (a piece of business), by payment or otherwise. 1581 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 113/28.
Not onlie to tak on this godlie interpryse but also to outred the same
1584–5 Waus Corr. 324.
For I man haif it [the money] to outred turnes that may nocht be left vndone
1585 Reg. Privy C. IV. 38.
Be the quhilk the personis appointit for the gaird … hes bene accustumat to be payit and sindrie utheris necessar effearis of the cuntrey outred and furnist
c1610 Melville Mem. 266.
Becaus of his slawnes till outred sic turnis as they hopped for at his hand
1607 Inverurie B. Ct. 13 Oct.
And lykwayis giff it occurris that ony taxationis teind or othir lesum turne to be done within the towne that four of the consall sall conwein & wtred that turne
1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 203.
Also caus Thomas Crombie outred Willeame Yettis busienes and quhat ye deburss heron … it salbe refoundit to yow
1624 Lett. Eccl. Affairs II. 764.
He hes mony turnes to outtrade at this approcheing terme
1630 Kirkcaldy Presb. 40.
Till he can get his maters outred

6. To dispatch or to finish off or complete (a job of work or an artifact).(a) 1599 Glasgow Weavers 50.
That is mair [work] nor he is abill to work and outred in dewe seasoun
1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 18.
For ane pair of auld buittis to outred the tua laid saiddellis
1619 Haddington Mem. II. 222.
Not being able to owtred so large a task that night he [etc.]
1620 Perth Kirk S. MS. 14 Aug.
That it [barley] wes neir knokit on Setterday and gif it bot sum knokis to outtred it ȝisterday [Sunday]
1630 Linlithgow B. Rec. 14 May.
Patrik Ferrier, wricht, to outred his haill work of the towne hous in Blaknes … within fyiftie dayis
1636 Kirkcaldy Presb. 103. 1646 Aberd. Council Lett. III. 69. 1659-60 A. Hay Diary 85.
To come the morne to the garden dyke and not leave … till he outred it
1662 Glasgow Trades House 378. 1664 Bk. Dunvegan I. xlvii. 1678 Inverness Rec. II. 278.
(b) 1622 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 143.
Four laidis of lyme at Linlithgow to Johne Bryce maissoune quhilk outred sum thing thair eftir the wark wes done
(c) 1580 Dundee Chart. No. 71.
That the … work may … the mair commodiouslie be finished and outred
1591 Dundee B. Laws 375.
1609 Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Publ. I. (1893–4) 8.
The said Thomas … haveing outred and perfyted the Scottische volume … he … maliciouslie refuissis to deliver to the said Sir Johne the saidis volumes
1619 Garden Elphinstoun 2513. 1622 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 145.
Quhilk fyve windowis the maissoune wark thairof wes not outred quhen the work wes left
1632 Annandale Corr. 287.
Your building and theikine … ar necessarie thingis to be outride seeing ye haue put theme so far agait
1645 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 146 b.
Off eall to the wrichtis quhan the mill vas outred [£1/4/0]
1654 Edinb. Test. LXVIII. 7 b.
Thrie wainscot almries not outred
1683 Inverness Rec. II. 320.
To get it [the bridge] outred before Whitsunday next

7. a. To fit out, equip (a ship). = Outreke v. 1. Also absol. b. To find and equip (troops or seamen for service). = Outreke v. 4.a. 1577 Reg. Privy C. II. 656.
Bayth the saidis schippis libellit being schortlie … furneist, outred and rekit fuith
1587 Conv. Burghs I. 243.
Provyding thatt the saidis west burrowis accord with the maisteris of the schippis quhilk they sall outred
? 1589 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 40 a.
The sum that I haue reseuet fra Wellem Macall to outterd hes vi part of the schepe and to laid hes part with salte
1591 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. (ed.) 128.
In ceis ony awner outreddis his schipe or crear himselff and beis not fraucht be merchand
1592 Acts III. 541/1. 1640 Brechin Test. V. 300.
The half quarter so outred I estimat to be worth [etc.]
absol. 1602 Conv. Burghs II. 145.
Bot thai quha hes nocht owtred sall nocht ressaue any pairt of the fraucht
b. 1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 132.
That fourtie hagbutteris … salbe furneissit and outtred
1631 Ib. II. 5.
Ane missive … for support to outred men and schipis to skour the seyis

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"Outred v.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 13 Jan 2025 <>



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