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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Paris, -ys. Also: Parr- and -ise, -es, -eis, -iose, -ish. The name of the French capital, used attrib.Applied to varieties of cloth and stuffs, esp. Paris blak (for many further examples see the Indexes to the various volumes of Treas. Acc. s.vv. Cloth and Paris), artefacts, currency, measures, etc.; also (goldsmith's or silversmith's work) of Paris werk (= workmanship). Also Paris plaster, Plaster n.1 2b, Plaster of Paris.(1) c1475 Wall. v. 535.
Lewyt he was befor in Parys toune
(2) 1493 Acta Aud. 181/2.
The soume of sex skore of pundis fourtene schilling & four penneis Paris
1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 310.
Venice Florence Milan Frenche or Paris gold and siluer the pound contening xvi onces
1624 Huntar Weights & Measures 2.
There was also a Trone stone weight which did wey 19 punds and 8 vnces of Parise weight
(3) 1507 Treas. Acc. IV. 13.
For vij½ elne Paris blak to be ane goun to the king ilk elne l s.
1513 Ib. 422.
Paris blak … to be ane dule goun with ane hud
1530 Crim. Trials I. i. *275.
Paroise blak
1540 Acta Conc. & Sess. MS. XIV. 75 b.
Ane womanis gowne of Pareis blak bordowrit with weluot
1541 Treas. Acc. VII. 449.
To be hir ane duleweid vj elnis fyne Parys blak
Ib. VIII. 26.
To be his grace ane ryding cote four elnis Parys blak
1565 Prot. Bk. Gilbert Grote 69.
Paris black to graytht hir goun
a 1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlviii. 4. 1568 Prot. Bk. Thomas Johnsoun 109.
Ane pair of clokis of fyne Pares blak
1561 Treas. Acc. XI. 66.
For xxvj elnis … Pareis grene
1605 Tailor's Acc. Bk. 37 b.
vij elis of Pareis murrie Londoun claith to be ȝour … cloik … & soikis
(4) 1538–9 Treas. Acc. VII. 144.
Parys rubanis … for sark collaris and handis
1551 Ib. X. 29.
Paris silk to be … knoppis and fassis to the [mule's] harnessing
1602 Tailor's Acc. Bk. 30 b.
iij vnce of fyne Pareis pasmentis
1612Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 290.
Blankets called Pareis mantles cullored … vncollored
Ib. 331.
Lyons or Pareis threid
(5) 1601 Lennox Mun. 464.
Tua Pareis falconis
(6) 1506–7 Treas. Acc. III. 286.
Ane chalice of Paris werk … weyand xvij unce
1540 Ib. VII. 401.
All of gold Parys wark
1583 Edinb. Test. XIII. .
Ane siluer belt of Pareis wark ourgilt of ane vnce wecht
1603 Philotus xxviii. 1606 Edinb. Test. XLII. 194 b.
Ane gold chenȝie of Pareis wark
1611 Ib. XLVI. 274.
Ane … saltfat of Parreis wark
(7) 1656 Edinb. Test. LXVIII. 330.
Ane peice of Parish wyne worth xlij lib.

b. Paris dance, the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, 1572. = massacar of Paris, Massacar n. 1583 Sempill Warning xix.
Bot I dispyt thame [the French] for the Paris dance Seyng the sanctis of God sua saikles slane

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"Paris n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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