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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Surname, n. Also: surnam, -naim, -naym(e, -nem, -nawm, -nowm(e, -nowne, swrnam(e, -nayme, surename, suirnam(e, -naym, swirnaem, sourname, -nome, sowr noum, suorname, -nome, sorname, -neim, -nem, sirname, syrnam(e, syrename, surinem. Pl. also surnammis, surinance. [ME and e.m.E. sournoun (c1325), surname (c1330), surnome (Cursor M., c1375), sire name (Wyclif), sorname (Piers Plowman), surnoun (1457), syrname (Tyndale), OF surnum, surnom, sornom, sorenon (c1119, c1298, 13th c. and c1475 in Larousse); f. F. sur additional and nom name. Spellings in sir-, syr(e- may be due to influence f. Sir(e n.]

1. A name, title or descriptive epithet added to a person's given name in order to identify him or her, and derived from parentage, place of birth or some personal characteristic, quality or achievement.(a) 1375 Barb. xix 261.
Eduuard his sone that wes ȝing In Ingland crownyt wes to king And surname off Wyndyssor [C. And surname had of Wyndissoyr]
a1400 Leg. S. vii 15.
Haly manne, That foure swrnamys had … firste … of Alphey the son … nexte … Goddis bruthire … Goddis cvsinge … als James the lese Vthir-tyme his swrname wes
a1400 Leg. S. xii 339.
Josephe, that for his halynes To swrname Justus callit was
c1420 Wynt. viii 2360.
Williame To surname cald of Eglyshame
1456 Hay I 279/25.
It is na thing lyke till a man to be callit lyke name till ane othir or syndry in a toune, for quhy, … men has gert geve ilke man his surname that makis the difference
1460 Hay Alex. 1183.
Of Dalerise his awin surname he bare
c1515 Asl. MS I 186/14.
Suppos of thaim ar cummyn mony noble & worthy men ȝit thai ar succedit of tham that bure & beris the foull surname of the tresoun of Troye
1533 Boece 515b.
Petir callit to surname Comestor [L., = glutton] quhilk wrate the ecclesiastic historie
1533 Boece 136b.
The vulgare pepill gaif him [sc. Corbrede] Gald to surname; for Scottis ȝit in oure dayis, quhare ane man of thare blude is instructit in maneris of alienis, thai vse to name him Gald [Gael. gallda foreign; Lowland]
(b) a1400 Leg. S. xvi 69.
To Mary Of Magdalene can the castel ly, Quhare-of the suorname scho bar
(c) c1420 Wynt. ix 334.
That Roxburgh suld be gyvyn till hald Till a mychty gret barowne, That off Graystok had surnowne
(d) a1538 Abell 82b.
Sche … bure … a sone callit Henrik to his surnem imprice sone
(e) a1400 Leg. S. ii 578.
Ane Saule till his name, That beris of Tharse till his sorname
a1400 Leg. S. vii 770.
Josephe men callit me, Of Aramathy in Juda, Myn sorname I wes wonte to ta

b. An alternative name for a particular race or group of people, different from that more commonly used.1513 Doug. viii x 12.
The Grekis ancyane, Quhilk clepyt bene to surname Pelasgane

c. specif. A descriptive name for a group derived from the name of their founder.c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5387.
I thynk thay sulde thynk mekle schame Off Christ for to tak thare surname, Syne leif nocht lyke to Christianis

2. A (heritable) family-name, as distinct from a Christian name. Also in collocation with name (= Christian name).(1) 1375 Barb. iii 99.
Thar surname wes Makyne Drosser. That is al-so mekill to say her As the Durwarth sonnys perfay
1375 Barb. xv 208.
A knycht that … To surnam Maundweill had … His awne name I can nocht say
1456 Hay I 279/8.
Quhen all the lygnie is failit, and the surname, ȝit will the valliaunce of thame be knawin be thair armes
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 386.
Deulbere hes not ado wyth a Dunbar, The Erl of Murray bure that surname ryght
1531 Bell. Boece II 345.
The hous of Cumingis … forby thir thre erllis and lord foresaid, thair was xxx knichtis and landit men, all of ane surname
1534 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 179a (28 April).
Woll Down … be the aycht I maid Jok Dovn vas of my swrnayme, bot nocht my kynnesman
1535 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 151.
Thomas Prechour hes producit ane precept of seissine … to geif herretabyll sessing to Jennot Lermont and Thomas Prechour and to thair ayris, and, geif it happinit na succession, to cum to his airis laufull of the surnayme callit Lermont
c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 16.
Thrie lordis to me salbe executouris, Lindesayis all thrie, in surname of renoun
1571 Sempill in Sat. P. xxviii 33.
As for my surname, seik my mothers aith. Quhylis Cuninghame thai callit me heir & thair
1571 Sempill in Sat. P. xxviii 40.
Hammiltoun he me huif, … Ane sorie surname
1576 (1602) Reg. Great S. 479/2.
Provydand that thai be mareit on pairteis aggreabill for thair estait haveand the surname of Murray
1581 Acts III 218/2.
Clannis of theiffis, … companeis of wikit men, coupled in fellowschippis be occasioun of thair surnames or neir duellingis togidder or throw keping societie in thift
1600 Acts IV 213/1 heading.
Act aboleissing the surname of Ruthven
1681 Acts VIII 333/1.
And they and the airs and bairnes male and female to be gotten of their bodies alwayes useing the surname of Mercer and … wearing the armes of Mercer
1686 Acts VIII 612/1.
This family [sc. of Cuthbert or Culbert] had its first ryse from the South of Scotland where Sanct Cuthbert aboad most for they wer his kinsmen and from his name tooke their surname
1692 Cramond Kirk S. III 21 July.
Rachell Cochran … gave in a petition, complaining on Elison Mason in Cramond's abuseing her good name, both befor her face, and to others behinde her backe, by the surname of Henderson
1707 Sc. Ant. VI 168.
Her Majesties High Commissioner … alloues the petitioner to assume … their ancient surname … of Graham, and discharges the nickname of Pyet in all tyme comeing
(b) c1420 Wynt. viii 1176.
The secownd systyr tuk Godfray, To surnowme [C. surnayme, W. surname] that cald wes Mowbray
(c) 1535 Stewart 40655.
And mony surename also les and moir, Wes maid that tyme quhilk wes nocht of befoir; As Calder, Lokart [etc.]
1535 Stewart 41157.
This ilk Walter … this king Malcome … His land-stewart … he maid Ouir all Scotland … Syne till his surename Stewart did him call
a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 16.
Heir we may collect … that he was landit becaus he tuk the surename be ressoun of the landis that he possedit for the tyme
1581 Acts III 232/2.
The said Williame Baillie … hes willinglie past fra his surename of Maxwell … and acceptit in place thairof the said surename of Baillie and armes of the said hous of Lammingtoun … and all his posteritie thaireftir to be callit Baillies of thair surename
(d) 1375 Barb. xvii 152.
A new-mad knycht That till his name schyr Wilȝam hycht Off Keyth and off Gallistoun He hycht throw difference of sournome
(e) a1648 Hist. King's Aff. Scotl. under Marques of Montrose (1648) 40.
The prime of the Campbells (that's the syrname of Argyle's family)
1681 Strathallan Geneal. Drummond 216.
This man's posterity, when syrenames came in use made choise of his name Hay
1684 Symson Descr. Galloway 65.
It was the ordinary residence of the Laird of Freuch, whose sirname is also McDowal
1695 Acts IX 356/1.
His Majesties high Commissioner and the Estates of Parliament … allowes him to use the name of McGrigor, bot refuses that priviledge and exemption to his children or posterity and ordains the petitioner to give in a condescendance this night of what sirname he will give his children
c1650-1700 Descr. Zetland 13.
The natives are known from in-comers by their want of sirnames
a1714 Cromartie Corr. II 476.
A tennent, who haid no syrnam but a patronimick, as all the commons in Ross have
(2) 1429 Acts II 17/2.
That the kingis breifis … be nocht rasit na blobit in suspect placis that is to say in the name or in the surname of the folowar or of the defendar
1560 Reg. Privy S. MS XXX 50b.
To mak gude … comptrole of all gold and siluer that salbe brocht in the cunȝehous alswele of the space werk wecht [etc.] … As the names and surenames of the personis that sellis the samin
1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La. III 388a, 26a.
The clerk to writ his name and surname at lenth in gretar forme
1600-1610 Melvill 64.
1622-6 Bisset III 94 n. a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 239.
The signet should be graven with their nam and surname, or some wther thing knowen to be their signet
1636 Concilia Sc. I cliv.
The presbyter shall everie Lord's Day … take foorth the sayde booke, and wryte therein the names of all persons christned, with the names and syrnames of their parentes
1664 St. A. Baxter Bks. 131.
Quhat sumeuir brother or brotheris relict sall [etc.] … that ilk brother or brother relict mark thair bread with thair name and surname

b. Chiefly rendering L. cognomen ‘a Roman surname, family name, epithet’ (Lewis & Short). Also in poetic use (after the Latin), of a place-name.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 928.
The thred Herrod had alsua Til his suornome Agrippa
c1420 Wynt. iii 670.
All thir … Discendand fra Postumus, To surname wes callyd Sylvius
c1420 Wynt. v 372.
This ilke Gayus wes alsua Be surname callyd Gallicula
c1420 Wynt. v 4236.
Utere and Awrelius, Till surname cald Ambrosius
1513 Doug. vi v 182.
He … Reiosyt of the grond hys surname bayr
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i 288.
Nomen Julo, nempe Julius cognomine (of surname)
1622-6 Bisset I 4/30.
Because he thinkis nocht weill of his antecessouris [sc. Pontius Pilate's] surname he hes deminisit the last lettir thairof, fra Pilat to Pila
(2) 1513 Doug. iii ii 131.
Sone I me enfors with diligence To byg a wallit cite of defens. Pargamea I namyt it … Our folkis than, … warryn blyth and glaid Of this kouth surname [L. cognomine] of our new cite
1513 Doug. iii v 132.
A smal burn … Onto his surname clepit Exanthus
1513 Doug. vii xiii 43.
Camy eyge, and holtis fair to se, That Circeus to surname clepit ar

3. A clan or extended family of persons bearing the same name, and regarded as a kinship group. In various constructions and collocations. Also fig., of persons united by some common trait or characteristic.There is some ambiguity and overlap between this sense and 2 above.‘The surnames of the Scottish borders were organised social units held together by family ties … These were true kinship units … acting together in all things, seeking vengeance together when one of their number was harmed and often accepting joint responsibility when an individual was in trouble' T. I. Rae Admin. Sc. Frontier 6.(1) 1429 Discharge in Argyll Mun. 20 March.
As gude lorde & chefe of kyn aw til do to his kyn & surname
1454–5 Edinb. Chart. 79.
Williame of Prestoune of Goirtoun, sone and aire to vmquhile Williame of Prestoune of Goirtoun, and to the freindis and surname of thaim
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 416.
Hang Dunbar, Quarter and draw, and mak that surname thin
1530 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 333.
To caus gud pleggis to be enterit to the kingis gud grace for all surnammis and clannis necessar duelland within the saidis boundis
a1538 Abell 92b.
The Cwmenis in this tyme excellit in riches & multitud. Without erllis thare wes of thare surnaym 32 knythtis
1535 Stewart 44408, 44415.
All the menkynd of his [sc. Earl Harold Maddadson's] surname and clan, [William the Lion] Gart lib thame all than be the leist ane man … Thus endit he and his surname that tyme
1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 47.
Our native rowmes quhilk my husband and his surname hes brukit thir thre or four hundreth yeris
1549 Compl. 104/10.
Nocht ane of thame [sc. Scots in England] dar grant that thai ar Scottis men, bot rather … man … refuse there cuntre, there surname, and kyn & frendis
1553 Reg. Privy C. I 138.
Robert Ellot, younger, for his gang, and Thomas Armestrang of Mangertoun, for his gang; … to compeir befoir my Lord Governouris Grace … and to declair quhat surnames thai will ansuer for
1570 Sat. P. xiii 154.
All thay of that genalogie, And of that surname [sc. Hamilton] … Thay salbe repute of this foule cryme gyltie
c1575 Balfour Pract. 599.
Gif the Wardane deliveris sufficient pledges within the King's castellis, or uther places … for everie clan or surname, and thair assistaris … in that cais he sall not be haldin to answer for the crimes of those surnamis [etc.]
c1578 Reid Swire 12.
Carmichaell … Brought in his surname weell be seen
1577 A. Hay Nobility 27.
The Lord Lovet called Fresell [i.e. Fraser] … A surname esteemed honest and very hardy
1577 A. Hay Nobility 27.
The last Lord [Lovat] … was slayne … by the Clanrannald, a mischeuous surname, in the Isles
1580 Inverness Rec. I 284.
In that caise the narrest of his blude being of his surname … sall succeid to the said wacant tack or tackis
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 7b.
Quhat surname in Scotland vorshippit mair the Caluinian ministers nor the Hamiltonis?
(b) 1535 Stewart 45578.
And that thair surename sould na farder spred The barnis all … That sonis war, he causit … to cut fra thame thair stanis
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 68.
She was a judicious wyffie and prudent woman, verie carefull that the surename should continue
(c) ?1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 301.
Thar is nain of your suirnam [sc. Hepburn] hais mair experians of lauburis and cumiris of this wairild nor I haif haid
1555–6 15th Rep. Hist. MSS App. ix 21.
[The chief men of his family, to take part in punishing trespassers and] gude rewle of the hale suirname
1584 Grant Chart. 157.
[Ve] promeissis faythfullie that we sall … assist, concur, … defend our saidis cheif and maister and swirnaem
(d) 1507 Reg. Privy S. I 223/1.
Actiouns … agane his or tharis propir men, kyn, sourname, tenentis [etc.]
1560–1 Breadalbane Lett. No. 4.
I haif adhortit my broder and the laiff of my sourname to obey ȝow
(e) 1576–7 Reg. Privy C. II 587.
Allaster Dow McAllane McEwin of Camroun, and Johnne Cam, his broder of surnawm
(f) 1538 Coll. Rebus Alban. 87.
And oblissis us … to Niniane Bermachtin of the Cammis, and till hyis airis hys sorneim freindis and servandis
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 72.
I pray God tha com newer haym for layk he wald dow to owr sornem
(g) c1560 Stirlings of Keir 415.
He wes vnmareit and had not successioune bot he had ane ȝovng woman of his avin sirname … quhay wes with barne quhen he deid of ane gentillman callit Waltir Buchqhanane
a1578 Pitsc. (1728) 25.
Annes Dunbar, youngest daughter to James last Earl of Murray of that sirname
1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 16.
When amongst my observes we mention … nighbour syrenames and clans, it is becaus we march with them, we match with them … Their antiquity and rise is mingled with our own
(h) 1591–2 Colquhoun Chart. 153.
Kin, freindis, servandis, surinance [pr. suriuance], vassellis, and dependaries
fig. 15.. Dunb. App. iv 24.
Gif I wryte of wretchitnes Than is it war than ever it wes For thay will say that I bakbyte; So thik that surname dois incres
(2) a1538 Abell 4*b.
Dunbaris svrnaym beguth
1517 Reg. Privy S. I 454/2.
The kingis lieges of the clannis and surnaimis of Armstrang and Tailȝour, and all thair kynnismen … and utheris dependand upon thaim of the clannis of Liddisdale
1531 Bell. Boece II 383.
The illuster surname of Dowglas, quhilkis war evir the sicker targe and weirwal of Scotland aganis Inglismen
1565 Reg. Privy C. I 361.
To resset ony rebellis and surname of Clangregour
1570 Leslie 85.
About this time the laird of Drumweydy wes slane … be tua of the surname of the Jerdains
a1578 Pitsc. I 413/12.
Than durst no man cum neirhand the king Bot the surname of the dochtie Douglas
1579–80 Treas. Acc. XIII 308.
The haill principallis of the surnames of Gordonis and Foirbessis to compeir personalie befoir the kingis majestie and secreit counsale
1594 Acts IV 71/2.
Mony brokin men of the surnames of Stewartis in Athoull Lorne and Balquhidder
(b) a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun ix.
Sen I haue tane travaill and diligence to collect and gadder the historie and cronicle of thy hous and surename of Seytoun
1571 Reg. Morton I 70.
Considering the lang variance and discord that hes continewit betuix the surenames of Burnfeildis and the surenames of Haitleis this tyme past
1575 Sc. Hist. Rev. LVI 182.
In the heych partis of Sutherland in the myddis of the boundis quhare the surename of Murrayes dwellis
1575 Reg. Privy C. II 454.
To charge the foirsaidis personis of the surename of Ellott to bring with thame … the personis underspecifiit
1584 Hawick Arch. Soc. (1961) 6.
Schawing him selfe … speciall mantenare and defender of the surename of the Ruthirfuirdis
(c) 1542 Lynd. Bk. Arms 3.
Of the noble suirnaym of the Stewartis
1599 Lennox Mun. 340.
Thift committit by the said suirname of McFarland
(d) a1538 Abell 4*b.
Douglas sornem begutht to schyn in manlynes
(e) a1538 Abell 4*b.
Cumynis surinem wes grit in Scotland
(3) 1515 Treas. Acc. V 34.
Lettrez … to pas on the est sidis and west sidis of the Marse for the lardis, hedismen, gentilmen, and surnames thairof for to cum to my lord governour
1544–5 Corr. M. Lorraine 128.
The maister of Maxwell and I … hes had all the sowr noums of Annardaill befor ws in Drumfreis … and hes thame bund and oblist to remane at the faith of Scotland
1548 Buccleuch Mun. II 187.
The haill clannes and sornames of Eist Theviotdaill come to the Watter of Aill
1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 3.
Jockies who go about begging, and use still to recite the sluggornes of most of the true ancient surnames of Scotland

b. transf. In Bell. Livy, rendering L. gens ‘a race or clan, embracing several families united together by a common name’, (Lewis & Short). Cf. 2 b above.1533 Bell. Livy I 215/10.
The consull … vesyit all his surname and lynnage [L. gentem omnem suam], arrayit in gudelie maner afore him
1533 Bell. Livy I 212/14 heading.
How the surname of Fabis furnist the batail aganis the Veanis on thare awne expensis
1533 Bell. Livy I 214/21.
We desire that ȝe faderis … suffir the surname and hous of Fabis to were aganis the Veanis
1533 Bell. Livy I 219/11.
iijc & vj fabis all perist … & nane of thare surname left on life except ane ȝoung childe



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