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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Sover, Souer, Suffer, v. P.t. and p.p. souerit, sowerit, sufferyt. [Cf. Assover v., Sure v. and Sover adj.]

1. intr. To trust in something. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1105.
Ane wounder peralous poynt partenyng grete plight To souer [pr. soner] in thi gentrice but signete or sele
1540 Elgin Rec. I 50.
David Gaw sowryne in jugement be his greit ayth deponit that he aucht nocht to Robert Jamesone bot ane pair of schowne

2. ? To give an assurance regarding (of) something. a1500 Sir Eger 618.
He said, ‘Lady, if ye would cover, And of a thing that ye would sover Belonging both to you and me.’ She said, ‘Say on, what ever it be.’

3. tr. To render safe from attack or injury (also, of or from a potential source of danger); to give a safe-conduct to (also, to or till do something).(1) c1475 Wall. vi 885.
Sufferyt [1570 Assouerit] ye ar, I trow yhe may spek weill
c1475 Wall. viii 1485.
Sufferyt [1570 Assouerit] we ar, quhill ye may message mak
c1475 Wall. ix 277.
Thai … Leit wp the port rasauit him in the toun And sufferyt [1570 souerit] thaim [1570 him] for all that he had brocht
1535 Stewart 12779.
Besseikand him to souer tham [ed. than] and ceis, Quhill thai cum furth and speik with him for peice
1535 Stewart 57302. a1578 Pitsc. II 285/14.
Sindrie var slaine on bayth the syddes and sowerit at thair avin vill
(2) c1475 Wall. vii 1188.
The hardy Scottis … Set on the laiff with strakis sad and sar Off thaim thar our as than souerit thai war
(3) 1535 Stewart 12805.
Syne ceis the seige aud souer thame till gang Baith out and in withoutin ony wrang
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 25.
George Dowglas was souerit to come and speak with the governour

4. To assure (a person) of an alleged fact. a1500 Seven S. 760.
Bot neuer a drope I sover ȝow Wald ryn at all thai holis dovne

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"Sover v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 3 Jan 2025 <>



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