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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Subscrive, -scryve, Subscribe, v. Also: -scriw, -scrywe, -sckryve, -schriv(e, -schryv(e, -schryw(e, -scrif, -scryff, -scryeff, -screiff, -scrybe, -scry, supcryeff. P.p. also subscriveit, -scryveit, -scrayvit, -screvit, -scripvit, -scrivt, -script, swbschrywyt, sowbscryvit, supscrivet, suscrivit, sowscriwit, supcryfitt. [Late ME and e.m.E. subscribe (1425), subscrive (once, c1470), MF subscriv-, f. subscire (1356 in Larousse), L. subscrībere.]

1. tr. To append one's signature to; to validate (a document) by signing. Also, with double object.pres. (1) 1498 Acta Conc. II 285.
The sade Thesaurare subscrivand the sade compositioun and nane utheris
1500 Acta Conc. II 460.
He requerit the lard of Westnisbet til subscrive the compromys betuex him and the sade lard
1528 Misc. Spald. C. II 177.
In vitnes herof I hef subscrivt this vrit with my hand and causit my curatouris … subscrif the sammyn
1540 Acts II 359/2.
[Persons admitted as notaries to] writt thair subscriptioun and signis manuale in the said buk siclik as thai subscriue all instrumentis
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 121.
Ane paper blank his grace I gart subscryue, In to the quhilk I wrait all that I plesit
15… 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 96.
To subscrive the said pretendit contract and becum cautionaris for fulfilling the punctis thairof
1598 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 11.
Hes requeistit thair said wardene generall to subscriue thir presentis
1624 Kinghorn Kirk S. 27.
The earll of Kingorne … refuisses to subscrywe any contract … for reparing of the kirk
1698 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 269 marg.
Provest Anderson to subscrive a margine on the tack of Westercommon
(b) 1555 Boyd Fam. P. No. 43 (6 Dec.).
That the said Adame … maik sell subsckryve and delyver ane sufficiente letter of taik of the saids lands
(c) 1555 Carte Northberwic 71.
The said priores sall … ceill and subscreiff sufficiantly ane assedacioun and tak
(d) 1680 Dunblane Synod 162.
[The ministers] had not brought ane execution thereof to the Synod because the officer could not write nor subscribe it
(e) 1574 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. I 268.
(2) 1571 Bann. Memor. 66.
He … requyrit me to subscryue to him ane few chartore
1671 Irvine Mun. II 100.
If the abone wryten discharg be not valled that my lord shall subscrive to them an new on
p.t. 1673 Edinb. B. Rec. X 142.
John Jossie declared he subscryved the same in swa far as it is agreable with the decreit arbitrall and no utherwayes
p.p. 1476 Exch. R. VIII 344 n.
Writtin and subscrivit at Edinburgh the xxvj day of July
1479 Acta Aud. 93/2.
It was allegeit … that the instrument … subscriuit with Sir Johne Reid publik notare was fals
1489 Acts II 220/2. 1497 Acta Conc. II 70.
The copy of the said chekker rollis extract be the handis of Henry Mare and subscrivit with our said soverane lordis hand
1522 Reg. Cupar A. I 303.
In witnes heirof, I haf subscrivit this wret at Cowpar
1533 Treas. Acc. VI 133.
Writtingis to be subscrivit be the king for the ambassatouris depesching
1550–1 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 152.
1555 Boyd Fam. P. No. 43 (6 Dec.).
1559 Aberd. B. Rec. I 317.
The siluer wark [etc.] … of the said p[a]roche kirk … contenit in ane inuitor subscrywit be Maister Robert Lumysden
1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 20b.
Aganis the writtis as nocht authentiklie subscryuit be notaris or parteis
1565 Crim. Trials I i 460.
The said sentence, signatit and subscriuit
1576 Douglas Corr. 210.
I think an indent, interchangeably subscriuit, suld best testifie ȝour conclusionis
1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 211.
This simple boy, suspecting nocht, Thrie of the wrytingis to him brought; Ane of thame law subscryvit … As custome is to noble men
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 71.
Ye know ony evident will mak faith suppose it want a seal, and it will serve to mak a right gif it be subscrived without a seal
1599 Ayr Chart. 131.
I haif subscryvit the samin … and hungin my seill heirto
1608 Grant Chart. 205.
1626 Justiciary Cases I 50.
The said depositioun can nocht be respectit becaus … quhair it seames to be subscryuit be the clerk of sessioun his subscriptioun affirmes nocht that sic depositioun was tane in his presence [etc.]
1604-31 Craig v 26.
The blacke bill, subscryv'd with his name, Well written with the hand of his owne deare Dame
1638 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 442.
[A contract] super and subscryved at Whythall
(b) 1586 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 50.
1594 Colville Lett. 262.
(c) 1640 Aberd. Council Lett. II 272.
Your double must be subscrayvit by the officers
(d) 1640 Cuningham Journal 43.
Divers other instructions … insert and subscript by the said Sir Patrick
(e) 1605 Laing MSS 103.
Be ane submission mead and subscrybed be my Lord of Skoon
1632 Lithgow Trav. x 460.
The gouernours interrogation and my confession being mutually subscribed
1675 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 1 March.
The said contract … maid and subscribit betwixt [etc.]

b. To subscrive (a document) with my (his, etc.) (own) hand. Also in fig. context.Chiefly passive.1482 Edinb. Chart. 155.
Of the quhilk we the said reuerend fadir has subscriuit the copy with our awin hand
1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxvii.
A letter of charge of our soverane Lordis under the signet and subscrivit with his hand
1490 Acta Conc. I 166/2.
Preffit be the copy of the adiurnale subscripvit with the hande of maister Richard Lawsoune
1490 Irland Mir. I 123/35.
And this charter and lettir of grace … sal be subscriuit be the consent of the haly spreit, and selit with the sing of the haly croce
1495 Halyb. 20.
All thyngis … rakynyt betwix Lorens Tayllȝefer and me … as it standis in the jowrnell subscrywit with hys awin hand
1509 Lennox Mun. 189.
1528 Misc. Spald. C. II 177 (see 1 pres. (1) above). 1538 Misc. Spald. C. II 190.
That ye signet the said letter nochtwithstanding that it is nocht subscrivit be our thesaurar
1543–4 Corr. M. Lorraine 68.
Wyth syk credance as was subscriwyt with your hand
1544 Wemyss Chart. 167.
1548 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I App. lxxxvii.
We hawe subscrivit this band with our hands at the pen
1554 Liber Dryburgh 291.
1558 Reg. Cupar A. II 268.
The said Johne has subscriuit the pairt remanent with the said abbot, with his hand at the pen led be Den Peter Trent
1566 Glasgow Prot. III 85.
The memoriall of this is subscriveit with Robert Campbellis awin hand
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I 94.
He obtenit ane writting subscrevit with all thair handis
1570 Boyd Fam. P. No. 58 (22 Feb.).
1573 Crim. Trials I i 512.
Ane contract subscryvit be four or fyve handwrittes
1581 Red Bk. Menteith II 419.
(b) 1506 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II 163.
To thir present letteris, subscribit with my hand, I haue hungin to my sele
1513–14 Prestwick B. Rec. 45.
The said Mertyn Myllar has subscribyt this writin wyth his hand, the pene leid, befor thir vytnesis
1597 Elphinstone Chart. 135.
Subscrybit with our hand
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 30. 1673 Rothesay B. Rec. 317.
His band and ligation subscribed with his hand

c. To subscrive my (his, etc.) (own) hand, to write one's signature oneself.1494 Acta Conc. I 370.
The chapellane … has subscriuit his hand in his buk for vmquhile Alexander Lord Forbes for the sovme of xxvi li. xij d.
1496 Rec. Earld. Orkney 75.
In witenes of the quhilk thing I the said lawman hais subscriwit my awne hand

d. To sign (a document) as, to style oneself.1601 Crim. Trials II 346.
He man be presewmit ane landit gentilman becaus he subscryves ‘fear of Boningtoun’

e. fig. To mark, to set a distinctive sign upon (a person).a1578 Pitsc. II 41/11.
Promissand thame that all suspitioun sould be away towartis thame in fawour of Ingland for … he had sen thame subscrywit witht Inglischemens bloode

2. To signify one's assent to (a doctrine, proposed course of action, etc.), to agree to abide by the terms of (an agreement, oath, etc.), by signing one's name (to a document).pres. 1547 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I App. lxxxv.
Speciall missivis to the lairdes … to subscrive assurance amanges thame induring the tyme of the oist
1560 Carte Northberwic 78.
Baytht the saidis pertes ar content to subscryff the samyn [sc. marriage contract]
1558-66 Knox II 128.
The cheaf great man that had professed Christ Jesus, and refuissed to subscrive the Book of Discipline, was the Lord Erskyn
1571 Sat. P. xxvi 63.
Gar thame … subscriue the band
1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. 61/5.
Quhy … preached ye libertie of conscience, and now constraines all men to subscryve your new doctrine
1594 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 836.
He hes no dispensatioun nor indult to subscryve or sweare to the saids articles
1620 Aberd. Council Lett. I 179.
Upone the ressait thairof in all or in pairt acquittance and discharge in their awin names to mak gif subscryve and delyver
16.. J. Row Cupp of Bon-Accord 2b.
Why, I pray you, will not ye subscryve the Covenant?
1646 Cramond Ch. Alves 11.
He being threatning with the lose of his books … if he wold not subscriw the Marques of Huntly his covenant
c1650 Spalding I 263.
Mr. Johne Peter, … about this tyme is deprivit for not subscriveing the Covenant
1685 Sc. Ant. XIII 39.
Ther [they] did tak and subscryve the oath of the Test conform to the … act of … Parliament
1691 Sc. N. & Q. XII 90.
Baillie Burnet … went thorow the toune with ane sheit off peaper causing evry person to subscrive it
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 221.
Ilk persoun crauing the benefeete of this pacificatioun, shall … subscryve his obedience to the king
(b) 1668 Maxwell Mem. II 314.
I know nott what peper was amongst you thair, your father in law … caused draw and supcryeff
(c) 1647 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 479.
That all students of philosophie at their entry and at their lawreation, bee holden to subscribe the League and Covenant
p.t. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 59.
The lordis and gentilmen of Louthian … subscryvit the new band and confidderatioun
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 127.
Bothwill [etc.] … maid ane band and subscryuit the deid of the said king
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 186.
The haill lordis and erlis assistaris to the quene, … subscryvit ane lettre tuitching the fulfilling … of certane articles to thame be the quene of Ingland
a1578 Pitsc. I 286/1.
Lord Home … tuike the pen in his hand and subscrywit the electioun [sc. of Albany as governor]
(b) 1641 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 36.
[Robert Williamson, cutler] Subscribed the oath [i.e. admitted freeman]
1666 Laing MSS 349.
When manie subscrybed that paper to disclem the King, hee was med a prisoner for refusing it
p.p. 1558-66 Knox II 129.
The same Book of Discipline was subscrived by a great parte of the nobilitie
1574–5 Reg. Privy S. VII 4/1.
Schir George Maxwell … hes not gevin his assent and subscrivit the articlis of religioun contenit in the actis of Parliament
a1578 Pitsc. II 227/13.
The lordis that favourit the king causit mak ane wreitting and send the samyn to all the borrowis for to be subscryuit
1663 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 205.
Ane submission to be drawin wp … to be subscriuit be all parties haueing entres
1666 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 233.
Conforme to the minute drawine up and subscryveit be both parties theranent
1704 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 155.
A great many bookes are … keept out … contrar to the lawes of the liberarie, which lawes ought to be subscryved by all the professors in the Colledge
(b) 1638 Nat. Covenant in Facs. Nat. MSS III xcvii.
The Confession of Faith subscribed at first by the Kings Majestie
(c) 1617 Sutherland Bk. II 129.
Gewe he will byd be the compremitt alredy supcryfitt

3. intr. To write one's signature, esp. as a token of assent to, or approval of, some statement, petition, set of doctrines, course of action, etc. Variously const.(1) 1483 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II 103.
John Forest … and remanent persones under subscryveand
1558-66 Knox II 297.
To what end shall men subscrive and then never mean to keap wourd of that quhilk thei promeisse?
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 131.
The Lord Hereis and Lochinware … had not agried to subscryve with them of the castell
a1578 Pitsc. I 285/25, 26.
[They] speirit at the lord Home gif he wald subscryue and they wald follow syne and subscryue witht him
1583 Sc. N. & Q. 2 Ser. IV 171.
1588 Edinb. Presb. 24 Sept.
Gif … he comperit nocht thai vald proceid againes [him] as ane papist apostat & a refusor to subscrywe
1617 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 301.
They will rather subscryve there surrender
1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 219.
I under subscryving grantis me to have ressavit [etc.]
1625 Aberd. Council Lett. I 237.
Your loving and assurat freinds … subscryving be Mr. Johne Hay
c1633 Events Q. Mary & Jas. VI 127.
He cannot subscrive being impossibilitated of his hand
1638 Baillie I 70.
Grant, and the Northland Clanes, which had not subscryved, might easily oversway all the subscryvers
1638 Lennoxlove MS (Duke of Hamilton) C1/429.
The [town] counsell, at least many of thaim, ar subscryving of the covenant
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 61.
As for these that hes naither subscryvit nor will cum in will, but stands owt, they are to be fyned
1653 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 137.
From your wery loveing freend, and so subscriues, Robert Lilburne
1654 Glasgow Chart. II 32.
I, Alexander Pettigrew, conotar, doe subscryve also for the said Johne Craig
(b) 1596 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 217.
In presence of the commissionaris of burrowis under subscryband
1661 Galloway P. 31 Jan.
Cuthbert Gledstanis … subscribes for those persones not knowing to write
(2) 1490–1 Liber Melros II 600.
In the witnes of the quhilk thyng … I have affixit my seill and subscryffyt with my awin hand
1634 Edinb. Masons 3 July.
And ther to eurie mester heath supscriuet with ther handes or set to ther markes
(3) 1608 Reg. Privy C. VIII 50.
[Excommunicated for not] subscryving the articlis of religioun and communicating conforme to the ordour of the Kirk
1684 Law Memor. 136.
They were to subscrybe to the letters of lawbarrows to keep the peace
(4) 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 231.
Ȝit ȝe and thay did sweir with aithis conding, And did subscryue to be trew to the King
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 259.
Lord Maxwell … subscryvit to acknowlege the kingis auctoritie

4. p.p. Of persons: Banded, leagued (aganist another).1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 536.
Proude ambitious bangesters … Subscryvit aganist our Maiestie, For to destroy our realme and regione

5. To be able to write one's own signature.1596 T. Morris Provosts of Methven (1875) 88.
With our handis on the pen led be the notaris vnderwrittin … becaus we can nocht subscriue
1641 Boharm Kirk S. 10 Jan.
Given to Patrick Fisher 27 s. for subscryving the covenant for the peple that could not subscryve

6. To express agreement with, give one's assent to (unto) (something).1616–17 Misc. Hist. Soc. X 100.
Saying Amen … [they] testifie that they have their part in all the praiers and praises which ar sent up to God and that they allow and subscryve unto the same

7. To give one's allegiance or support to (a person or institution).1567 Sat. P. iii 129.
O ȝe that to our kirk hes done subscriue
1570 Sat. P. x 298.
He maid thame all subscriue vnto the King, … Acknawledgeing the Kingis authoritie



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