A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Susten(e, Sustein(e, Sustane, v. Also: susteene, -eyn(e, -ean(e, -ain(e, -ayne, sustine, swstyne. P.t. also sustaind, sustaneed, soustenyt, suestnit. P.p. also sustenitt, sustent, susteind, susteinet, -eynet, susteande, sestynnit. [ME and e.m.E. susteyni(en, sustein(en (c1290), susten (Cursor M.), susteyn(en (Manning), sustain(en (1340-70), susteen(en (Chaucer), sustene (Lydgate), OF sostenir, soutenir (late 9th c. and early 13th c. in Larousse), L. sustinēre.]
1. tr. a. To lend one's support to, back up, side with (a person) (in a course of action).(1) 1456 Hay I 24/36.
Henry the thrid, … at all his power sustenyt the fals pape 1460 Hay Alex. 263.
He … thame sustenit and in thair neid thaim bet a1578 Pitsc. I 333/15.
No man sould foster, succour or sustene no Douglasses withtin thair boundis a1585 Maitl. Q. 181/78.
Our souuerane save … In his nonage that we have done sustein 1587-99 Hume 61/314.
His awin he mightelie susteins, Be wonderfull and vnkouth meanes(2) 1456 Hay I 125/23.
His men suld nocht … sustene him in his manesuering
b. To support, uphold (a person's conduct, a cause, etc.). Also with impersonal construction and infinitive.(1) 1494 Loutfut MS 41a.
Quhen he had a lord & maistir … quhilke … soustenyt his gud werkis & correkit the evill the frut of his werkis wes gud 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 682.
Ȝe knawe the faith be ws mon be susteind a1570-86 Maitl. F. 310/62.
Giff ȝe that dependis on the quene Franche men bring in hir quarrell to sustene 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 281.
Johne Knox minister requyrit the lordis to sustene ane book, quhairinto wes contenit that thaj suld ordane … xij superintendentis(2) 1456 Hay I 159/1.
Lat us se than be quhat law or resoun it may be sustenyt to tak fynaunce
c. To give (a person) comfort or strength (also, to do something). 1490 Irland Mir. I 55/27.
Quhen He … gevis thame consolacione to … sustene thame c1590 Fowler II 136/29.
To Caracalla, Commodus, Maximinus, it was verye pernicious to imitat Seuerus actions, having not sa mekill vertew nor dexteritie to haue sustened them to haue falloued in his futstepps
d. Const. noun clause or object and infinitive: To maintain (something to be, or that something is, the case). 1456 Hay I 209/19.
Here speris the doctour … how it may be sustenyt that the king of Fraunce has na soverane 1609 Hume 168/23.
Otheris of you … sustene that among pastoris, thair sould be imparitie 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xi 3 (1699) 59.
The justices would not sustain minæ per se to be a sufficient qualification of self-defence
2. To uphold the validity of, support as valid, sound or true. 1466 Acts II 85/2.
It is statute that na commendis of new nor aulde be sustenit nore sufferrit within the realme 1490 Irland Mir. I 72/12.
Be this maner may be sustenit the conclusioune, and the argument folȝeit 1490 Irland Mir. II 30/22.
He gave exampil to … men that the verite and haly doctrine of God thai suld starklie defend and susteyne c1590 Fowler II 151/13.
The emperours natur was to tak counsell of na bodye and yet off him self neuer to execut any thing: which procedings differeth altogeather fra these things that we haue sustened afore 1604-31 Craig ii 49.
O antipathie strange to be susteind, I loue my foe 1629 Justiciary Cases I 100.
The quhilk forme of dittay is relevant of law … and is daylie sustenit be the practique and lawis of this realme 1681 Stair Inst. iv xx 42.
Convalescence or liege poustie … were sometimes sustained 1682 Dunkeld Presb. I 453.
Mr. Robert Stewart is to deliver his common-head, and sustain his disputs against the next day 1688 Fountainhall Decis. I 511.
The Lords repelled the alledgeance proponed for her and sustained process at the pursuer's instance upon the retour produced 1688 Fountainhall Decis. I 511.
The Lords sustained the bond 1689 Acts XII 47/1.
The objectione thereafter putt to the vote and sustained to reject the commissione be 24 votes 1695 Ayr Presb. 23 Oct.
The reasons why he hath not celebrate the Lords supper in his paroch quhich are sustained as relevant
3. To keep in being; to maintain or preserve in an acceptable state, or at the proper level. Also reflex. 1456 Hay I 137/13.
He may … ask his wagis courtaisly to sustene his estate, and for to lyve honestly 1456 Hay I 160/15.
Throu … labouraris merchandis and men of craft, all the warld is susteynit 1490 Irland Mir. II 30/8.
And this bitter passioun and deid he sufferit for the honour of God sustenand and defendand his honour 1490 Irland Mir. III 24/4.
The breid of quhete sustenis the body and the wyn blithis the persoune 1510–11 Reg. Privy S. I 335/2.
The rentis … of the said prebend ar to litill and sobir to sustene the honour and expens of the said archidenry 1528 Lynd. Dreme 204.
Off haly kirk the patrimonie and rent … Quhilkis suld haue bene trypartit in to thre … The secunde part, to sustene thare [sc. clerics'] aistatis [etc.] 1533 Bell. Livy I 130/8.
Thai may … sustene the plesand frute of liberte 1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 164.
With lawtie youre lyfe sustene 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 177/11.
Lat thame nocht peris fra oure vse, without the quhilkis the conditioun and stait of man is nocht sustenit 1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) 398.
How thay suld best sustene thair kingdome inclynand to ruyne c1590 Fowler II 91/9.
The ecclesiastic principalyteis … ar … weill eneugh susteaned by the auld and ancient ordinances and constitutions of religioun c1590 Fowler II 118/22.
He that be rubberie and extorsion susteneth his estate 1596 Dalr. II 398/12.
That quha nawise war afor meit to sustein thair chairge, be remouet fra thair benificereflex. 1701 Inverness Kirk S. 212.
It was replyed by the Moderatour that they sustaneed themselves as a legall comittie
4. To keep up, carry on (an action or process); to wage, prosecute (a conflict). a1500 Lanc. 985.
Arthuris folk … ware to few aȝaine the gret affere Of Galiot ȝit to susten the were a1500 Bk. Chess 2100.
Vnto a quene be richt it is nocht meit To go to batall weris to sustene 1502 Treas. Acc. II 152.
To David Grame, to sustene his pley in Glasgo, iij li. iiij s. 1503–4 Mill Mediæv. Plays 119.
The skinnaris & walcaris [are] tile vphalde & sustene thare part of Candilmes play c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xlvii 22.
To turne to trew luve his intent, And still the quarrell to sustene 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 197.
And for sa schort renown warryn so bald To susteyn weir and panys teyr ontald 1533 Edinb. B. Rec. II 63.
Gif ony personis of the saidis craftis intromettis or withhaldis the gudis of the said altare or craftis, and sustenis pley thairintill [etc.] c1590 Fowler II 94/17.
From the prelats ambitions floweth all these trobles and tu[mu]lts that ar fostered and sustened ama[n]gs the barrons c1590 Fowler II 145/27.
He quho most interlye dois love thé wilbe the first to entreate thé to concuir & to susteane his quarrell 1596 Dalr. II 419/4.
Necesares to sustein the weiris 1619 Garden Elphinstoun 668.
The Prence … stabling peace, Unstressed can susteene 1622-6 Bisset I 100/12.
Gif ȝe sall intergo and sustene the said interdiction for uthir sex dais … we … do suspend you
5. To furnish with the necessaries of life, to provide for the welfare or maintenance of (a person, also, an animal). Also const. various prepositional phrases, and infinitive.(1) 1490 Irland Mir. I 32/1.
All creaturis … wauld turne in noucht, ware nocht that he sustenis thaim throu his wertu 1533 Boece 64.
Giff at the hunting ony hound … losit owdir e or vthir membir … he suld be sustenit and fed in commoun 1549 Banff Ann. I 24.
Certane … schepe, novlt, hors … that the said tovne ma lafulle beir and sustayne 1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III 80.
That na inhabitane … , hostler nor vther, loge fortife sustene or menteine thaim 1560 Bk. Disc. 218.
The habillitie of thair parentis to sustene thame thair selvis and nocht to burding the common-wealth with thame 1562-3 Winȝet I 9/1.
Neuir changeand in this daingerus battel of religioun … except in ane clokit maner to sustene ane minister, quhare three hundreth ryche and pure wes sustenit afore a1578 Pitsc. I 160/4.
Gif the poore war sustenid and the ȝouth brocht wpe and leirnitt conforme to the order that was taine in the kirk of God 1614 Breadalbane Doc. No. 410.
That the said Schir Duncan … interteinnie fallowe deir within the said ill sa monye as gudlie may be gresset and sustenit thairinto 1619 Edinb. Test. L 232.
My brether hes susteinit me in hous honestlie with himselff this lang space as bedrell(2) 1560 Bk. Disc. 198.
The children of the ministeris … salbe susteaned at learnyng [supra in sculis and … in collegis] gif thai be found apt therto(3) 1531 Bell. Boece I xxiv.
Be generall merchandice of thir fische thay sustene the peple of all uthir cuntreis 1535 Stewart 36680.
The husband men full lytill now ar ment, Quhome be we ar vphaldin and sustent(4) 1547 Reg. Cupar A. II 53.
Providing all wais that Jonet Fyndlayson, … be honestlie sustenit in meit and claitht … for hir lyftyme, as efferis to hir estait a1595 Descr. Isles 439.
Thair ȝeirlie dewtie … is to sustein ane number of men in meit and fie 1630 Boyd Fam. P. No. 137 (22 Oct.).
To sustaine and intertaine the said Johne Boyd … in meit drink cloathing bedding burding leirneing at the schoole and vther vertew 1638 Moses Bundle No. 25, 1033 in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XXXI 176.
[He] binds and obleisses him to furneishe and susteine his saids dochteris in the haill abulyementis of thair bodies(5) c1510 Prester John 311.
And gyf thar be ony [sc. in need] we sustene tham of our geris — 1596 Dalr. I 89/14.
Thair kair and trayuel was hail in this to sustein thayr bodyes … of sik fude as thay mycht haue of the grunde(6) 1578 Reg. Privy C. III 39.
Having xii bairnis to sustene upoun the advantage of the said victuall 1628 Glasgow B. Rec. I 368.
The haill mylnes … to be servit be ane myller and ane knave … and the myller to sustein his knave vpoun his bonok(7) 1490 Irland Mir. II 43/5.
Ȝour blist sone Jhesus … that ȝe bur and with ȝour mylk virginale and nurising sustenit(8) 1568 Peebles Chart. 73.
My fadir … may nocht sustene me to hald me at the scoillis … to leirne vertu 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 23.
He obtained the goods of them which wer killed; that thereby he might sustean a guard of armed men to defend him from the injurie of such as he did suspect
b. With the means of support as the subject, or implicit subject, of the verb.(1) c1489 Liber Aberbr. II 264.
The rentale ma susteyn the place 1526 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 82.
That na unfreman … by na wyttalis nother cheis, butter, fleych nor sallt bot to sustene thaim and thair houswauld for viii dayis immediatlye thairefter 1527–8 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 93.
Susten 1532 Acta Conc. & Sess. (St. S.) 150.
For the wynning of colys to sustain the kingis lieges 1535 Stewart 536.
That thair landis mycht nocht thame all sustene 1540 Lynd. Sat. 2609.
Their sweir swyngeouris with lordis and lairdis Mo than thair rentis may sustene 1549 Banff Ann. I 24.
Susteyne c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 330.
He gatt fra thame thair wardis and releiffis of all frehalderis airis, to sustane him and thair marriages c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4910.
Thay sulde command frome meitis tyll abstene, Quhilk God creat, his pepyll to sustene 1559 Knox VI 57.
Yf money can be furnissed to sustean a garnison thare 1562 Edinb. B. Rec. III 145.
Be the erecting of hospitalis to sustene the pure 1558-66 Knox II 300.
The certantie thairof was not knawin, nor yit what sowmes of money wald sufficientlie susteane the ministrie a1578 Pitsc. I 3/15.
Ane hes that micht ane hundreith weill susteine 1596 Dalr. I 252/4.
Garnard king of Peychtis … bigit a gret hous … and gaue it rentis … quhair thir women mycht … be susteinet 1596 Dalr. II 361/22.
That ilk persone pay sa mekle as he is auaile, to hald and susteine the men of weir vpon the bordiris 1615 Highland P. III 268.
Iff I may haue … some meanes to susteane ws rather nor to fors ws for want to opres otheres 1621 Elgin Rec. II 166.
xxx s. to sustein ane puir bairne 1626 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 9 Aug.
Thay war bot ane number of bairnis in ane hous togidder & na thing to sustein thame 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 51.
Sustine(2) 1645 S. Leith Rec. 57.
That the sledders and workmen who are indigent … should be sustainit by thar owne boxes(3) 1566 Grey Friars II 52.
The said small sobir pensioun of xvj li. may nocht sustene him in meit and claith(4) 1596 Dalr. I 251/15.
This Eugenie causet verie monie … men … to be susteynet of his expensis(5) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 48 (A).
Gif [a leper] has [nocht] ony gudis to sustene him a pone the clething of his awn propyr the burges of the toune sall mak a collec 1596 Dalr. I 6/15.
Of ates … is maid verie gude brede … quhilke al the north parte of Ingland, and the gretter parte of Scotland vses, and ar susteyned vpon commounlie 1596 Dalr. I 109/28.
The benifice quhairon he was susteined(6) c1420 Wynt. ii 194.
Off corne, catelle, or off fe, Quhare-wytht he mycht sustenyt be
c. With life (once, kynd) as object. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 890.
Gud modyr, quhat met can thou fynd, Sa lange to sustene thi kynd? 1513 Doug. xi iv 89.
This haitsum lyfe sustene he wald 1533 Boece 71.
The Scottis … fleand to the montanys … quhare … be mylknes, herbis and blak beryis … in somer thai sustenit thare life 1549 Compl. 124/3.
Quhen I craif my dettis quhilk suld sustene my lyif, I am bostit 1558-66 Knox II 15.
Meill and a lytill salt beiff whiche the poore woman had to susteine hir awin lyfe and the lyves of hir poore chylderein
d. reflex. 1487 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 52.
Gif thai tak wedge that thai sustene thame selff thairvpoun that day 1491 Acts II 225/1.
Gif the said are haue na blanchferme nor fewferme landis to sustene thaim on 1516–17 Edinb. B. Rec. I 165.
Becaus he may nocht sustene himself … for greit eild that he is drawin to a1540 Freiris Berw. 222 (B).
That na apperance of feist be heir sene Bot sobirly our selffis dois sustene
6. To keep in being, provide for the upkeep of (a structure, building or institution) (also, in what is required for such upkeep). 1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 396.
To sustene supple mentene apperall mend and uphald … the brig forsaid in pillaris landstalis bollis brasis 1531 Bell. Boece II 250.
Gawine Dounbar … biggit ane brig ouir Dee … and foundit ane yeirly leving to sustene the same a1578 Pitsc. II 73/16.
I affirmed … that churches sould be sustenit and vpholdin 1627 Rep. Parishes 127.
Thair is a schoole bot sustained by the labouraris of the grovnd
7. To bear or endure without giving way; to stand up to, withstand: a. Of persons. b. Of things.a. pres. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2121.
The king … persavand … That he mycht nocht sustene that scaith 1456 Hay I 68/31.
A soverane … the quhilk had power to do justice apon bathe grete rebellouris and misdoaris as apon the smallis, and that mycht sustene the fede of thame quhen he had done a1500 Henr. Fab. 1473.
Quhen rigour sittis in the tribunall, The equitie off law quha may sustene? Richt few or nane, but mercie gang betwene a1500 Lanc. 1107.
Thei … can them self ay manfoly conten In to the stour, that hard was to susten 1490 Irland Mir. I 21/13.
Pane eternall of hell … that we may nocht competentlie throu our waiknes & brukilnes sustene 1494 Loutfut MS 129a.
A prince suld ches men to battell first that mycht sustene gret borcht Secoundly that mycht sustene besy moving of thair membris & gret laubouris [etc.] 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 102.
My desie heid quhome laik of brane gart vary And not sustene so amiabill a soun c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 202.
The aufull stoure he manly did sustene 1513 Doug. vi xv 107.
Quhat wys he myght sustene or fle Evir hard danger or aduersite 1531 Bell. Boece II 472.
Scho had bot xi yeris in age, and micht nocht sustene the det of mariage 1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 223.
Our said burgh depauperat … that na dow nocht to sustene the importabill taxationes raisit vpone thame 1567 Sat. P. iv 172.
Quha may sustene the perillous auentuire Off fals fortowne c1568 Lauder Minor P. iii 20.
The godlie will with pacience imbrace Dew admonitioun for thair vice and sin. The wekit can nocht, in the contrair cace, sustene reproche 1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xli 139.
In deid that ȝe suld not susteind He thunderit threitnings to the air 1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 23.
Oure said burgh … can not sustene this grite crewaltie 1596 Dalr. II 286/9.
The Inglismen quha in number war about vii thousand ducht not susteine the number of aucht hundreth 1587-99 Hume 55/114.
Strang pousing picks the charge plaist to susteinp.t. 1533 Bell. Livy I 145/25.
Cocles … sustenit all the first bront and furie of inemyis a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 127/1.
Nocht considderand … quhow he villingly sustenit his misery and pouertep.p. 1513 Doug. i iv 71.
Ȝe haue sustenyt [1553 sustent] grettar dangeris 1579 Fam. Rose 270.
I haif sustenit langsum warding and vthir inordinat deling 1596 Dalr. I 273/12.
Eftir … mony meruellous vexatiounis, patientlie for the kirk of God susteinetb. 1531 Bell. Boece I lvi.
Thay dippit thaim [sc. shoes] … in the watter or thay put thaim on … that thair sollis … suld be the mair abil to sustene laubour c1590 J. Stewart 62/185.
Lyk ane rock firm situat in the sie Sustening stres of stormie stouris c1590 J. Stewart 3.
Ane … imperfyt prentes takith … in hand … sum slycht cloth to susteine the sklents and manks of his cunnyngles clipping
c. intr. a1500 Quare Jel. 234.
With syking wailling pleynyng and prayere And euirich thing sustene thai paciently 1535 Stewart 14110.
With sic melancolye, Into thair mynd … So that tha mycht nocht langar weill sustene 1560 Rolland Seven S. 10258.
The hartlie lufe … Quhilk nature geuis in the mother to be. Culd not suffer, nor ȝit na way sustene Bot with sair hart scho grat 1567 G. Ball. 34.
God … Gif ȝow sic grace, that ȝe sall weill sustein 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I 98.
We may na langer sustine in oure awin persoun, being alreddie wervit, and almaist brokin with the frequent uprores 1596 Dalr. I 239/18.
Ferquhard … of his raschnes, in prisone he than sustined 1620 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II 298.
Understanding hir selff to be aigit … and nocht abill to awaill or labour the grund nor sustein or awaill on hir effairis 1687 Shields Hind Let Loose 244.
Yea, not only extrajudicial confession will sustain in their law
d. tr. To uphold; enjoy (a burden of office or responsibility). 1533 Bell. Livy I 142/12.
He was sa fer rvn in age, that he mycht nocht sustene the charge of the consulate 1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 435.
Remembring that sen the begynning of this present pestilence thay haif remanet within this burgh constantlie sustenand the burding of the offices laid vpoun thame vnto this hour c1590 Fowler II 149/26.
It behovethe him to have cair of his servant … obleising him by … office & sik honorabill charges that the greatnes of his honors … may fill vp his desirs … And lykways, the great chairges and honorabill offices that he sustenis may mak him feare the change of his maister
8. To suffer, undergo (material or non-material injury or hardship).pres. 1400 Wemyss Chart. 37.
Gif it hapnis that ony of the partis sustene tynsale or scathe in defaute of getting of ony lettris a1500 Henr. Fab. 2670.
Quha did the mis lat him sustene the pane 1482 Acts XII 32/1.
Lettrez of securite … that he … sal neuir sustene dampnage a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 731 (Asl.).
All mortall man sall rys … Thar to sustene sentence diffinitif a1500 Seven S. 1540.
I wald that knyf wnforgit had bene Or we suld a schame syklyk sustene 1513 Doug. x vii 162.
Abas, that gret bargane dyd sustene 1525 St. A. Formulare I 271.
I discharge al … contractis … maid to thame … othire of lautie kyndnes or manrent sa lang as thai sustene this cursing and interdictioun 1535 Stewart 6677.
Thir dyntis dour wer aufull to sustene c1552 Lynd. Mon. 399.
Quhen we leist wene, The creuell deith we mon sustene a1568 Scott xxiv 7.
Thame … that mon sustene The kairis kene of Cupeid king 1574 Acts III 89/2.
Vnderstanding the harme quhilk this commoun weill sustenis throw want of a perfyte writtin law a1605 Montg. Flyt. 3 (T).
All reddie shall I be quhill lyf may lest, All reddie evir sorrow to sustene(b) 1458 Liber Aberbr. II 108.
We … dredys tyll susteyn mar dampnache 1490 Irland Mir. III 17/32.
For the defence of his haly faith and law he wauld susteyne the passioun and all maner of deid a1585 Maitl. Q. 42/6.
The Lord … Wer He amang ws now this day He wald far mair thoill and sustein 1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 151.
Ordaynis the persewar to releive him of all danger he can sustein thairthrow(c) 1567 G. Ball. 215.
Sustaine(d) 1565 Facs. Nat. MSS III lvi.
This maner of dealing with me quhilk … is moir grievous to my harte then all the rest of the truble that I susteane c1590 Fowler I 323/6.
For to susteane the bytes of fleas and lyce 1626 Garden Worthies 129.
T' expream Th' assaults of sorrows that her soull susteans(e) 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 239.
Swstynep.t. c1450 Cr. Deyng 56.
How wychtly thai sustenyt al tormentis … for the faith of haly kyrke c1644 Wemyss Corr. 93.
We are free of that burthen and fasherie being the weightiest and kittelest that ever I sustaind 1654 Nicoll Diary 132.
The lend suestnit much prejudice throw his removell, for he was a guid and upricht judgep.p. 1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 38.
To deliuer the said prisoners frely and assith thaim of the harmis that thai haue sustenit in deffaut of thair deliuerance c1400 Troy-bk. i 152.
Als gret defoule may fall hym till As we haue sustenyt ?14.. Ship Laws c. 10 (H2).
The maistir salbe pait his tinsale sustenit in thair defalt with the fraucht a1450 Fifteen Ois 94.
Vgsumnes that Thou sustenit Quhen Thi innomes Thé nocht menit 1560 Conf. Faith in Acts II 526/2.
That doctrine quhilk we profes and for the quhilk we haue sustenit infamy and dainger 1567 Reg. Privy C. I 522.
The ignominy, schame and sklander quhilk … scho hes sustenit a1578 Pitsc. I 81/6.
Sustenitt 1597 St. A. Baxter Bks. 61.
Considering the great hurt the craft hes sustenit throw taking in of prenteis and freimen to the craft for ovir letill(b) 1570 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XIII 227.
He hes susteinit mutillation in his neis at the raid … of Blakshawe(c) a1585 Maitl. Q. 188/59.
Ȝe knaw quhat hairme he hes susteind c1590 J. Stewart 84/147.
Than Roland haid be thé susteind na lak, Bot euir hichlie borne the palmie croune 1623 Highland P. III 316.
So I will accompt it a very grecious recompence off my great lossis susteind in his majesties seruice(d) 1558-66 Knox II 9.
The manifald assaultis that the Churche of God had sustained a1689 Cleland 27.
Now we have got a fair occasion And fit for to revenge our lesione We have sustain'd(e) c1590 Fowler I 183/6.
My harte now knawes quhat sore perpetuell payne Adoring yow with zeale it hes susteande 1617 Acts IV 550/1.
Considdering the gryit abvses … susteaned be his hienes liegis in persute of criminall causis before the Justice 1659 Conv. Burghs III 483.
The heavie prejudice susteaned be the burrowis by the … quarteringis of souldiouris 1668 Inverness Rec. II 234.
The great abuse and prejudice the inhabitants of this burghe have susteaned and ar daylie susteaneing be the washers of cloath at the riwer of Nes
b. To submit to (a test). 1663 Alford Rec. 9.
Mr. John Mair sustained his questionarie tryall, and his tryall in the languages, and is approven
9. a. intr. To (be able to) bear (to do something). b. tr. To tolerate (a person) (doing (to do) something).a. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxiii 70.
My hart … Quhilk may nocht suffer nor sustene So grit abusioun for to se 1567 G. Ball. 110.
Lat not our ennemeis blaspheme Thy Maiestie, for we may not sustene To heir thame say, [etc.]b. c1568 Lauder Minor P. ii 57.
The dayntie dammis may nocht sustene The faithfull for to fyle thair flure
10. a. Of persons: To incur, be liable for (costs, expenses, financial burdens). Also transf. 1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 37.
Qwil thai be assithit als wele of thaire costis and thaire scathis as of the principale dett giff thai haff ony sustenyt 1402 Scone Indenture.
[She] sal sustene al chargis that langys to the king of the landis of the Cragtoun for terme of hir lyfe 1474 Reg. Morton II 223.
I bind … me … to pay … to the said lord … the sovme of ten thousand poundis … for costis … scathis expensis [etc.] & interessis to be sustenyt tharthrow 1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 327.
Considering the expensis and laboris sustenit be the said Jhone and the pouerte of hym 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 175.
To refound … al costis, … sustenit be him 1560 Inverness Rec. I 45.
Thom Vaus protestis for costis, skaythis, and damnegis he sustenit in falt of his seruice 1595–6 Glasgow Burgesses 22.
Fines given to John Briscat, tailor, for the recompans of the skayth sustenit be him of the 27 merks ?c1600 Treas. Acc. XII xlviii.
This compt sustenit be me for Schir Robert [Melville] and done at his command was the beginning of all my truble 1609 Glasgow Trades House 14.
To sustean the expenses of the saidis actionis 1630 Strathendrick 104.
What heavie trouble and charges the compleaner hes susteaned these manie yeirs bygane in payment of his stipend 1644–5 Misc. Spald. C. V 163.
To Thomas Dauidsone, maister of the musick scoole, for setting wp his loiss he susteines for discharging of lyk wakis 1698 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 325.
[That] the magistrats cited [should be] liberate of all trouble and expences they may sustain thairanenttransf. 1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II 54.
To pay … ten schillingys to the said altar, for the costys and skayth it sustenys thairupon
b. Of property or assets: To be sufficient to meet or defray (expenses). 1576 Compl. Zetl. 28b.
We ar altogidder depauperat and hes not to sustene our expensis 1576–7 Reg. Privy C. II 589.
The fermoraris … that hes na uther thing to leif on and to sustene all thair necessaris and chargeis bot thair cornis
11. To play, represent (a part or rôle). c1590 Fowler II 173/14.
Be reasoun of the absence … of the thre last gentlemen quha suld [have] susteaned these personages [sc. in a masque] 1596 Dalr. I 116/25.
Thay susteine the persone of honest sitizenis
12. To hold up, hold in place; to bear a weight of. Also in fig. context. Also reflex. ?1438 Alex. ii 2557.
Wit … Laute … Heling … Thir thre ar the vertewis, I wis, That maist of strenth and vertew is For to sustene [F. soustenir] the branches wele of lufe 1456 Hay I 119/13.
As the dure turnis about apon the herre and is sustenyt be the crukis 1490 Irland Mir. III 117/13.
Thar was twa armez that sustenit it [sc. King Solomon's throne] on the richt syd and on the left that ar the nobilite and the peple a1586 Lindsay MS 38a.
Potences ar maid to sustene and to lene the body and the burdingis … he that first bure thame in armes wes stark … to sustene grit burdingis c1590 Fowler I 188/5.
O lyvlye snow, lovs sceptar that susteanes 1587-99 Hume 19/81.
The feit ar swift and members meit, for to susteine the restreflex. 1513 Doug. vii ix 99.
A rok of the see Quham with gret brute of watir smyt we se Hym self sustenys by hys huge wecht Fra wallis feill
b. p.p. Firmly fixed or rooted. 1490 Irland Mir. I 54/16.
A tre weill grundit in the erd, that has the rute weill sestynnit, be mony branchis resistis to all wynd
13. reflex. Rendering L. sustinēre: To hold back, restrain (oneself). a1500 Bk. Chess 415.
Frome lichorye a king suld him sustene For thi he suld bot onelye haue a quene
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"Susten v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/sustene>