A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Poind, n. Also: poynd; puynd, pwind; poyn. [f. as Poind v.: cf. Pind n., Pund n.2 and Pound n.2]
1. That which has been poinded: an animal or a body of cattle or an article or a number of articles taken by distraint; a distress.Dead poind, an inanimate article or collection of articles so taken as distinct from a live animal or animals.Freq. to tak(e (a poind or poinds).sing. (1) (a) 14.. Acts I 84*/2 (see Poind v. 2 a (2) (b)). 1471 Acta Aud. 21/2.
For the wrangwis taking of the poynd distrenȝeit be the said Sir Johne 1495 Acta Conc. I 407/2.
That the said Johne of Kynros derenȝe the poynd again with the charge of law 1518 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 47.
Quhatsumever poynd tane … for ony falt … to be lowsit within xv dayis 1530–1 Edinb. B. Rec. II 45.
And that the said poynd be delyuerit to the ballie of the quarter to be kepit be him apone the broustaris gude bering 1531 Carnwath Baron Ct. (S.H.S.) 138.
His offisar … quhar that he was poyndand for his unlawis & his escheittis … the poynd the offisar had tane … within the towne of Cormanstoune … the quhilk poynd the said offissar was bringand away [etc.] Ib.
Quhar he was drifand the said poynd 1536 Kirkwall Chart. 7. 1537 Reg. Privy S. II 355/1.
It sal be lefull to the said Johne … to hald the said poynd, and tak the sammyne agane with the charge of law 1562 Stirling Chart. 209.
The silver pece tane fra Johne Forester as ane poind delyverit be him for breking of the actis 1563 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 30. 1593 St. A. Kirk S. 755. 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Prisæ.
Ane poynd, distres, or moveable guds, taken for execution of ane decreit Ib. s.v. Namare. Id. Reg. Maj. i 71.
Quhen anie man sends his servants to ane other mans land, to take ane great number of eavers or beasts, as ane poynd: they quha hes taken the poynd at their furth comming out of the land, quhere the poynd is taken, sould make manifest the cattell taken before witnes there present 1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 136 (4 June).
[They] with longe rungs [etc.] … deforced the said poynd 1686 Ch. in Orkney 38.
James Miller … to have back his poind that was poinded from him for [etc.](b) 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1671) 233.
That he would comprize my person … & drive the puynd [v.r. poind] & let me be rouped, & sold to Christ(c) 1612 Edinb. Surgeons 52.
A tin pynte stope the quilk was a poyn taine fre hime the quilk lyis in bonde to the dicone of aught s.(2) 1556 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 7 Jan.
For deforsin of … officiaris … in usin of thair said office, takand poynd furtht of the said Henrys house(3) 1676 Fountainhall in M.P. Brown Suppl. Decis. III 61.
Poinded goods … if they be a dead poind, that puts the creditor poinder to no … expence in keeping itplur. 1478 Acta Aud. 59/1.
In the taking of certain poindis 1483 Acta Conc. II cxxx. 1491 Paisley B. Rec. 40.
The wrangwis spoliatioun and takin fra thaim of certane poyndis and stressis 1516 Edinb. Hammermen 91 b.
To ane pynour for berin of certane poyndis iiij d. 1563–4 Reg. Privy C. I 259. 1565 Perth B. Ct. 327 (11 May).
The said Alixander to randir & deliuer the poyndis poyndit at his hinstance fra hir 1593 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 295.
Quhatsumeuer persoun ar poindit … that thai lows thair poindis within xxiiij houris efter the dait heirof and efter thair poinding, vtherwayis the samen perpetuallie to be the tounis 1600 Elgin Rec. II 84. 1605 Glasgow Trades House 1. 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. Table 74 b. 1650 Glasgow Wrights Acts 10. 1679 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 315 (19 July).
Because no infearror judge is compitent to medle in any poynds or distresses be verteu of letters of horning 1682 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 50.
For releiving of some poynds taken from her for her annuity and stent
2. An animal or a body of cattle seized as plunder or otherwise illegally. Cf. also Pund n.2 1 b and Pound n.2 1 b (and Poind v. 3).Also const. of (a specified number of head) or, appar. pleonastically, of nowt (= of cattle).c1420 Wynt. viii 6698 (W) (see Poind v. 3), ix 48 (see Pund n.2 1 b), ix 84 (see Pound n.2 1 b). 1539 Reg. Privy S. II 475/2.
Ane respitt … for the dryving of ane poynd of iiii oxin fra Johne McCullocht 1591 Reg. Morton I 176.
This morning in the dawing thar is ane fiftei heiland menn … cam to ane feild … and twik away ane pwind of nowt
3. To put (an animal) in poynd, to impound. = Poind v. 1.1643 Orkney Rentals App. 56.
Becaus he [the kirk officer] was taking out two of his [Robert Tullo's] horses … out of the kirk-yard to put them in poynd