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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Score, Scoir, v. Also: skore, skoir. P.p. also scorde. [ME and late ME score(n (Chaucer). e.m.E. also scoore (1530), scoure (1592), scoar (1596), ON skora, f. skor Scor(e n.]

1. tr. To mark with cuts or scores; to cut superficially; to make cuts upon or incisions in.To score flesche (muttoun, etc.), ‘to make incisions in the breast or buttocks of an overfed sheep or ox, and leave it to bleed for some hours before slaughtering it in order that the flesh may be less rank’ (EDD, after Jam.).(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 8/55.
His feit with stanis was revin and scorde
1513 Doug. vii vii 26.
Hyr forret skorit with runclys and mony rat
(2) 1528 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 134a.
We ordand bouchouris … that thai magyll and scoir [ed. (p. 95) stoir] and flauch nocht thair fleich and specially under the spauld
1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 215.
That all flescheouris bring thair flesche to the mercat croce … and that thai blaw nane thairof nor yit let it doune nor score it
1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I 26.
That thair be na muttoun scoirit on the bak nor na pairt thairof, nor yit lattin doun before, bot ane scoir owder befoir or behynd
1577 Crail B. Ct. MS 17 Oct.
That all flescharis owtwith the said burgh presentyng ony flesche to be sauld … present the samin one carwit or skoirit or blawin with skyn hyd and tallowne
1702 Dumfries Fleshers.
[The fleshers not] to work & blow any meat … or to score it above half a quarter long & that even doun & not upsett in the rib & not to score it in the flank nor lett it doun under the shoulder
(3) 1630 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 85.
That na rouche skynnis shortlingis or footfailles salbe skoirit hoillet or blaymit under the payne of aucht pennyes for ilk skoire holl or blayme that sall be fund in the saids skynnis
1670 Glasgow B. Rec. III 147.
That no fleshouris … cutt or holl ony hydis … quher they find ony hydis so holled or scored, to exact sex shilling Scotis for ilk holl or scoir

2. To damage, break apart (the basic fabric of a ship).In early use. 1460–1 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V i p. 414 (17 March).
The said spillyng & wettying come … anerly of storme & wedder throu auentour quhar throu the said schipe was scorit
1492 Acta Conc. I 245/1.
A schip of the said Wegeantis skorit in the port & havyn of the Ely
1504 Edinb. Chart. 188.
For recovering … thar merchandice … being in the schip callit the Litill Martin latlie skorit or brokin in tha pairtis
1513 Doug. v iv 91.
[The ship] on the scharp skelleis … Smait with syk fard, … Hir forschip hang, and sum deil scoryt throu owt
1513 Treas. Acc. IV 482.
For the mendyng of the said boit, scho beand skorit with greit artailyery passand to the schippis
1558 Ib. X 429.
For support of his schip being skorit in the hevin of Haymouth

3. To keep a tally or account of money due by making marks (upon a wall); to record an incidence of something by making a mark. a1500 Peblis to Play 102.
Ay as the gudwyf brocht in Ane scorit vpon the wauch
1698 Acts X 154/2.
Formerly they had the priviledge to score at the minut book all decreets pronunced … untill their dues were payed

4. To cross out; to cancel (a writing, etc.) by drawing a line through it.Const. furth or out, and without const.(1) 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, fol. 2a.
At the thrid calling of the same [supra the sumondis] and nocht persewit to be defert and scorit furth of the tabill [etc.]
1600 Acts 193/2.
The said advocat … scorit his name furth thairof
1610 Edinb. Test. XLVI 179.
I have skoirit out tuentie sindrie particullaris
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 278.
Nothing [in the minute book] shal be eiked, or interlyned, nor scoired out
1657 Glasgow B. Rec. II 385.
And his name to be scorit out of the book
1689 Leven & Melv. P. 245.
He maks great instances to gett his subscription scored out
(2) 1618 Crim. Trials III 463.
Quhairupoun I tak instrumentis, desyreing the haill blankis thairintill to be scoirit
1638 Bk. Univ. Kirk App. xxv.
The saids registers are more perfect, lesse vitiated, scored, and interlined, than any other … registers
1639 Justiciary Cases I 302.
Seing my lord aduocat hes scoirit thais wordis of the dittay [etc.]
1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 162.
And heirupone the counsell hes concludit that his first ingadgment thairanent be scoirit
1681 Linlithgow B. Rec. in Ecclesia Antiqua 199.
The Lord Chancellor … ordered the town of Linlithgow to be skored in the … commission

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"Score v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Dec 2024 <>



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